These profiles represent (for the most part) individuals. Certain collective beings may be found here as well. Heroes and Villains, Cosmic entities, and civilians are the major examples.
R-1 (AIM, Grizzly)
R-2 (AIM, Captain America foe)
R-11 (Galactus' servant, Dazzler character) - by GrendelPrime
R-17 (A.I.M. agent, Ka-Zar/Man-Thing foe)
Ra (Ammon Ra, Atum)
Ra of Reality-8116 (worshipped by Orsirosians)
Ra the Avenger (Captain America foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Raa (Anachronauts)
Raama (Pre-Cataclysmic character) - by Spidermay
Raankor (Baluurian, Inhumans foe)
Raava the Un-Skrulled (Skrull, Black Bolt character) - by Chadman
Raavaka (Raava the Un-Skrulled's daughter)
Rabbi Rosen (Cable/Deadpool character) - by G Morrow
Rabbit (China Force, Alpha Flight foe) - by Loki
"Rabbit-Woman" (Ani-Men, GLA story)
Rabbit Stu (Thing character) - by Markus Raymond
Rabble Rouser (Human Torch foe)
Rabe, Otto (Blitzkrieg Squad)
"Rabid" Rogan of Earth-8410 (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Rabies Badalamenti of Ultraverse (Commission, Wreckage foe)
Rabin, Dr. Benjamin (Spider-Man foe)
Rabin, Gretta (Hulk character)
Rabinowitz (NYPD)
raccoon (encountered "Night Watcher")
Race Killer (Glowworm)
Racer X (Overdrive)
Racette, Officer "Race" (Westside Ripper)
Rachalla (Conan character)
Rachel (Nick Fury ally)
Rachel (Israeli agent)
Rachele (Hulk character, actress)
Rachelson, Dr. Hellen (Project N, Count Nefaria scientist) - by MarvellousLuke
Rachid (Sinbad's crew)
Rachman (Lunatik's landlord)
Racine, Alain (Peregrine)
Rackham, Billy Bob (Luke Cage foe) - by David Lawrence
Racquet, Rita (Super Sport agent, Captain America foe)
Radar, Jan (Dane, Litter)
Radar Robot (Jet Man foe, Spider-Man Magazine character)
Radcliffe, Tod (traitor to S.T.R.I.K.E.) - by Loki
Radd, Norrin (Silver Surfer)
Radek (S.H.I.E.L.D., Jolt's physical therapist) - by Prime Eternal
Radek, Paul (Death-Stalker victim)
Radford, Daniel (Leo, Zodiac Cartel)
Radial (Xavier's School Rejects)
Radian of Earth-928 (Doom 2099 foe)
Radian (Christian Cord, former X-Student, New Warriors member) - by MarvellousLuke
Radiant (I-Bots, "Ultravengers")
Radiant, Rodney (Narcissus reincarnation, Venus character) - by Grendel Prime
Radiant Luminescence (Lord of Light)
Radioactive Kra of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Radioactive Man of Eurth (Green Death) - by Proto-Man
Radioactive Man (Igor Stancheck, Black Panther foe) - by Markus Raymond
Radio Annie (Punisher foe)
Radio Head (Fight Man foe)
Radio Two (Roger Aubrey, aka. Destroyer or Dyna-Mite)
Radion (Thing character)
Radisch, Arnold (student, Eternals character)
Radius (Ralph Hutchins)
Radner, Gilda (Not-Ready-for-Primetime-Players, Saturday Night Live cast member)
Radzik, Baron (kidnapped by Gorko)
Radzik, Franz (Marvel horror, another "Gorilla-Man") - by John Kaminski
Raek (New Mutants foe) - by Grendel Prime
Rael, Irani (Rigellian, Nova Corps, Nova (Richard Rider) character)
Rafaela ?? (Ennilux employee)
"Rafe" (Rafael Scarfe)
Rafferty (police officer)
Rafferty of Ultraverse (serial ultra killer) - by Grendel Prime
Raffles, Arthur J. (Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman)
Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (Golden Age, Whizzer ally) - by Loki
Rafi ?? (Jamie Braddock ally, possible illusion?) - by Proto-Man
Raga (Iron Man foe) - by Spidermay
Raga (the Four)
Ragallo (Man of Iron, Conan foe)
Ragar (Deviant prime minister) - by Prime Eternal
Raga-Shah (Shanna the She-Devil foe)
Rage (Harris Porter, mercenary, Silk character) - by Grendel Prime
Rage Father (Cyttorak)
Raggadorr (Mystic entity, Dr. Strange character)
Ragguch, Benjamin "Babe" (drunk idiot, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Ragnar (Master of the Sun)
Ragnar the Dark Dwarf (evil Nidavellir dwarf, Necrodamus ally) - by Proto-Man
Rahn, Evereh (Banari, Fraternus Prime)
Rahn, Trieste (Starblasters) - by Prime Eternal
Rahner (Gladiator (Potter) victim)
Raid of Earth-11332 (Ant-Man (Peter Parker) foe)
Raiden (Stalkers, Venom/Vengeance foe)
Raidus (Microverse, Carnage/Venom character)
Railsback, Dr. Laurence (Project: Glamor)
Rainbow (I.C.O.N., Ludwig von Frankenstein)
Rainbow (Galadorian Spaceknight, Rom character)
Rainbow Punch (Punch Bunch, Kool-Aid Man's team)
Rainbow Serpent (Aboriginal god of fertility)
Rainbow Snake (Damballah)
Rain Boy (Carl Aalston, X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
"Rainey, Joe" (Punisher undercover)
Rain Falling West (Keewazi, She-Hulk character)
Rain Man (Lightning Bolt foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rains, Sandra (Namor character)
Rajac (1950s vampire, slew Gorki)
Rajah of Earth-59523 (elephant, opposed Emperor of Mars)
Rajah (Kahir Mahadevu, Circus of Crime elephant trainer) - by Chadman
Rajan (Punisher character)
Rajar (Inhuman)
Rajar the elephant (Circus of Death trained elephant) - by Chadman
Raji the dog (owned by an Inhuman)
Raju (Vivisector's boyfriend)
Rak (served Yellow Claw, found Screemies)
Rak (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man
Ra-Kar (1 Billion BC Mars, Gullivar Jones foe) - by Grendel Prime
Raker of Earth-691 (Keeper, Killraven character)
Raker of Earth-7481 (Apeslayer character)
Raker (Universal Church of Truth, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Chadman
Rakkhal (Overlord) of Earth-6966
Rakku (Vulcanians)
Rakkus (Acolytes; Avengers foe)
Raksasa (Avengers West Coast foe) - by Proto-Man
Rakses (Bloodstone foe) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Raksor (Skrull warrior) - by Prime Eternal
Ralde (Queen of Kelbaza, mother of Karlk)
Raldo (drug dealer, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Rale, Paul (3250 AD, Lod foe)
Raleigh, Richard (Disruptor, Spider-Man foe)
Ralf of Earth-81244 (30th century time traveler, Kilgore Slaughter character)
Ralf ?? (Fat Boys)
Ralfzz's robot (Hulk foe)
Ralgand (Overlord's father) of Earth-6966
Ralim (Kull foe)
Ralph ?? (Swamp Tank owner, Ka-Zar character)
Ralph ?? (747 jet passenger alongside Fantastic Four)
Ralph ?? (Black Widow's former landlord)
Ralph ?? (Former Order of Mutants)
Ralph ?? (Civil War: Front Line character) - by Chadman
Ralphie (Ralph Hutchins)
Ralphie ?? (Carlos Sanchez's cousin)
Ralston (Geraldo Kabal ally)
Ralston, Buck (Tribune)
Ralston, Ned (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Ralston, Robert "Reb" (Howling Commandos member) - by Prime Eternal
"Ram" (Hiram Riddley)
Rama (Vishnu)
Raman (Namor character) - by MarvellousLuke
Rama-Tut (Nathaniel Richards, Immortus aspect)
Rama-Tut (rogue Chronomonitor, Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four foe)
Rambeau, Frank (Monica Rambeau's father, Avengers character) - by Norvo
Rambeau, Maria (Monica Rambeau's mother, Avengers character) - by Norvo
Rambeau, Monica of Earth-721 (posed as Earth-616's Pulsar)
Rambo, Joseph (Binary Bug)
Rambow, Larry (Monster in the Streets, Fantastic Four character)
Rambow, Zolten (father of Larry/Monster)
Rambu (Aakon cyborg, Captain Mar-Vell ally)
Rambunazeth, Zamanathan (Explorer)
Ramin (Atlantean, Namor character)
Ramirez (Cole North ally)
Ramirez, Col. (Devil-Slayer foe)
Ramirez, Generalissimo Ernesto (South American dictator) - by Proto-Man
Ramirez, Frank (Sinner foe)
Ramirez, Tomas (Fire-Eater)
Ramis (Sweat Shop)
Rammon (Priest of Ibis, father)
Rammon (Priest of Ibis, son)
Ramôn ?? (Glory Grant's cousin, Midas the Golden Man victim)
Ramon ?? (el Tigre agent)
Ramon ?? (Punta Arenas, helped Polaris)
Ramon ?? of Ultraverse (Firearm character)
Ramon ?? of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Ramon ?? (ClanDestine character)
Ramon ?? (Generation M character)
Ramona the leopard (Mr. Hyle's trained leopard)
Ramora (Parasites member)
Râ Morgana (Conan's daughter)
Ra-Mos (Kull character)
Ramos, Jesus (Stone Perfs)
Ramos, Kristina (Captain Marvel (Rambeau) foe) - by Grendel Prime
Ramos, Miguel (Shadow Hound of Cardiff Moor neighbor)
Rampage (Stuart Clarke)
Rampaging Russian (Cossack)
Rampson, Alistair (Nick Fury character)
Ramrod (Iron Man foe) - by Luis Dantas & Snood
Ramrod (Daredevil/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Ramrod (Heavy Metal, Brute Force foe)
Ramrog (servant of Lord Votan)
Ramsey, Dr. Keith (Captain Britain character)
Ramsey, Douglas (Cypher)
Ramsey, Paul (Torr foe)
Ramsey, Roger "Rock" (Stilt-Man Gang)
Ramu (Ancient One's servant, Dr. Druid ally) - by Proto-Man
Ramus (Inhuman, Black Bolt/Medusa wedding guest) - by Chadman
Rana (Aegir's daughter)
Ranaq (Great Beasts, Alpha Flight foe) - by Norvo
Ranar (Deviant, son of Brother Tode) - by Spidermay
Ranark the Ravager (Thing/Alpha Flight foe)
Rancor of Earth-691 (Wolverine descendant, Guardians of the Galaxy foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rand (Golden Age, patriarch of the Rand clan)
Rand, Constance (mother of Golden Age Ka-Zar (David Rand))
Rand, Daniel (Iron Fist)
Rand, Druscilla (Golden Age character)
Rand, Heather (Iron Fist's mother)
Rand, John (father of Golden Age Ka-Zar (David Rand)) - by Loki
Rand, Pvt. Jonce (Golden Age character)
Rand, Mona (1950s spirit) - by Spidermay
Rand, Steve (Atlas)
Rand, Wendell (Iron Fist's father)
Randac (former Inhuman ruler, discovered Terrigenesis)
Randall ?? (Red Wolf foe)
Randall ?? (Matt Murdock client)
Randall ?? (Inhumans character)
Randall (Midas Investments, Daredevil character)
Randall, Cliff (SHIELD, Collective Intelligence)
Randall, Faye (Marvel romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Randall, Mark (Deadeye)
Randau (Space Parasite)
Ran-Deff (Mar-Vell character)
Randi (Brother Randi)
Randi, Jim (hired by Matt Murdock)
Rand'Kai, Miranda (Death-Sting, Iron Fist's half-sister)
Rand'Kai, Wendell (Iron Fist's father)
Randolph ?? (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)
Randolph, Rex (Edifice Rex)
Random (X-Factor member/foe) - by Chadman
Random, Jeremiah (Avengers foe)
Random, Johnny of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Ranefer, Ayla (Rotwrap, D.O.A.)
