- Akaana - created in 1930 by Robert E. Howard,
they were adapted to Marvel in the 1970s by Roy Thomas; they also
represent the Past, licensed characters, Jungle and Horror genres;
Hidden races; and Solomon Kane characters; and Marvel Worldwide
- Habeus
Corpus - created in 1933 by Lester Dent; adapted to Marvel in
the 70's by Doug Moench; also representing Licensed characters,
Marvel Pets, Doc Savage characters, Marvel Worldwide (Arabian
Peninsula), and Marvel Two-In-One/Thing stories
- John
Rand - created in 1936; also representing the Jungle genre;
Ka-Zar the Great characters; and Marvel Comics stories
- Ken
Masters - created in 1939; also representing Jungle
(technically rainforest) genre; Amazing Mystery Funnies and
Marvel Comics stories; and the Human League
- Texas
Kid - created in 1940 (January); also presenting the Western
genre; and Daring Mystery Comics characters
- Strongman
- created in 1940 (May); also representing the War genre; Crash Comics
Adventures and Invaders characters; and Battle Axis members;
adapted to Marvel by Roy Thomas
- Fred
Raymond - created in 1940 (September); also representing Human
Torch (Jim Hammond) characters; and possibly Hidden Races (Inhumans)
- Blue
Diamond - created in 1941 (April); also representing War genre;
Liberty Legion, Crazy SUES member; and Invaders, Marvel
Two-In-One/Thing stories
- Headline
Hunter - created in 1941 (August) by Stan Lee; also
representing the War genre; and Captain America Comics stories
- Volton
- created in 1942 (March); also representing the War
genre; androids; Cat-Man Comics and Invaders characters;
and Battle Axis members; adapted to Marvel by Roy Thomas
- Captain
Dash - created in 1942 (April); also representing
alternate realities; future stories; War and Sci-Fi genres; and
Comedy Comics stories
- Happy
Mann - created in 1942 (April); also representing the Humor
genre; and Joker Comics characters
- von
Richt - created in 1942 (September); also representing the War
genre; Young Allies Comics characters; and Marvel Worldwide
(presumably Germany)
- Cherub
- created in 1945; also representing sci-fi genre; Marvel Worldwide
(Austrian); and Miss America characters
- Mr.
Vanderbanks - created in 1947; also representing the Romance
genre; and Hedy De Vine characters
- Gypsy
Joe - created in 1948 (Spring); also representing the Funny
Animal genre; and Super-Rabbit characters
- Clon
- created in 1948 (July); also representing Marvel Worldwide (Isle
of Doom); and Blackstone the Magician characters
- Glenn
Darwin - created in 1948 (August); also representing Sun Girl
- "Lash"
Larribee - created in 1948 (August); also representing the Western
genre; and Two-Gun Kid characters
- Maharajah
of Shishkebob - created in 1948 (October); also representing the
Romance genre; Nellie the Nurse characters; and Marvel Worldwide
- Jim
Lathrop - created in 1948 (Winter); also representing the
Western genre; Black Rider characters; and All-Western Winners stories
- Jesse
Douglas - created in 1949; also representing the Western genre;
and Blaze Carson characters

Day 2: Journey into...the Atlas era: the 1950's and pre-Fantastic Four
- Packrat
Pete - created June, 1950; representing the Western
genre; and Black Rider characters
- Starr
Ryder - created February, 1951; representing Bill
Everett creations; and Marvel Boy characters
- Arizona
Kid - created March, 1951; representing the Western
genre; classic creator Russ Heath creations; and, of course, Arizona Kid
- Spy
Fighters - created March, 1951; representing the Spy
genre; and the Spy Fighters series
- Tartoff
- created March, 1951; representing the Horror genre;
Suspense characters; Dracula foes
- Jimmy
Rogers - created December, 1951; representing Venus
- Leon
Drago - created March, 1952; representing the Horror genre;
and Astonishing characters
- Count
Vicuna - created January, 1953; representing the Horror
genre; Mystic Comics characters; and Marvel Worldwide (Hu/li>
- Lance
Brant - created March, 1953; representing Man Comics