Ranetti, Otto (Karrg creator, It the Living Colossus foe)
Randy ?? (victim of werewolf Jeffrey Winters) - by Loki
Randy ?? (J. Jonah Jameson's nephew)
Randy ?? (Brood)
Randy ?? (Inhumans character)
Randy ?? (White Tiger (Del Toro) character)
"Randy" (Onyxx)
Ranephi (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
"Range" (Deviant Horde)
Rangely (professor, found & raised Tyranno)
Ranger (Harriers)
Ranger of Ultraverse (Bob Campbell, later Prototype)
Ranger (Spider-Man (Parker) character) - by Norvo
Rangert, Carl (Defenders character)
Rangi (Gaea, Earth-Mother goddess)
Rangoo (Tigerman ally)
Ranilla (Crystalium scholar, Koth's wife)
Rank (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Rankin, Calvin (Mimic)
Rankin, Dr. Ronald (Mimic's father, X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Rann, Arcturus of Earth-8096 (Microns)
Ranney, Robert (corrupt attorney)
Ransack, Ronnie (bank robber, Snailman foe)
Ransak the Reject (Inhuman/Deviant mutate, Negative Force member) - by Chadman
Ranshi Emperor of Earth-2775 (Ranshi Empire, Cable character)
Ranshi, Sandella of Reality-2775 (Ranshi Empire, Cable character)
Ransome Sole (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ranter (Fallen)
Ranzack, Mahir (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Mosaic foe)
Raoul ?? (Purple Man pawn)
Raoul (Red Skull' Armored Lackeys)
Raoul ?? of Earth-61158 (Paris, France murderer circa 1800s) - by Proto-Man
Raoul (vampire, Dracula servant, Deadpool foe)
Rapator, Rex (Dragona foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rapattak (dinosaur-themed shapeshifting villain, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Raphael ?? (street kid, Daredevil character)
"Raphael" (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe)
Rapidfire (Luke Cage foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rapido (Punisher foe)
Rapier (Scourge victim, Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Rapongan, Tung (Jawbreaker, Pacific Overlords)
Rapscallion (Kinsmen)
Raptar (Spider-Man/Puma foe) - by Minor Irritant
Raptor (Moon Knight foe)
Raptor (Avengers West Coast ally)
Raptor of Earth-96201 (Vulture/Lizard mashup) - by Proto-Man
Raptor (Damon Ryder, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Raptor the Renegade (Fantastic Four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Raptore (Omega Flight foe) - by Proto-Man
Raptra (Avengers character) - by Stunner
Rapture (Katrina Vesotsky, Techno-X)
Rapture (Cerebro's nanotech X-Men)
Rapunzel (First Line member) - by Norvo
Rarque, Dr. (Speedball character)
Râ's A-Pocalypse of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Rasberry Grape (Miyo Moshigo)
Rascal (Corageus Crew, Young Astronauts cartoon and comics, Mikey Hampton's cat)
Rasch, Omar Khayam (Mister Death)
Rashid (Bagmom)
Rashid ?? (Cult of the Living Pharao)
Rashid ad-Din (12th Century, Hashishin leader)
Rashu (1950s mystic) - by John Kaminski
Rasirith (Conan foe)
Rask (Chosen)
Raskos B'Quen (Conan foe)
Rasputin (Iron Man foe)
Rasputin (Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane)
Rasputin, Ichabod (Rasputin, Iron Man foe)
Rasputin, Iliana of Earth-717
Rasputin, Illyana
Rasputin, Illyana of Earth-987 (Colossus' daughter)
Rasputin, Mikhail of Earth-295 (Horsemen of Apocalypse, Age of Apocalypse) - by Norvo
Rasputin, Piotr (Colossus)
Rassendyll, Judith (Excalibur character) - by Norvo
Rassilon (Doctor (Who) ally)
Rassitano, Julius Anthony "Mad Dog" (Code: Blue) - by Prime Eternal
Raston, sir (Anachronauts)
rat (Worm Man foe)
rat (brain transferred into Frankenstein's monster)
"Rat" (Barney Barton)
Rat (Ani-Mates)
Rat (Marvel UK, Ghostman Bat ally)
Rat (Terror victim) - by Markus Raymond
Rat (Wonder Man character) - by Chadman
Rat (Alley Behind a Closed-Down Laudromat Comic Con guest)
Rat Bastard of Earth-88469 (Sadistic Six, Dead Clown foe)
Rat Bomber (vampire, Legion of the Unliving)
rat/Lord Pumpkin hybrid (Ultraverse character)
Ratatoskr (Asgardian squirrel god, Squirrel Girl character) - by Chadman
Ratbag (Deadpool's biographer) - by Patrick D Ryall
Ratchid, nurse (Secret Empire)
Ratchvek (creator of Symbiotic Weapons Suit)
Rath (Captain Universe (Eddie) foe)
Rath, Xavier (Blade foe)
Rat King (Piper's son, Generation X foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ratri (Hindu god) - by Per Degaton
Ratri (The Nest)
Ratso (Rats of Central Park)
Rattack of Earth-691 (21st Century, Killraven foe)
Rattamun, Dr. (Spider-Man character)
Rattan (video game character, Captain America foe) - by LV
Rattatosk (Ratatoskr)
Rat Thing (Algernon)
Rattilore (New Mexico Outcasts)
Rattler (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe)
Rattler (Two-Gun Kid foe)
Rattler of Earth-77013 (Spider-Man foe)
Rattler (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Ratzo (Smashers)
Ratzo (Skrull warpjacker)
Rava (Silver Surfer character)
Ravager (Radion)
Ravager (Ranark)
Ravager (Neooqtoq)
Ravager of Worlds (Conan character)
Ravager of Worlds (Terminus)
Ravanna, Narda (Belladonna)
Ravarez (boxer)
Rave (Iron Fist foe) - by Markus Raymond
Rave, Travis (Spider-Man character)
Ravek, Joe (1950s wife murderer, mystically influenced) - by Grendel Prime
Ravek, Mary (1950s, Joe's wife)
Raven (Old West criminal) - by Ron Fredricks
Raven (Rawhide Kid foe)
Raven, Helene (Jacob's wife)
Raven, Jacob (detective, Spider-Man character) - by Minor Irritant
Raven, John of Earth-7305 (Will of the People, Corps member)
Raven, Joshua (Deathraven, Killraven's brother)
Raven, Matthew (Jacob's son)
Raven, Redford (Old West, Red Raven)
Ravencroft, Molly (17th century, English colonist)
Ravenlock, Sir Gavin (Ghost of Ravenlock)
Ravenscore, Dirk of Earth-Shadowline (Powerline foe)
Ravenscore, Eric of Earth-Shadowline (Dirk's brother, Powerline foe)
Ravenscore, Tyler of Earth-Shadowline (Dirk's father, Powerline foe)
Ravenstorm, Jedediah (Hellstorm/Thing character)
Ravian (Bird-Men, Kull character)
Ravine lion (lion of Cithaeron)
Raving Beauty (Punisher character) - by Grendel Prime
Ravonna (Avengers character)
Rawhide Le Pew (Merry Maladies)
Rawlings, Cedric (Captain America foe) - by Prime Eternal
Rawlings, Celia (Cedric's sister)
Rawlins (Johnny Blaze character)
Rawls, Earl (1950s sci-fi character) - by John Kaminski
Rawson, Elizabeth (Knockout, Femme Fatales)
Raxton, Mark (Molten Man)
Ray ?? (San Francisco Police Department) - by Chadman
Ray ?? (Hollywood agent, Karen Page character)
Ray, Dorothy (WWII spy, Angel (Halloway) ally)
Raya ?? (mutant caught by Charmaine Grand)
Rayburn, Roland (Persuader)
Raydar (Blood)
Raye, Frankie (Nova)
Raye, Jeff (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Rayessa (Morbius character)
Raymas, Rita (1950s magician) - by Ron Fredricks
Raymas the Great (Rita Raymas)
Raymond ?? (1950s, Tommy Norton's uncle)
Raymo (Daredevil character, former debt collector) - by Chadman
Raymond ?? of Earth-760207 (Richard Damien's bodyguard) - by Proto-Man
Raymond ?? (drug dealer, Danny Guitar ally)
Raymond ?? (lived nearby the Inhuman Flint)
Raymond, Fred (Golden Age, Toro's father) - by Chadman
Raymond, Grover (Aries, Zodiac Cartel)
Raymond, Kenneth of Earth-36701 (cynical boy who saved Ms. Marvel) - by Proto-Man
Raymond, Nora (Golden Age, Toro's mother)
Raymond, Terry (T-Ray, X-Men)
Raynes, Windsor (Fantastic Four character)
Raze (Silver Surfer character) - by Stunner
Raze of Earth-9811 (Battleworld)
Raze the Bug-Spray Baron of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
Razmuz, Abdullah (ancient pharao, Human Torch (Hammond) foe) - by AvatarWarlord
Razor ("Committee of Five")
Razor of Earth-51320 (Monkey o'Doom foe)
Razor of Earth-80324 (Paradox character)
Razorak the Bold (Red Wizard victim)
Razorblade (Fangs, aka Buzzsaw and Slasher, Avengers foe)
Razorblade (Braineaters)
Razor Cut (Trash, Power Pack/Cage foe) - by Patrick D Ryall
Razor-Fist (original, agent of Carlton Velcro) - by Prime Eternal
Razor-Fist (second, Shang-Chi, Spider-Man, Elektra, Avengers, Captain America, etc. foe) - by Prime Eternal
Razor-Fist (third, brother of the second) - by Prime Eternal
Razorhead (X-Statix foe) - by Proto-Man
Razor Sharpe (Rosalind Sharpe)
Razor Wire (Wicked Brigade)
Razorwire (Spider-Man/Cage foe) - by Minor Irritant
Razumihin, Colonel (Seraph ally, Defenders character)
Read, William (Tempest, M-Branch X-Force)
Reader (with Forey, Inhuman) - by Chadman
Ready Girl (Rosie Green, New York Emergency Management character) - by Proto-Man
Reagan, President Ronald of Earth-267
Reanimator (Nova foe) - by Madison Carter
Reaper (Captain America/Bucky foe)
Reaper (Demon-Fire)
Reaper (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by Spidermay
Reaper (Pantu Hurageb)
Reaper (Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Reaper of Souls (Devil-Slayer)
Reath, Marla (1950s, reclusive vampire, turned Eddie Baxter)
Reaver (Captain Britain foe)
Reaver (Firebolt (Sloan) )
Reaver (Darkholders, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Reaver of Men's Fate (Dansker)
Reban (Xandarian, Nova character)
Rebbahn, Garnok (Silver Surfer foe) - by Norvo
Rebecca ?? (Alfredo Morelli's girlfriend)
Rebecca Tourmenet (Terminatrix)
Rebbeck, Terrence "Terry" of Earth-18 (Young Nastyman)
Rebel (enemy-swallowing superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
rebel leader of Caraneri (Morg's race)
Rebo (Lila Cheney/Strong Guy ally) - by Grendel Prime
Rebound (First Line member) - by Norvo
Rebound (alternate reality, possible proposed young Avengers in training)
Recall (M.O.N.S.T.E.R.)
Recession Raider (Skrull imposter)
Rech, Banca (Halflife)
Reckless Eric (Wolverine foe)
Reckoner (Tarianna of Leenn)
Recluse of Earth-82595 (Spider-Totem) - by Proto-Man
Recoil (Punisher foe)
Recoil of Earth-1191 (X.S.E., Bishop character) - by MarvellousLuke
Recordasphere (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Recorder (unrevealed designation, Starstealth agent) - by Markus Raymond
Recorder (undesignated; New Rigel-3; Adam Warlock & Thanos character)
Recorder of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Recorder #417 of Earth-829 (Hercules 2300 ally)
Red ?? (Lathrop ranch foreman, Black Rider character)
Red ?? (Golden Age, Human Torch foe)
Red ("Red" Norvell/Thor)
Red of Earth-5555 (Freedom Fighters)
Red (LMD, ally of S.H.I.E.L.D.) - by Prime Eternal
Red ?? (Captain America ally)
"Red" ("Knuckledown," unpublished Marvel UK title)
Red of Earth-295 (Norman Osborn, Marauders, Age of Apocalypse)
Red (Old West, Reno Phoenix's horse)
Red Barbarian (Iron Man foe)
"Red Baron" (War-Yore)
Redbeard ("Red" Norvell/Thor)
Red Beard Dolan (cover identity, Old West sheriff)
Redbird of Earth-1041 (Alpha Flight, Millennial Visions)
Red Bishop (Conrad Strathdee, London Hellfire Club) - by Proto-Man
Redblade (Old West, Dr. Strange/Nick Fury foe) - by Markus Raymond
Red-Bone (Satan's Saints gang member)
Red Breath (Rocket Raccoon foe) - by Elf with a Gun
Red Bull (Toro Rojo)
Redditch, Mrs. (wife of DePrayve)
Redditch, Winston (DePrayve)
Red Dawn of Earth-928 (Spider-Man 2099 character)
Red Death (Candra)
Red Devil ("Battling Jack" Murdock)
"Red Dragon" (Welsh Dragon)
red dragon of Earth-82105 (Hulk the Barbarian foe)
Red Dragon (Gareth Thomas, S.H.E.)
Red Dragon (successor, S.H.E.)
"Red Dwarf" (Nain Rouge)
Redeemer (Craig Saunders Jr., Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Redeemer (Acroyear)
Redek, Gary (She-Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Redeye of Eurth (Cyclops (Scott Summers) counterpart) - by Proto-Man
Redeyes (Druid character)
Red Fever (Punisher character)
Redfield, Jim (Code: Blue foe) - by Prime Eternal
Redfield, Dr. John (scientist, Frank Miller's friend)
Red Flag (Venom foe) - by Minor Irritant
Red Fox (Chinese resistance fighter, Leatherneck Raiders ally) - by Prime Eternal
Red Ghost of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Redguard (Thor character)
Red Guardian (1940's hero) - by Per Degaton
Red Guardian (Alexi Shostakov, Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Red Guardian (android, Black Widow foe)
Red Guardian (Defenders member, Starlight) - by Chadman
Red Guardian of Earth-3470 (Soviet Super-Soldiers)
Redhair (D-Man)
Redhand, Sovel (Shi'ar, X-Men character)
Redhand, Taric (1st millennium pirate, Marada character)
Red Hate (Captain America foe)
"Red-head" (Microverse refugee)
Red Hulk (gun-wielding, red-skinned gamma mutate) - by Loki
Red Hulk of Earth-28245 (President of the United States) - by Copeinator123
Red Ian Og (Clansman, 1692)
Red King (Red Lord)
Red King (18th century, Hellfire Club; George Clinton)
Red King (Alan Wilson, London Hellfire Club member) - by Proto-Man
Red King (Angmo-Asan, Hulk foe)
Red Knight (Red Lord)
”Red Lens” (Tigra foe)
Redline (Fast Five)
Red Lord (Celtic God, Knights of Pendragon foe) - by Markus Raymond & Changeling
Red Lord (Taraskh)
Red Lucy (Scarlet Witch character) - by Markus Raymond
Red Man (Hellspawn)
Red Monarch of Earth-839 (Captain UK character)
Redmond (Punisher foe)
Redmond, John (18th century, loved a witch)
Redmond, Silas (pirate, encountered Davy Jones)
Red Moon, Timmy (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Red Nine (Spider-Man character) - by the Beetle
"Red" Norvell (temporary Thor, Thor character) - by Loki
Redondo (Conan ally) - by Greg O
Redondo, Hector (the Holy)
Redpath, Inali (Captain America character)
Red Poppy (1950s Korean War era opium distributor, Combat Casey foe) - by Grendel Prime
Red Queen (18th century, Hellfire Club; Lady Diana)
Red Queen of Earth-998 (originally Earth-9575, X-Man (Nate Grey) character)
Red Rajah (Star of Capistan)
Red Raven (Old West, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Red Raven
Red Raven (Dania, Defenders character) - by Chadman
Red Ronin (Godzilla, Avengers, and Wolverine character) - by Madison Carter & Snood
Red Ronin (UJ1-DX/Namie, cyborg Loners member)
Red Shift (Galactus herald) - by Stunner
Redshirt (Taskmaster foe) - by Grendel Prime
Red Skrull of Reality-77640 (attendee of the Fantastic Four roast) - by Zuckyd1
Red Skull (George Maxon, Captain America foe) - by Spidermay
Red Skull (communist, Albert Malik)
Red Skull
Red Skull of Earth-8342 ("Red Skull II", son of Red Skull; Captain America: 30 years in the future)
Red Skull (zombie, First Line foe)
Red Skull of alternate Earth (1998 Fox Kids, Captain America/Tommy Tompkins foe)
Red Sonja of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Red Soryll (Weirdworld, dragon of Klarn) - by Prime Eternal
Redstone of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Red Sulk of Earth-9047 (Forbush Man foe) - by MarvellousLuke & Proto-Man
Red Surfer of Earth-22666 (Heralds, Millenial Visions 2001)
Red Terror (Golden Age, Human Top (Bruce Bravelle) foe)
"Red Tom Dekker" (Gary Redek)
Red Vision of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character) - by Skullogeist
Red Warrior (Old West Comanche hero) - by Grendel Prime
Red Water Fall (Wolverine character)
Red Widow (Winter Guard member/manipulator, Red Room graduate) - by Proto-Man
Redwing (Fantastic Four ally) - by Sammy 7D
Red Wizard (Akoos, Pre-Cataclysm)
Red Wizard (Great Cataclysm)
Red Wizard (1000 AD)
Red Wizard (Malgato)
Red Wolf (Old West native warrior) - by Grendel Prime
Red Wolf (Apache brave, Rawhide Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Red Wolf of the 18th Century (Wildrun)
Red Wolf of the 19th Century (Johnny Wakely)
Red Wolf of the 1970s (Thomas Thunderhead)
Red Wolf of Earth-829 (Hercules 2300 foe)
Red Wolf of of Earth-829 (Talbosian god)
Redwood, Ritchie (Skrull, Glenbrook ruler)
Red Zepplin (costumed wrestler) - by Prime Eternal
Ree (Protector of the Universe)
Reece, Tucker (Moleculon) of Earth-9811
Reed, Nicholas (terrorist, Fortress)
Reed, Sir Richard of Earth-311 (Mr. Fantastic counterpart)
Reese (1950s mutate) - by Ron Fredricks
Reese, Augustus (Kenneth's step-father)
Reese, Driver (Wolverine foe)
Reese, Duncan (Kenneth's step-brother)
Reese, Kenneth (1950s ghost) - by Spidermay
Reese, Kerry (Hydropolis inhabitant)
Reese, Lawrence (Kenneth's step-brother)
Reese, Michael "Mickey" (Ladykiller)
Reeves, Duncan (Deathlok character)
Reeves, Dr. James of Earth-92131 (scientist turned jungle man, Spider-Man '94 cartoon) - by Markus Raymond
Reeves, Malcolm (Brotherhood foe) - by Zerostar
Reeves, Malon (Brotherhood) - by Zerostar
Ree-Zee (Para-Man)
Reflex (First Line member) - by Norvo
Refrigerator Man (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
"Refugee Collective" (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Reg ?? ("Wally's Nightclub Raiders")
Regal, Andrew (Mekano's father)
Regal, Thomas "Tom" (Mekano)
Regent (Blood, Hidden)
Regent, Richard (Samantha's brother)
Regent, Samantha (Blade character) - by Markus Raymond
Reggie (1859, Billy; Marauders member)
"Reggie" (Subbie foe)
Reggie ?? (Rosalind Sharpe employee)
Reggie ?? (Euro-Trash organizer)
Regina ?? (Purple Man pawn)
Regina ?? (Inhumans character)
Reginald, Mr. (Headline Hunter character)
Regional Director Nelson (S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America character)
Regular Danielle (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Regulator of New Universe (Harlan Hackbarth, paranormal, D.P.7 character) - by Prime Eternal
Rei (Clea)
Reich, Ambassador (possesed by Beast, Elektra foe)
Reich, Wilhelm (controversial psychiatrist)
Reichert, Tommy (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Reid (Morbius foe)
Reid, Ken (NFL SuperPro ally) - by Markus Raymond
Reifschneider, Karl (Whisper)
Reigel, Charles (Gotham Game Club, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Reiger, Max (Ruritanian National Guard, Nightcrawler character)
Reiker, Terry (Sgt. Fury character) - by Prime Eternal
Reiko ?? (Hellfire Club servant)
Reiko ?? (Assassins Guild)
Reilly, Ben (Scarlet Spider)
Reilly, Peter (Bloodwraith victim)
Reilly, William Robert "Billy Bob" (Phat, X-Statix)
Reimos (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Reincarnated Man (Infinitus)
Reiner, Biff of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe, Tag Team)
Reiner, Todd of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe, Tag Team)
Reinhold, Gunther (private detective, Graydon Creed character) - by MarvellousLuke
Reinstein, Josef (Abraham Erskine)
Reiss (Mechanic, Punisher character)
Reject (Ransak the Reject)
reject (unnamed, Rejects)
Rekrab (mystic owner of Rekrab's Arcanum, Terror Inc. character)
Rekxor (Skrull slaver) - by Proto-Man
Relstor (Levians)
Remmick (Project Echelon, Red She-Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Remming, Donnie (Falcon character) - by Markus Raymond
Remming, Hal (Donnie's father)
Remming, Vicki (Donnie's mother)
Remnant of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme foe) - by Norvo
Remora of Earth-691 (31st Century, Guardians of the Galaxy character) - by Grendel Prime
Remora (Namor character) - by Chadman