characters; and Bob Brant and the Troubleshooters characters
- Gyps -
created June, 1953; representing the Horror genre; Stan Lee
creations; Menace comic characters; and Zombie characters
- King David
- adapted into Marvel in June, 1953; representing Bible Tales for Young
Folk characters; Judeo-Christian religion characters; the Past; and
Marvel Worldwide (Israel)
- Zadixx -
created June, 1953; representing the Sci-Fi genre;
extraterrestrials, alternate realities, and alien dimensions; and
Journey into Mystery characters
- Adam Tyler
- created July, 1953; representing the Sci-Fi genre; alternate
realities; Future stories; and Strange Tales characters
- Explorers'
Club - created July, 1953; representing the Horror, Jungle,
and Sci-Fi genres; often covering tales of magic, lost/hices,
extraterrestrials; featured throughout multiple titles; and Marvel
- Jim
Carter - created September, 1953; representing the Outer
Space and Sci-Fi genres; John Romita creations; alternate realities;
(relative) Future stories; and Spaceman comics characters
- Roco the
Ragman - created September, 1953; representing the Horror
genre; Adventures into Weird Worlds characters; stories set in the
- Ted Stark
- created March, 1954; representing the Police genre; Justice
comics stories;
- Young
Nastyman - created September, 1954; adapted into Marvel in
2010 by Alan Moore; representing alternate realities; and Marldwide
- Chiga
- created January, 1955; representing the Jungle genre; Magic
characters; Lorna the Jungle Girl characters; and Marvel Worldwide
- Crusader
- created May, 1955; representing War genre; the Past (Crusades); Joe
Maneely creations; Black Knight Comics cha; and Marvel Worldwide
(Middle East)
- Ward
Stocker - created June, 1955; representing the War genre; and
Rugged Action comics characters
- Matt
Ronson - created April, 1956; representing the Suspense genre;
mythological Gods; and Uncanny Tales characters
- Freddy
Sykes - created March, 1960; representing magic/fantasy stories;
Kirby and Ditko creations; and Tales to Astonish characters
- Gargantus
- created January, 1961; representing the Giant Monster genre; Kirby and
Ditko creations; lost/hidden races; and Strange Tales characters; and
Marvel Worldwide (ocean-dwelling)

- Gargoyle
- created May, 1962; representing Hulk characters; Stan Lee creations;
Jack Kirby creations; and Marvel Worldwide (Russia)
- Bernard
O'Brien - created June, 1962; representing Spider-Man
characters; Amazing Fantasy characters; police characters; Stan Lee
creations; and Steve Ditko creations
- Odinsword/Oversword
- created June, 1965; representing Thor; other dimensions (Asgard);
items; the Magic genre; Roy Thomas creations; and Keith Pollard
- Winken
Smythe - created 1966; representing Captain America characters;
Denny O'Neill characters; and Marvel Mini-Books
- Marshall
Droth - created September 30th, 1967; representing Fantastic
Four characters; extraterrestrials (Skrulls); and the Fantastic Four
(1967) cartoon
- Guardian
of the Ebony Blade - created November, 1968; representing the
Magic genre; Black Knight characters; Marvel Super-Heroes characters;
the Past (Arthurian era); and Roy Thomas creations
- Roscoe
- created March, 1971; representing Amazing Adventures characters;
Inhumans characters; Roy Thomas creations; Gene Colan creations; and
Bill Everett creations
- Ego-Prime
- created April, 1972; representing Thor characters; Gerry Conway
characters; John Buscema characters; Vince Colletta characters; and
cosmic characters
- Chak
- created May, 1972; representing Gullivar Jones characters; Martians;
characters from licensed titles; the Past; Roy Thomas creations; Gil
Kane creations; and Bill Everett creations
- Calvin
- created February, 1973; representing humor titles; and L'il Kids
- Belag
- created April, 1973; representing extraterrestrials; The Cat
characters; Bill Everett creations; and Paty Cockrum creations
- Vrellnexians
- created June, 1973; representing Thor characters; extraterrestrials;