Remora the Snow Devil (Ice Worm, Hyborian era; possibly Yakhmar)
Removal Man (unpublished Marvel UK title, Motormouth foe) - by Loki
Rem-Ram (Acolytes, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Remsen, Adam of New Universe (Nightmask's father)
Remsen, Keith of New Universe (Nightmask)
Remsen, Lenore of New Universe (Nightmask's mother)
Remus (Wolverine character) - by Markus Raymond
Remz, Sylar (Blade foe)
Ren (Renrutanit)
Ren (Hyborian era, Void Indigo character)
Ren (Illuminator character)
Ren of Earth-20345 (futuristic heroine) - by Proto-Man
Ren, Sano (Sano Orii)
Renaldo (salesman at Tiffany's)
Renard, Ace (WW II, crime character) - by Prime Eternal
Renaro (Conan character)
Renaud (Purple Man pawn)
Rendel, Joseph of Earth-741 (UK Space Group, Captain Empire ally)
Rendoza, Hector (Wraith)
Rene ?? (Daredevil character)
Renee ?? (Captain America character)
Renee ?? (Nighthawk character)
Renee ?? (friend of Heather Glenn)
Renegade Master (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Renfield of Earth-928 (Doom 2099 character)
Rennar (Homo mermani)
Rennels, Gordon (Scotland Yard, forensics examiner)
Rennie, Allan (Murmur)
Rennie, Cole (Professor Viper)
Rennie, Katherine (Iron Man character) - by Chadman
Rennsalaer, Richard (Overrider)
Renny ?? (Daredevil foe, Insomnia henchman)
Reno (Fantastic Four character/Jean Reno tribute) - by Zerostar
Reno, Jack (Mercy Corporation)
Reno Eddie (Moon Knight character)
Renolds, Jack (1950s American tourist, encountered vampires) - by Grendel Prime
Reno Phoenix (Reno Carlotta, Old West era Phoenix Force host) - by Proto-Man
Renrutanit (witch, Conan character) - by Spidermay
Renslayer, Ravonna Lexus of Earth-8657
Replicoid (Thor character) - by Prime Eternal
Replicoid (Invisible Woman character)
Replicus (Thor foe)
Reppion, Vicki (S.T.R.I.K.E.Psi Division)
Repra (Snark leader, Power Pack associate) - by Loki
Reppion, Walter (S.T.R.I.K.E., X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Reptil (green-skinned, reptile-themed superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Reptil (Humberto Lopez, Avengers Academy student) - by Chadman
Reptile (android Human Torch foe) - by Future
Reptilian Rocker (Behemoth Jack)
Reptilla proto-husk (Salem's Seven proto-husks, Deadpool foe)
Reptyl (Silver Surfer/Avengers foe)
Reptyl Prime (Reptyl)
Repucci, "Babyface" Ann (Mob Princesses)
Repulse (Neo, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Repulsive Rudolf (Mad Monk)
Repulsor (Carlos Carago, Juarez foe)
Repulsor (Claudio Juarez, NFL SuperPro foe/ally) - by Markus Raymond
Requiem of Ultraverse (demon/alien hybrid) - by Grendel Prime
Requiem (Neo, Lost Souls, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Resentment of Earth-88469 (Sadistic Six, Dead Clown foe)
Resistor (Prowler foe) - by Minor Irritant
Resourcelike (Crazed Maniac foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Resplendent One (Lord of Light)
Reston, Clive of Earth-79816
Resurrected Queen of Briton (Red Queen of Earth-998)
Resurrection Stone, entity within (Beast foe)
"Resuscitated Warrior of the South" (Huitzilopochtli)
Retler, Franklin of Shadowline (Merchants, Dr. Zero foe)
Retread (U.S 1 character)
Retribution of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Retro (Corageus Crew's robot, Young Astronauts cartoon and comics)
Retteroff, Leibo (Oleg)
Reuben (Bob Brant's raccoon)
Reuben (Committee)
Reuben ?? (Catiana's mother's boyfriend)
Reuger, Hans (World War II, Nazi saboteur) - by Ron Fredricks
Reuss, Emilio (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Reuther, Sam (journalist, Avengers character) - by Norvo
Rev (Punisher foe)
Revanche of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon) - by MarvellousLuke
Revelation of Earth-93091 (Kang foe)
Revelation (Morlock, Wolverine/Punisher character) - by Markus Raymond
Revenge (Childs)
Revenue of Earth-88469 (gun-toting IRS agent) - by Grendel Prime
Rever, Brad (Able Electronics, Chaptain America character)
Rever, Dan (Brad's son)
Reverb (Gene Nation)
Revere, Edgar of Earth-5106 (Space Squadron member) - by Grendel Prime
Revere, Paul of Earth-57780 (Spidey Super Stories, aided by time-travelling Spider-Man and Captain America)
Reverend (Dragon Circle)
Reverend of Earth-928 (2099 AD, Lawless)
Reverend (Muties character)
Reverend Addison Blackburn (Reverend, Dragon Circle)
Reverend Bob Cumeo (Daredevil character)
Reverend Daemond (Morbius foe)
Reverend Delacroix of Ultraverse (Prime/Elven foe) - by Markus Raymond
Reverend Godfrey Gander ("Duckworld")
Reverend Graves (Gunhawks foe)
Reverend Otis Jeaver (Luke Cage friend)
Reverend Miller (officiated wedding of Reed Richards & Susan Storm) - by Ron Fredricks
Reverend Nice (Vengeance foe) - by Markus Raymond
Reverend Reaper (Phantom Rider foe)
Reverend Salthouse (Archangel character)
Reverend Sharp (Reverend Styge deacon, Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
Reverend Stryker (Power Cult)
Reverend Styge (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man
Reverend Yuc (Howard the Duck foe)
Reverend Egg Foo Yung (Spider-Man foe, Golden All-Star Book) - by Proto-Man
Reverent Circus Pants XVII (Interstel Church of Perpetual Annoyance)
Reverse Detective of Earth-15705 (Squirrel Girl foe)
Revery, Alder (Past Master)
Rex (Dr. John Storm's dog)
Rex (Ultron's dog) - by Prime Eternal
Rex (Sugar Man ally, X-Man foe) - by Norvo
Rex of Earth-91918 (former pet of Kraven)
Rex the Dog-Faced Boy (Circus of Lost Souls)
Rex, Edifice (Edifice Rex)
Rexel Toiven (Inhuman) - by Chadman
Rexy (Rex Lane)
Rey (el Dorado, They who Wield Power)
Rey, Antonio "Toni" (Picaro, Euroforce)
Reyes, Gabe of Earth-53912 (younger brother of Robbie Reyes)
Reyes, Nick (Jimmy Littlehawk foe)
Reyes, Robbie (Ghost Rider)
Reynard, Mr. (agent for Warrant, Spider-Man character)
Reyno (Alpha Primitive, Alecto love interest)
Reynolds (Ben Urich foe)
Reynolds (Deathgrin associate)
Reynolds (Avenger X victim) - by Proto-Man
Reynolds, Ann Farrow (Skull supporting cast)
Reynolds, Arthur (Copperhead)
Reynolds, Jerome (Father Reynolds)
Reynolds, John of Ultraverse (Foxfire)
Reynolds, Katherine (Legion of the Night)
Reynolds, Madge (Fernville, wife of Carl Reynolds)
Reynolds, Richard (Dracula character)
Reynolds, Robert (Sentry)
Reynolds, Roger (1950s Mystery Tales character) - by Ron Fredricks
Reynolds, Steffi (romance character) - by Grendel Prime
Reynolds MacDonald, Anna (Dracula character)
Reznor, Detective (Daredevil character)
Rhadamanthys (Tartarus)
Rhamtha Karn (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Rhapsody (X-Factor foe) - by Prime Eternal
Rhax (Conan foe) - by Spidermay
Rhaya (Tuk the Caveboy's mother) - by MarvellousLuke
Rhedollante (Monster Island creature) - by Madison Carter
Rhee, Hanna (Soo Jin's daughter)
Rhee, Luki (boy, Korean War)
Rhee, Soo Jin (Alice Kedzierski's neighbor)
Rheinhardt, Martin (Night Raven foe) - by LV
Rhiahn (Mega-Monster)
Rhiannon (Marada character)
Rhimes (FBI agent, Donald Pierce victim)
"Rhino" of Earth-38191 (cave-dwelling four-armed monster)
Rhino (Aleksei Mikhailovich Sytsevich)
Rhino (Ani-Mates)
Rhino (Brian Leighton)
rhino of Marinette Bwa Chech (Ghost Rider character)
rhino of Baron Skullfire (Ghost Rider character)
"Rhino Beetle Hulk" (Tusk)
Rhinogron (slave of Skrulls of Kral)
Rhoda Dendron (Hostess ad, Cousin Betsy)
Rhodan (Adam Warlock foe) - by caliban
Rhode Island governor (Initiative story)
Rhodes, Franklin (Wolverine/Cable character)
Rhodes, James (War Machine/Iron Patriot/Iron Man)
Rhodes, Michael (Iron Man) of Earth-8348 (Avengers)
Rhodes, Rocky (Satan's Saints gang leader)
Rhodes, Stewart of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Rhomann Dey (Nova-Prime)
Rhomann Sur of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Rhonda ?? (Namor character)
Rhondar-ling of Reality-88131 (Gornan the Bar-B-Q-Barian character)
Rhys (Alhazred's agent)
Rhys, Dafydd ap (Doctor Claw)
Riah (Kree, wife of Karr-Oll, Avengers character)
Ribando, Red (Poison, Inc. victim, Terror (Pevely) character)
Ric ?? (Black Tarantula character)
Ricard, Prof. Richard (Zombie foe)
Rice, Danny (Detective X foe)
Rice, David Anthony (Rakkus, Acolytes)
Rice, Ron (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Rice, Susan (student waitress, Alpha character) - by Chadman
Rice, Timothy (Punisher character) - by Zerostar
Rich ?? (friend of Storyteller/Gavin)
Richard (Shang-Chi character) - by the Beetle
Richard, Colin (Avro-X)
Richarde, Paul (le Sabre)
Richards, Arthur (War Marshall) of Earth-6311 (Other-Earth, son of Cassandra Richards)
Richards, Cassandra of Earth-6311 (Warlord of Other-Earth)
Richards, David of Earth-2600 (Exiles foe) - by Norvo
Richards, Detective "Dick" (Westside Ripper)
Richards, Frank (Uncanny Tales)
Richards, Franklin
Richards, Jonathan Reed of Earth-967 (Hyperstorm)
Richards, Keith of Earth-9290
"Richards, Lisa" of Earth-917 (daughter of Reed Richards & Lissette Orlova, Fantastic Four)
Richards, Mary of Earth-91112 (Invisible Girl's daughter)
Richards, Nathaniel of Eurth (St. Nathaniel) - by Proto-Man
Richards, Nathaniel (Rama-Tut/Scarlet Centurion/Kang/Immortus)
Richards (nurse, Avengers character)
Richards, N'yami Susan of Earth-98 (Franklin's daughter)
Richards, Lissette Orlova of Earth-917 (Reed's wife)
Richards, Reed
Richards, Rider (Lectronn) of Earth-1298 (Mutant X)
Richards, Rudion of Earth-717 (U.F.F.F.)
Richards, Susan
Richards, Suzy of Earth-91111 (Invisible Girl's daughter)
Richards, Tara of Earth-6311 (Huntara)
Richards, Ted (Mr. Fantastic's uncle) - by Proto-Man
Richards, Ursula (Defenders ally) - by Chadman
Richards, Valeria
Richards, Whitney of Ultraverse (Masque)
Richards, Zawadi of Earth-98 (Franklin's wife)
Richardson, Annie of Earth-523004
Richardson, Mark (Kool-Aid Man character)
Richardson, Mickey (Smalltown Sluggers, Kool-Aid Man character)
Richelieu, Mr. (Northstar character)
Richie ?? (Schechter high school yearbook staff)
Richie ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Richie Cool (Thor Foe)
Richlen, Buck (SHIELD, Iron Man foe) - by Prime Eternal
Richmond, Dennis (One-Man Atrocity, All-Hate Squad)
Richmond, Kyle (Nighthawk)
Richmond, Neil of Earth-712 (Nighthawk)
Richter, Johan (Priest of Sickles)
Richter, Julio (Rictor)
"Rich Uncle Pennybags" (Swamp City)
Rick ?? of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
"Rick ??" (son of "Tentacula")
Rick ?? (bomb victim)
Rickert (Slug employee)
Rickey ?? of Earth-32491 (friend of Marie, rescued by Wolverine) - by Proto-Man
Rickford, David (Captain America)
Rickman, Jonathan (Captain Power victim)
"Ricky" of Earth-81113 (Hulk-Hare character)
Ricky ?? (Hellcat character)
Ricky ?? (Shadow-Captains)
Rico ?? (Tamora, Sicily)
Rico ?? (ex-boyfriend of Heather Glenn)
Rico ?? (criminal, Daredevil foe)
Rico ?? (NYC Fire Department)
Rico ?? (Silverfang)
"Rico" (Ricochet (Gallo) )
Rico ?? (Scorpion Boy)
Rico, Rocks (Turtle-Man)
Rico, Sammy (Club 69 security guard)
Ricochet (Ricochet Monster)
Ricochet ("Slingers"/Londers member) - by G Morrow
Ricochet of Earth-37375 (Spider-totem) - by Copeinator123 & Proto-Man
"Ricochet" of Earth-41121 (May Parker) - by Copeinator123
Ricochet Monster (Hostess ad, Thor foe) - by John Kaminski
Ricotta, Louis (criminal, Kingpin foe)
Rictor (Julio Richter)
Rictus, Lee-Anne of Earth-88469 (Channel 7 news, Dead Clown character)
Riddler of Earth-74425 (Baravelli advertisements)
Riddley, Hiram (Captain America fan) - by Prime Eternal
Riddley, Holly (Hiram's mother) - by Prime Eternal
Rider of Earth-818 (Spirit of Vengeance, "Avengers" member)
Rider, Clay (Tarantula)
Rider, Richard (Nova)
Rider, Robert (Nova 0:0) of Earth-9442
"Rider of Crematrix" (Macrothrax)
Rider of Time (Dark Rider)
Ridge (Genetix)
Ridge, Dan "Zapper" (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Ridge, Dr. Johnathan (She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Ridge, Mrs. (Zapper's mother)
Ridgely, Owen (Power Man character)
Ridgeway, Dawn (Captain America character)
Ridgway, Lynn (NFL SuperPro's sister)
Ridgway, Mark (Lynn's husband)
Ridgway, Melanie (NFL SuperPro's niece)
Riding Rooster (electrical construct based on giant chickens from video game) - by Proto-Man
Ridley (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Riebeeck, Doeke (Black Panther character) - by Markus Raymond
Riemer, Marc (Boomslang)
Rifkin, Marjorie (runaway, preyed on by Cadaver)
Rigel Type Zeta 9 (RT-Z9/Artie Zix)
"Rigger" Ruiz (Code: Blue) - by Prime Eternal
"Rhythm" Ruiz (Yancy Street Gang)
Rigg (V.I.G.I.L.)
Riggio, Tony (Don Vischetti's bodyguard)
Riggley, Bernard (Black Toad)
Riggs, Norman (NYPD)
Right Arm (Quintronic Man)
Right Leg (Quintronic Man)
Right-Winger (Jerome Johnson, Captain America (John Walker) foe) - by Proto-Man
Righteousness of the Faith (Saladin)
Rightie Tightie (squirrel, Squirrel Girl ally)
Riglevio (West Coast Avengers foe)
Rigoletto (Kingpin character) - by Chadman
Rigoletto of Ultraverse (Night Man foe) - by Grendel Prime
Rigor (Demon-Fire)
Rigor Mortis (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Madison Carter
Rihva, Swami (Werewolf foe) - by Spidermay
Rik (Gatherers)
Riki (Roxxon, Hydropolis)
Rikki Eco (Sofia Strange ally)
Riko (Golden Age bank robber, Whizzer foe)
Rikskath (Arakne)
Riley (F.O.R.C.E.)
Riley, Clay (Tarantula)
Riley, Jack (Black School)
Riley, Kim (Jack's niece)
Riley, Mariel (Jack's sister)
'Rilla (Marilla)
Rimbaud, Jean Pierre (Spider-Man character)
Rimthursar (Cruel Striker)
Rimush (Conan character)
Rina, Mary of Counter Earth (Franklin) (Miss Thing)
Rinduck (Inhuman, Lineage ancestor)
Rinehart, Brian (Sentinel character) - by Prime Eternal
Ringer (Anthony Davis, Defenders/Spider-Man foe) - by Spidermay
Ringer (successor, Moon Knight foe) - by Prime Eternal
Ringleader (Death-Throws) - by Chadman
Ringmaster (Ringmaster of Death/Fritz Tiboldt)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt, Circus of Crime leader) - by Chadman
"Ringmaster" (Jahrmarkt member)
Ringmaster of Crime (Ringmaster of Death/Fritz Tiboldt)
Ringmaster of Death (Fritz Tiboldt, Circus of Death leader) - by Chadman
Ringo of Odhams Earth (The Group, Pow! staff)
"Ringo" (Ringer, Moon Knight foe)
Ringo, Johnny (Ghost of Silver City)
Ringo Gonzales (Merry Maladies)
Riot (Skrull Kill Krew)
Riot (Heavy Mettle)
Riot (Captain Britain foe) - by Minor Irritant
Riot-Act (First Line characer) - by Norvo
Riot Grrl (Fight-Brigade)
Rip (Typhoid Mary ally) - by Chadman
Rip (Ripwire)
Ripan (Skrull, Kylor's assistant) - by Stunner
Rip Chord (Power Man/Iron Fist character)
Ripcord (Stacy X)
Ripfire of Ultraverse (Ultraforce member) - by Grendel Prime
Ripjak of Earth-691 (31st Century, derived from Spider-Man)
Ripper of Earth-Shadowline (Ripley Weaver)
Ripper (Thing foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ripper (Jackie the Ripper, Nightcrawler foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ripper (Ghost Rider (Ketch) foe) - by Proto-Man
Ripper (Punisher character)
Ripper (Hellbent)
Ripper, Jack the (ye Olde serial killer) - by Will U & Kyle Sims
Ripper of New York of Earth-Greenberg
Ripsaw (NFL SuperPro foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ripster (Silver Squad)
Riptide (Marauders, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Ripwire (unpublished Marvel UK title, robot armed with ultimate weapon technology) - by Loki
Risk, Franklin (Nova/Spider-Man character)
Risk, Captain Roy of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Risling, Victor (Golden Age, Hades Inc.)