Gerry Conway characters; John Buscema characters; Don Perlin
characters; and Vince Colletta characters
- Ewan
Duff - created December, 1973; representing the Horror genre;
Tomb of Dracula characters; Marvel Worldwide (Scotland); Marv Wolfman
characters; and Gene Colan characters
- Barachuudar
- created June, 1974; representing the High Evolutionary's
Countrer-Earth; Hidden Races (New Men); politicians; Gerry Conway
creations; Herb Trimpe creations; Roy Thomas creations; Adam Warlock
and Hulk characters
- Hammer
- created December, 1974; representing Incredible Hulk characters; Len
Wein creations; and Herb Trimpe creations
- Clete
Brandon - created July, 1975; representing Savage Tales;
military characters; and Archie Goodwin creations
- Aaron
Fox - created September, 1975; representing the Horror genre;
Legion of Monsters; and Marv Wolfman creations
- OK
Space Station - created January, 1976; representing Captain
Marvel; the Sci-Fi genre; locations; Steve Englehart creations; and Al
Milgrom creations
- Diamondhead
- created November, 1976; representing Nova characters; Marv Wolfman
characters; Sal Buscema characters; and space characters
- Zuras
- created November, 1976; representing Jack Kirby creations; and
Hidden Races (Eternals)
- Blaze
Kendall - created September, 1977; representing characters from
licensed titles; Human Fly characters; and Bill Mantlo creations
- Suzy
- created February, 1978; representing Marvel Premiere characters;
Marv Wolfman characters; Bill Mantlo characters; and Al Milgrom
- Clone
Ranger - created September 4th 1978; representing Howard the
Duck characters; alternate reality characters; Marv Wolfman creations;
Allan Kupperberg creations; newspaper strip characters; and Western
- Shaitan
- created February, 1979; representing Bill Mantlo creations; the
Sci-Fi genre; licensed characters; Micronauts characters; and
extraterrestrials (Spartak)
- "Scoop"
Daly - created May 23rd, 1979; representing Marvel UK
characters; Daily Bugle staff; reporters; the Past (1930s); Pulp
adventures; Night Raven characters; Steve Parkhouse creations; and
David Lloyd creations

- Alec
Swan (Firearm) - representing the Ultraverse; also military
personnel; and Marvel Worldwide (British)
- Anglo-Simian
- representing the (Captain Britain) Corps; also animal characters;
and Marvel Worldwide (British)
- Ape-vengers
- representing Marvel Ape; also Avengers characters; and animal
- Beautiful
Dreamer - representing Electric Company characters; also
Spider-Man characters; Marv Wolfman creations; and Sal Buscema
- Captain
America (Frank Simpson, Earth-1610) - representing the Ultimate
Universe; also military personnel; Captain America characters;
cyborgs; and Jason Aaron creations
- Centaurian
race (Reality-691) - representing the future/original Guardians
of the Galaxy's reality; also extraterrestrials; Science-Fiction
genre; and Gene Colan creations
- Cockroach
- representing the Spider-Man newspaper strip reality; also Spider-Man
characters; Stan Lee creations; and Larry Lieber creations
- Eric
Ravenscore - representing the Shadowline reality; also D.G.
Chichester creations; and Bob McLeod creations
- Exodus
(Earth-295) - representing the Age of Apocalypse; also mutants;
X-Men characters; and Fabian Nicieza creations
- Gorkill
- representing the Razorline reality; also creator-owned characters;
and Clive Baker creations
- Howard
the Duck (Earth-982) - representing Duckworld and MC2;
also Howard the Duck characters; Ron Lim creations; Tom DeFalco
creations; and Al Milgrom creations
- Jules
"Kneecap" Venici - representing the Dragon's Claws reality
(Earth-5555); also Death's Head characters; Marvel U.K. characters;
Simon Furman creations; and Lee Sullivan creations
- Kylun
- representing Ee'rath; also Excalibur characters; mutants; Marvel
Worldwide (Scottish); and Alan Davis creations
- Master
Menace - representing the Squadron Supreme reality; also Roy
Thomas creations
- Mobius M.