Risman, Deborah of Earth-11052 (Hydra scientist, created X-23)
Risso of Earth-1211 (Others)
Risuli (K'ai, Grand Inquisitor)
Rita ?? (Uncanny Tales character)
Rita ?? (Lifeform girlfriend)
Rita ?? (police officer)
Ritchie ?? (Alexander Bont character)
Rittenhouse, R.J. (TV producer, Misty Collins character)
Ritter, Deborah (daughter of Kro and Thena) - by Prime Eternal
Ritter, Donald (son of Kro and Thena) - by Prime Eternal
Ritter, K.C. (Teen Brigade) - by Prime Eternal
rival (Arkoss' rival, Conan character)
Riven, Jack of Earth-8107 (Stuntman)
Rivera (Jester character)
Rivera (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)
Rivera, Fiona (Makina, Metahumes)
Rivera, Frida (Contact)
Rivera, Geraldo (American attorney/reporter/author/talk show host) - by MarvellousLuke
Rivera, Dr. Jason (Project: PEGASUS)
Rivers, Vince (50's rock star, Skrull pawn) - by Prime Eternal & Ron Fredricks
Riverwind, John (Scalphunter)
Rives, Carl (Carny Rives)
Riviera, Jayne (Deathlok character)
Rizzo (Black Widow foe) - by Spidermay
Rizzo (Rats of Central Park)
Rizzo, Det. Sgt. (Code of Honor character)
Rizzo, Lisa "Lee" (Marky Hoeppner's girlfriend, Daredevil character)
Rizzo, Mario (Thor character) - by Proto-Man
Rizzo, Thomas (Officer Z.E.R.O. creator) - by Prime Eternal
R'Klll (Skrull Empress) - by Norvo
RN-62 (mutated Alpha Primitive) - by Chadman
Ro (1950s, Martian; encountered "Lou Briggs")
Roach (Quentin Carnival, Johnny Blaze character)
Roach (Tex; Quentin Carnival, Johnny Blaze character)
Roach (Hellhouse, Deadpool character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Roach (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Roachman (Crazy Magazine character) - by Loki
Roadie (Shadow Riders)
Roadkill (Dr. Strange/Secret Defenders character) - complete with music!
Roadkill (Undead MC)
"Road Warrior Ghost Rider" of Earth-95633 (female, Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
"Road Warrior Ghost Rider" of Earth-95633 (male, Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Roak (Maggia member)
Roak, Stephan (vampire, Legion of the Damned)
Roamer (Spaceknight, Rocket & Groot character, Steal the Galaxy novel)
Roan, Winthrop Jr. (R.U.Reddy, Team America)
Roan, Winthrop Sr. (R.U. Reddy's father)
Roar (Nomad foe) - by Grendel Prime
Roaring Bear (Apache chief, Two-Gun Kid foe) - by Prime Eternal
Roark (Kingpin agent)
Roark, Jacob (Dr. Strange character) - by Spidermay
Roarke, Andrea (Sunstreak, Force of Nature)
Rob ?? (Ophrah Industries security guard)
Rob ?? of Earth-36701 (Kenneth Raymond's friend) - by Proto-Man
Robb, Barbara "Barbie" (Dream Weaver)
Robb, Tony (mutant baseball player) - by Proto-Man
Robb, Wesley (Tony's mutant father) - by Proto-Man
Robberson, Napoleon G. (skrull, Napoleon G. Robberson)
Robbie ?? (Marauders, Prism)
Robbins, Alf (Orphan victim)
Robbins, Breanne (The Hood's daughter) - by Chadman
Robbins, Cody of Earth-92131 (the Colony, X-Men '92 cartoon, X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Robbins, Mrs. (Bobster's wife)
Robbins, Parker (The Hood)
Robbins, Paul (detective, Lifeform foe)
Robbins, Sturdevant E. (Bobster)
Robbins, Veronica (Molecule Man victim) - by Proto-Man
Robby (Forbidden Planet, Adrone)
Robby ?? (some guy on the phone)
Robby the Robot of Forbidden Planet (comic shop ad)
Robed One (Ellen, resurrected Jan Quill; 1950s)
Robert ?? (television news anchorman) - by Chadman
Robert ?? (Blockbuster’s son)
Robert ?? (Zombie character)
Robert ?? (Hercules character) - by Will U
Robert ?? (X-Men foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Robert ?? (X-Student)
Robert the Robber (Homer the Happy Ghost foe) - by Grendel Prime
Roberta (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Roberti (magical puppeteer)
Roberts (Daredevil character)
Roberts (Namor ally)
Roberts (Daredevil character)
Roberts, Bernard (All-Devourer, Iron Man character)
Roberts, Billy (Dr. Spectrum)
Roberts, Brian (Project/Fortress agent)
Roberts, Dr. (Spider-Man character)
Roberts, Fred (teacher, encountered Jan Fenton)
Roberts, Professor John Peter (1940s, Ken Masters character)
Roberts, Julia (real-life famous actress)
Roberts, Keith (Nightstalkers character) - by Markus Raymond
Roberts, Ralph (Cobalt Man)
Roberts, Sarrah (Darkhold character)
Roberts, Teresa of New Universe (Troubleshooters)
Roberts, Tim (1940s, Ken Masters character)
Roberts, Waldo (stage magician) - by John Kaminski
Robertson, Professor Bob (Spragg enemy, She-Hulk character)
Robertson, Joe
Robertson, "Robbie" robot of Earth-8107 (Doctor Doom robot double)
"Robin of Locksley " (War-Yore)
Robin Hood (Captain America (Jeff Mace) foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Robin Hood Raider (Kid Colt foe) - by Prime Eternal
Robinow (Matt Murdock client)
Robins, William (councilman, blackmailed by Kingpin)
Robinson, Eddie (Missouri Marauders)
Robinson, Edward of Ultraverse (Rigoletto)
Robinson, Lucy (Promise, X-Men character) - by Norvo
Robinson, Mike (Lucy's son)
Robinson, Ms. (teacher, Hartley School for the Blind)
Robinson, Noel (Gemini)
Robinson, Richard of Earth-8107 (scientist, Professor Gizmo foe) - by David Lawrence
Robinson, Will (Ms. Marvel character)
Robo (1950s, Leopard Girl foe)
Robohorse of Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon character)
Robomower of Halfworld (Hulk foe)
Robot (Lost in Space, Androne)
Robot Archie (robotic UK superhero)
Robot Bug (hero, Metal Gear foe)
Robot-Face, Jimmy (extraterrestrial robot warpjacker)
Robot Geisha (Venom foe)
Robot-Killer (Cyberex)
Robot Master (Mendel Stromm)
Robot-Master (Mendel Stromm)
Robot-Men's leader (Namor foe)
"robot" Mojo (Rocket Raccoon/Groot foe) - by MarvellousLuke
"Robot on a Rampage" (Tales To Astonish story) - by Prime Eternal
Robot X (Amazing Adventures/Doc Samson character) - by Prime Eternal
Robot X (Fight Man foe)
Robotman (Droom ally)
Robotoid (Collector speciman) - by Madison Carter
robotic (Centurions, Firelord character)
Robotra (Professor Kline's maid, Kool-Aid Man character)
Roc (Punisher foe, Rosalie Carbone's assassins)
Roco-Bai (Shatterax, Starforce)
Roco the Ragman (supernatural character, Adventures into Weird Worlds) - by Grendel Prime
Rocco (Fantastic Four foe) - by Proto-Man
Rocco (boxer)
Rocco (Skrulls of Kral)
Rocco (Chic DiAngelo henchman)
Roche (Wolverine foe)
Rochelle, Michael (criminal, Matt Murdock client)
Rochelle, Sara (Michael's wife)
Rochester (Loonies)
Rock (Karl Serr, Sub-Mariner foe)
Rock (Samuel LaRoquette, Riot Squad member, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Rock and Roll Reptile (Behemoth Jack)
Rock Python (Serpent Society member) - by SQUEAK
Rock Solid (rock-skinned superhero, Spider-Man Magazine) - by Proto-Man
Rockefeller, Nelson of Earth-721 (US President) - by Proto-Man
Rocker, Max (Gladiators member)
Rocket Launcher (Death Squad)
Rocket Racccoon
Rocket Racer (Robert Farrell, Spider-Man character) - by Patrick D Ryall
Rocket Racer ("Troy", Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rocket Ranger of Earth-1136 (Roger Cory, Man of War character) - by Grendel Prime
Rockin' Reptilian (Behemoth Jack)
Rockler, Baron of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)
Rockler, Baroness of Earth-7511 (Fragmented America)
Rocklord (Buzz foe, Spider-Man Magazine)
Rockman (Golden Age hero, Twelve member) - by Norvo
Rocko ?? (Hulk foe)
Rockport (Undergrounders)
Rocksalt (The Ozarks Kingpin's sidekick) - by Proto-Man
Rockworth, Ernest W. (corrupt businessman, declined Matt Murdock client) - by Chadman
Rockwall (Maggia, Spider-Man foe)
Rockwell, Douglas (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Rocky ?? (Hulk foe)
Rocky ?? (Big Eddie's gang, Yellowjacket (Pym) foe)
Rocky (Theodore, teen runaway, Marvel RPG character)
Rocky Davis (Yellow Claw foe)
"rocky monster sorcerer" (recruited by Merlin to aid Yao) - by Proto-Man
Rod ?? (encountered Tyrannosaurus)
"Rod" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
Roddick, Clarence (Daredevil character) - by Chadman
"Roddy" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
"Roddy-Boy" (Roderick Kingsley, Hobgoblin)
Rodent (Cloak & Dagger foe) - by Kyle Smith
Rodent (Mickey Ditillio)
Roderick, Adam (Inhuman, Karnak foe) - by Chadman
Roderick, Sarah (Adam's mother)
Roderick, William (Adam's father)
Rodgers (brother of Infinitus)
Rodgers, Andrea (Man-Thing character)
Rodgers, Michael (Infinitus)
Rodgers, Paul (Scorpion foe)
Rodian ?? (raised "Aspect of Eternity")
Rodney ?? (Hellcat character)
Rodney ?? (Kingpin character)
Rodney, "Slip" (Golden Age, criminal)
Rodor, Michael (criminal)
Rodriguez (corrupt cop, Cole North foe)
Rodriguez, Antonio (Armadillo)
Rodriguez, Carlos (Y-Men, criminal, empowered by tattoo from mutant Leon Nunez) - by Chadman
Rodriguez, Hector (Ellegua's father)
Rodriguez, Jaime (Nimrod ally) - by Proto-Man
Rodriguez, Luis (Little Loco)
Rodriguez, Maria Bonita (Armadillo's wife)
Rodriguez, Nestor (Ellegua)
Rodriguez, Nick (Pathfinder, Berserkers)
Rodriguez, Phil (NYPD detective, Spider-Woman character) - by Chadman
Rodriguez, Roberto (Stone Perfs)
Rodriguez, Robbie (el Guapo)
Rodriguez, Senora (Jaime Rodriguez's wife) - by Proto-Man
Rodriguez, Tomas (Jaime Rodriguez's son) - by Proto-Man
Rodriguez, Zoila (Roswell, New Mexico resident, Avengers ally) - by Proto-Man
Rodriquez, Hidalgo (el Condor & Tarantula henchman, Spider-Man/Daredevil/Punisher foe) - by Markus Raymond & Chadman
Rodriquez, Jacinda (Tarantula; daughter of Tarantula (Antonio Rodriquez) )
Rodstvow of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Psi-Force foe)
R.O.E (Ruler of Earth) - by Prime Eternal
Roeg, Angelica (Elektra foe) - by Markus Raymond
Röese, Willie (1950s, Namor/Namora foe) - by Grendel Prime
Röt Führer (Red Lord)
Rog ?? of Earth-88194 (Shadowline, Merchants)
Rogaland, Lenore (Frankenstein monster character)
Rogall, Captain (Blue Diver)
Rogan, Dr. (Kingpin's doctor) - by Chadman
Rogan, "Rabid" Elo of Earth-8410 (Death's Head (FPA) foe)
Rogan, Jean (Dave Miller's fiancée)
Roger ?? (General Electronics executive) - by Proto-Man
Roger ?? (Bullseye character) - by Chadman
Roger ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Rogers, Anita (Joe Phelps foe)
Rogers, Brent (Marvel romance character)
Rogers, Gayle (reporter, Hawkeye ally) - by Prime Eternal
Rogers, Hank (Tales to Astonish, encountered Floating Head)
Rogers, Jimmy (Venus ally) - by Grendel Prime
Rogers, Larry (S.H.I.E.L.D., Ms. Marvel character) - by Spidermay
Rogers, Sarah (Crusader) of Earth-9811
Rogers, Sharon of Earth-8342 (wife of Captain America: 30 years in the future)
Rogers, Steph (FBI agent) - by Proto-Man
Rogers, Steve (Captain America/Captain/Nomad)
Rogers, Steve Jr. of Earth-8342 (son of Captain America: 30 years in the future)
Rogers, Steve V (Commander America) of Earth-90110 (Cosmic Avengers)
Rogers, Steven (1950s, Captain America/William Burnside)
Rogers, Walter (Captain America character--not related)
Rogers Burbank, Marilyn (Bushwacker's wife)
Rognar (Northmen, Bran Mak Morn character)
Rogue (X-Force (M Branch) )
Rogue (Anna Marie)
Rogue Fantastic of Reality-200080 (18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt)
"Rogue Prime" of Ultraverse (Prime)
Rohan (Parker Industries employee)
Roh-Ma of Earth-691 (31st Century, Courg)
Rojik, Anna (1950s, framed by Invisible Woman (Petrov) )
Rojan leader (encountered by Jeff Raye)
Rojatt, Rick (Human Fly)
Rojett (Lunatic Legion)
Rojhaz of Earth-311 (1602, Captain America counterpart)
Rojo (Chief of the Military, Costaguay)
Rojo, Antonio (el Toro)
Rok (Inhuman, Kree foe)
Rok (Alpha Flight foe) - by Darc_Light
Rok-Korr (Shogun Warriors’ foe) - by Wolfhead
Rokk (Krimonn, Dr. Spectrum; Iron Man foe)
Rokk, Vril (Smasher, Imperial Guard)
Roland, Bob (Golden Age, encountered Sub-Earth Man)
Roland, Jason Pierce (Hangman)
Rolands (Save the Planet, Daredevil character)
Roldán, Miguel Angel (Trueno)
Rolfson, Autumn (Famine)
Rollerblast of Earth-982 (MC2, J2 foe) - by Grendel Prime
Roller Toaster of unidentified reality (ALF character)
Rolling Thunder (agent of Elias Bogan) - by Proto-Man
Rollins (agent, Matt Murdock foe)
Rollins, Chet (King's Crossing)
Rollins, Jack (S.H.I.E.L.D., sleeper agent) - by Prime Eternal
Rollinson (corrupt cop, Hand victim)
Roma of Earth-93600
Roma, Jack of Earth-10995 (S.H.I.E.L.D., Man-Spider)
Roman ?? (criminal Hammerhead ally, Diamond drug user) - by Chadman
Roman Candle (Fight Man/Agent X foe)
Roman the First of Earth-928 (Sub-Mariner 2099)
Romanger, Michael of Earth-17226 (Micro-Manager, Hydra)
Romanoff, Natasha (Black Widow)
Romantic Objective Pamela (Masters of the Mental Arts)
Rome, Tony (Emperor of Texas)
Romeo (Inner Space, Death's Head-Minion's assimilated personalities)
Romeo ?? (Inhuman, love interest of time-displaced Iceman) - by Chadman
Romeo (Silver Sable's Wild Pack, Spider-Man character) - by Spidermay
Romeo, Tony (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Romero (autopsy specialist, Daredevil character) - by Chadman
Romita, John Sr. (legendary Marvel artist) - by Norvo
Rommbu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Romulus, Cassandra (Hydra, Nick Fury/S.H.I.E.L.D. foe) - by Markus Raymond
Ronald ?? (Howard the Duck's "father", "Duckworld")
Ronalds, Charles (Charon)
Ronaldson, ?? (Secret Empire)
Ronan the Accuser of Reality-92131 (Kree, X-Men '97 character) - by MarvellousLuke
Rond, Kathleen (WFSK reporter)
Ronga (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Ronin (Echo/Maya Lopez)
Ronin (Alexi Shostakov, Black Widow foe) - by Chadman
Ronmar (Inhuman scientist) - by Spidermay
Ronnie ?? (Recession Raiders)
Ronnie ?? (247 Market robber) - by Proto-Man
Ronnie ?? (Daredevil character)
Ronny ?? (Bunsen Burners, Punisher character)
Ronson (WWII-era FBI agent)
Ronson, Matt (1950s mystery character) - by Grendel Prime
Rook (Hulk foe)
Rook (Harpies/Slaughterhouse Six)
"Rookie" (Code: Blue)
Rook Seven of Earth-928 (Tiger Wylde agent)
Rook'shir (Shi'ar, Imperial Guard foe) - by Chadman
Rooney, Mike (Captain Universe (Dodgson) foe)
Roosevelt, Teddy (26th President of the United States) - by Loki
Rooskaya (Black Widow, Yelena Belova)
Rooster (Flerken, posed as pet cat of Mrs. Worley) - by Proto-Man
Rooster Cockburn (Loonies)
Roosvelt (Incinerator)
Rootar the Irresistible (Inhuman, Crimson Cadre) - by Chadman
Rooten, Hans (Howling Commandos mascot) - by Prime Eternal
Rooten, Rijk (Agent X, Hans' father)
'Rora (Ship)
Rorgg (King of the Spider Men) - by Prime Eternal
Rory, Richard (Man-Thing/She-Hulk ally) - by Chadman
Rosalie ("Dragon of Idlewood", Kodom Shath foe)
Rosario, Dr. Yesenia (scientist, Ms. Marvel/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman
Roscoe (Black Bolt foe) - by Chadman
Roscoe (Owl agent)
Roscoe (demon posing as human police officer, Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) foe) - by Proto-Man
Rose ?? (1950s, vampire Clyde O'Reilly girlfriend)
Rose ?? of Earth-199406
Rose (Richard Fisk)
Rose (Sgt. Blume) - by Stunner
Rose (Daredevil/Black Widow foe)
Rose (Jacob Conover, Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rose of "Earth-22519" (Law Enforcement Squad)
Rose (Phillip Hayes, Jackpot/Spider-Man foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rose of Earth-16356 (drug dealer, 2099 A.D.) - by HBK123
Rose, Lt. Bert (NYPD officer, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Rose, Chuck (SHIELD agent, Professor Power ally)
Rose, Daniel (possibly Rockman)
Rose, Danielle (alleged grand-niece of Rockman)
Rose, Dr. Janice of Earth-70105 (Bruce Banner character)
Rose of Purity (Defenders story)
Rose Blossom (Lois London, Dazzler's Half-sister)
Rose Kugel (Wild Rose)
Rosen, Benjamin (Matt Murdock character)
Rosen, Dr. (Daughters of the Dragon character)
Rosenblatt, Sol (WWII, Resurrection Stone)
Rosenblum, Milton (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Rosenblum, Sydney R. (Milton Rosenblum)
Rosenthal, Bernie (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Rosenthal, Irv (Bernie's father)
Rosenthal, Jeannie (Bernie's sister)
Rosenthal, Nancy (Bernie's sister)
Rosenthal, Rosalie (Bernie's mother)
Rosenthal, Uri (Daredevil foe) - by Chadman
Rosenzweig, Mrs. (Committee For Free Emmigration)
Rosetta, Tom of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Rosetta Stone (Shadow City)
Rosetti, Gabriel (exorcist, Hellstorm character)
"Rosie" (Racine Ramjets)
Rosie (Vision character)
Rosie (Robert Montoya relative)
Roskoff, Sigjid (Falcon character)
"Rosner, Carl" (Strange Ones)
Ross (X-Men character)
Ross (Wilbur Day, Stilt-Man)
Ross (detective, Nighthawk character)
Ross, Betty (imposter, "Sparkles Labelle)
Ross, Betty
Ross, Bill (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ross, Courtney (Captain Britain character) - by Loki
Ross, Karen Lee (Betty Ross' mother) - by Spidermay
Ross, Margie (romance character, insurance firm employee) - by Grendel Prime
Ross, Matt (Old West sheriff) - by Grendel Prime
Ross, Milo (Daredevil foe)
Ross, Mr. of Earth-10381 (Hulkie character)
Ross, Mr. of Earth-42118 (Hulkis the Horrendous character)
Ross, Mrs. of Earth-42118 (Hulkis the Horrendous character)
Ross, Rex (1950s, treasure hunter) - by Ron Fredricks
Ross, Robert (Wraith/Yuri Watanabe foe)
Ross, Sam (Lorelord, Berserkers)
Ross, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt"
Rossby, Edward (prison warden, Jeff Barker foe)
Rossi, Brad (Winter Olympics)
Rossi, Michael (X-Men/Ms. Marvel character) - by SQUEAK
Rossi, Mrs. (Amos Culhane neighbor)
Rossini, Cynthia Topaz (Topaz)
Rostov, Andre (Red Barbarian)
Rostov, Andrei (Agamemnon)
Rostov, Andrei Semyanovitch (Piston, Harriers)
Rostov, Dr. Peter (1950s, insomnia specialist)
Rot (Avengers foe) - by Stunner
Rotath (Kull/Conan/Red Sonja foe)
Rotgut (Daredevil foe) - by Sammy7D & Chadman
Roth, Arnold (Captain America character) - by Norvo
Roth, Cooper (Paragon, Initiative)
Roth, Gretchen (Paragon (Cooper Roth) mother)
Roth, Martin of Earth-148611 (New Universe, Justice character)
Roth, Mitch (NYPD, Sir victim)
Roth, Dr. Philip (Wrathchilde)
Rothchild, Warren (astronomer, Ashema victim)
Rother (S.H.I.E.L.D. agent)
Rothgar (Miners of Xorr, Thor character)
Rot Schädel (Red Skull, Timeslip)
Rotsler, Bill (wealthy socialite, Daredevil ally) - by Chadman
Rotwrap (D.O.A.)
Rouge, Silvie (Nuage, Euroforce)
Roughouse of Earth-92131 (X-Men '92 cartoon, bar patron) - by Julien Vive
Roulette (Ghost Rider foe)
Round Ravager of the Ring (Big Wheel/Jackson Weele)
Rourke, Manuel (Samson's father)
Rourke, Samson (John Jameson foe) - by Minor Irritant
Rourke, Theresa (Banshee) of Earth-105709 (X-Men)
Rover (1950s, talking dog) - by Ron Fredricks
Rover (Mr. Chambers)
Rover (Alpha Flight character) - by Norvo
Rover (Hawkeye character) - by Proto-Man
Rover G (Punisher victim) - by Chadman
Rovik, Gregor (Cult of Kalumai)
Roween (Dimension Z)
Rowen, Carl (Iron Man character) - by Markus Raymond
Rowen, Mike (Carl's son)
Rowena (Man of Iron, Conan foe)
Rowina (companion of Conan)
Rowkis (Tryk, Blade foe) - by Markus Raymond
Rowntree, Carson (Gunship, Rush Club)
Rowregyynac (Death, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
Roxanna ?? (Werewolf by Night character) - by Markus Raymond
Roxanne ?? (Colossus ally)
Roxanne ?? (Nightmare character) - by Markus Raymond
Roxanne (Bling!)
Rox'anne D. (Skrull)
"Roy ??" ("Lumbermen")
Roy, Ajay (Banyan)
Roy Risk of Earth-238 (Crooked World)
Roya, Dr. Carmella (Nomad (Monroe) character) - by Grendel Prime
Royal, Dan (encountered Harry Krebs)
Royal Beekeeper of Earth-57780 (Spider-Man foe)
Royal Sadist (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Royale, Bornag (AIM/Hydra)
Royce, Douglas (Eye Killers victim, Hannibal King/Doctor Strange character)
"Roza" (Conan foe)
Rozum, Mrs. (mother of Damage Control's Bart Rozum, brief mutate) - by Proto-Man
Rozza, Caldwell (Crusher)
Rozzz (Zzzax)
Rplss, Osinga (Sapper)
Rr'hun (Rune)
Rro (pre-FF Marvel Monster) - by Markus Raymond
Rruothk'ar of Reality-791 (Ariguan, Starlord foe) - by Donald Campbell
R'Shumba (Fantastic Force character)
RT-Z9 (Artie Zix, Rigellian Recorder, She-Hulk character)
R.U. Reddy (Team America/Thunderiders member) - by David Lawrence
Ru'ach (xt, Daredevil/Silver Surfer foe) - by Chadman
Ru'b of Earth-88194 (Terror/Shreck)
Rubach (Fallen)
Rubbermaid (X-Student) - by MarvellousLuke
Rubberman (Flexo)
Rubble of Ultraverse (Rex Mundi mutate) - by Grendel Prime
Rubin, Abby (Venom character)
Rubinstein, Corben (Guardsman, Cinder victim)
Ruby (Ravens)
Ruby of Ultraverse (Freex character) - by Luis Dantas & Snood
Ruby Monster (large purple monster from 17Z, Planet Terry character)
Ruby Thursday (Headmen)
Rucka of Earth-523001
Ruckus of Earth-21993 (Nasty Boys)
Rudabeh (Conan character)
Rude Rhino of Earth-7840 (humanoid animals)
"Rudolf" (1940s, Jack Savage)
Rudolfo (Dr. Doom foe)
Rudolph (Santa's legendary red-nosed reindeer!) - by Proto-Man
Rudolph ?? (Subbie foe)
Rudolph (Piper's alligators)
Rudolph ?? (pimp, Mesmero foe)
Rudolph, Rudy (1950s, Vulture)
Rudolpho of Earth-5631 (fashion designer, Power Pack/Spider-Man/Venom foe) - by Grendel Prime
Rudy (godson of Microchip)
Rudy ?? (Happy Hogan character)
Rudy the Robot (Golden Age robot servant) - by Norvo
Rufe (Old West-era Legion of Death leader)
Rugar (Shi'ar, Lilandra ally) - by Chadman
Rugburn (Allergen Gang)
Ruger (Cosmic Commandos)
Rugger, Mike (pre-FF character) - by John Kaminski
Ruggles (1950s professor, tried to trick George Weston)
Ruiz (Anti-Spider Squad)
Ruiz, Alberto (criminal, Night victim)
Ruiz, Gil of Ultraverse (Rafferty victim) - by Grendel Prime
Ruiz, Hector Santiago (Windeagle)
Ruiz, James of Ultraverse (Prototype)
Ruiz, Janet (Code of Honor character) - by Proto-Man
Ruiz, Margarita Allegra "Rigger" (Code: Blue) - by Prime Eternal
Ruiz, Roberto (Yancy Street Gang)
Ruiz, Roque of Earth-98120 (Mihúra)
Ruka (Devil Dinosaur foe) - by Darc_Light
Rul, Thoran (Protector)
Ruler of Earth (Pre-Marvel sci-fi character) - by Prime Eternal
Ruler of Hades (Pluto, Olympian)
"Ruler of the star Hyades" of Reality-5391 (Alfred Kurt)
Rumbler (She-Hulk foe) - by Will U
Rumbo (Power Pachyderms)
Rumlow, Brock of Counter-Earth (Franklin) (Crossbones)
Rumor (First Line foe) - by Norvo
Runciter, Gail (S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America ally) - by Prime Eternal
Rundoc (Inhuman, Lineage ancestor)
Rune of Ultraverse - by Luis Dantas & Snood
Rune-Killer (Gemini)
Runnemyer, Marcos Samuel (Haunter, Anti-Registration Underground)
Runner (Elder of the Universe) - by Darc_Light
Running Bear, John (Seeker 3000, doctor) - by Prime Eternal
Running Elk (Golden Age, Black Marvel character)
Running Fox (Old West, Kid Colt character)
Rupert ?? (Excalibur character)
Rupert ?? (Parrington chauffer)
Rupert ?? (Excalibur character)
Rupert of Earth-7190 (android, Titus Alexander Island's ward, Omega the Unknown character)
Rurdock, Moopert (Vidiot M.C.) - by Proto-Man
Rushman, Sarah (Marrow)
Rusoom (Kusoom)
Russ Jackson (Werewolf, Jack Russell)
Russell (Avengers foe)
Russell, Dr. Claudia (werewolf, Ravencroft psychologist)
Russell, "Crush" (X-Student, Watchers on the Wall)
Russell Daboia (Hellcat/Avengers foe)
Russell, David of Earth-9112
Russell, Don (xt conqueror) - by John Kaminski
Russell, Gray (Pyre)
Russell, Jack (Werewolf by Night)
Russell, Langen of Earth-928 (Punisher 2099 character) - by Zerostar
Russell, Laura (Philip Russell's wife)
Russell, Lissa (Werewolf's sister, Vampire by Night's mother) - by Donald Campbell
Russell, Mr. (Namor character)
Russell, Philip (Werewolf's step-father and uncle)
Russell Jr. (Flatiron's son)
Russian of Earth-928 (Undead, X-Men 2099 foe)
"Russian Bear Ghost Rider" (Ghost Rider character) - by Loki
Russo, Billy (Jigsaw)
Russo, Bob (briefly Captain America)
Russo, Henry (Jigsaw's son, Punisher character) - by Chadman
Russo, Joe (1950s horror) - by Spidermay
Russo, Mike (Sidestep)
Russoff the Painter (Adam Roderick ally)
Russoff, Gregor (Baron Russoff, Werewolf's ancestor)
Russoff, Gregory (Werewolf father) - by Loki
Rusoff, Grigori (Werewolf great, great, great, grandfather)
Russoff, Jerome (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Russoff, Maria (Werewolf grandmother)
Russoff, Philip (Werewolf's step-father and uncle)
Russoff, Renfield (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Russoff, Stefan (musical werewolf, pre-World War II)
Rust (Resistants) - by Prime Eternal
Rustler of Earth-712 (Earth-S, Whizzer foe) - by Prime Eternal
Rusty (robot mule, Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) character)
Rusty (Hulk robot creator)
"Rusty" Lewis (mutated astronaut) - by Ron Fredricks
Rusty-Paint (robot mule Rusty)
Rut (Rutger, Blade character)
Rutabaga, Daryl of Earth-9602 (Amalgam character)
Rutger ?? (Blade character)
Ruth ?? (Strike)
Ruth ?? (member of the Waterboys, Punisher foe)
Ruth ?? (Brood)
Ruthar (Atlantean criminal)
Rutherford, Jake (Old West, Steam Rider foe)
Ruthven, lord (vampire) - by Per Degaton
Rutkowski, Abraham (Daredevil character)
Rutledge, Nicholas (London Hellfire Club manservant) - by Proto-Man
Ruud, Ramsey (Dancer, Tri-Man)
de Ruyter, Andreas (Black Panther and Storm foe) - by Spaceknight
Ry (Tirenian warrior)
Ryak (Microverse, Tybalt's bodyguard)
Ryan, Alani (Loa)
Ryan, Christine (Generation M character) - by Chadman
Ryan, Jimmy (vampire victim)
Ryder (Skrull Kill Krew)
Ryder, Carl (Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Ryder, Damon (Raptor)
Ryder, Laura (Damon's wife)
Ryder, Phoebe (Damon's daughter)
Ryder, Rory (Damon's son)
Ryder, Dr. Ralph . (AIM, Captain America foe)
Ryder, Starr (Marvel Boy (Grayson) character) - by Grendel Prime
Ryest (Beginagains)
Ryga'a (War Queen of the Skrulls, mother of Dorrek Supreme)
Ryker, Harlan (Cybertek Systems Inc.)
Ryker, Simon (Dr. Doom/Namor foe) - by Spidermay
Ryking, Dr. Alexander (X-Men character) - by MarvellousLuke
Ryking, Carter (Hazard)
Ry'Lor (X-Force ally) - by Sammy 7D
Ry-N (Sparkitect, manipulated Squirrel Girl)
Rynda (Inhuman queen, Black Bolt & Maximus' mother) - by Chadman
Rynor (Circus of Moon Sun)
Rypel (Hydropolis, Hulk foe)
Ryuki (Wolverine foe)
Ryvain (Inhuman historical figure)
Rzh'Arr (Ghost Rider/Blaze foe)
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