Mobius - representing the Time Variance Authority; also Walt
Simonson creations; Fantastic Four characters; and maybe jet-skies
- "Not
M'Gubgub" - representing the Nth Man reality; also
extraterrestrials; cosmic characters; and Larry Hama creations
- Omni-Wave
Annihilator - representing What If?; also Avengers items; and
extraterrestrials (Kree)
- Proteus
(Exiles member) - representing the House of M and the
Exiles; also mutants; X-Men characters; Tom Bedard creations; and Paul
Pelletier creations
- Radian
- representing 2099A.D.; also Dr. Doom characters; and
- Rodstvow
- representing the New Universe; also Psi-Force characters; Fabian
Nicieza creations; and Ron Lim creations
- Sabretooth
(Earth-1298) - representing the Mutant X reality; also mutants;
X-Men characters; and Howard Mackie creations
- Shattered
Dimensions - representing multiversal crossovers; also events;
computer games; Spider-Man characters; and Dan Slott creations
- Spider-Man
(Earth-94) - representing the Spiderverse event; also Spider-Man
characters; clones; and Dan Slott creations
- Wasp
(Earth-2149) - representing Marvel Zombies; also Avengers
characters; the Horror genre; and Mark Millar creations

- Aeish
- alien sorceress; representing Marvel UK and Warheads characters
- Ajak-Karr
- demon; representing the Ultraverse and Mantra characters
- Amulet
of Aagara - magical artifact; representing Spider-Man and
- Bridge
of Asbru - magical artifact; representing the Marvel Tarot and
David Sexton creations
- Den Vakre
- Norse entity; representing Deadpool characters and Asgardian
- Edge
of Intrados - magical artifact; representing Blade and
Nightstalker characters
- Fang
- demon; representing Hidden Races (the Lilin), demons, Morbius
characters and Midnight Sons characters
- First
Tarot - magical artifact; representing Doctor Strange and the
- Francois
Chicault - vampire; representing Hidden Races (vampires) and
Gambit characters
- Ghunthar
- werewolf (there wolf); representing Hidden Races (lycanthropes),
Hyperboria and Red Sonja characters
- Giuseppe
Montesi - vampire-fighting priest; representing Dracula
characters, Darkhold characters and the Holy Roman Church
- Gretchin
- sorceress; representing the Horror genre and Lilith (Daughter of
Dracula) characters
- Jeremiah
Warrick - expert on the arcane; representing SHIELD
- Layla
- Voodoo priestess; representing the Horror genre and Tales of the
Zombie characters
- Living
Buddha - sorcerer; representing Doctor Strange characters and
Marvel Premiere characters
- Mercedes
Wilson - magic user; representing Deadpool characters
- N'astirh
- demon; representing New Mutant characters, Limbo/Otherplace
residents and demons
- Satyne
- Priestess of Set; representing Conan characters and Hyperborian era
- Sujaana
min Raghbah - sorcerer; representing Alan Davis characters and
Clan Destine
- Taurus
Killgaren - extradimensional sorcerer; representing Demons,
Alternate Realities, creator-owned characters and Dreadstar characters
- Urchin
- magical species; representing K'un-Lun
- Ventri
- alien sorcerer; representing extraterrestrials (Cotati) and Avengers
- Zothros
- extradimensional sorcerer; representing the Ultraverse and demons

- "Knuckledown"
- from prehistoric times; representing lost tales; Marvel UK, and
- Wanderers
- from 1 million BC; representing Eternals characters, Deviant
characters, Peter Sanderson creations, Steve Englehart creations and
Mark Bagley creations
- Amra
- from the Hyborian age (10,000 BC); representing Conan characters; Roy
Thomas creations; John Buscema creations; and licensed (R.E. Howard)
- Damon the
Man-God - from 5000 years ago (3,000 BC); representing
extraterrestrials; Ka-Zar characters; Barry Windsor-Smith creations;
Gerry Conway creations; and Bill Everett creations
- Sirens
- from a few millennia BC; representing mythological characters; Uncanny
Tales characters; and Hidden races (Sirens)
- Anubis
of Earth-88194 - from Ancient Egypt and the Dark Ages;
representing Shadowline characters; D.G. Chichester creations; Bill
Sienkiewicz creations; and Doctor Zero characters
- Ashake
- from 26th - 11th century BC / Ancient Egypt; representing New Mutants
characters; and Chris Claremont creations
- Grylak
the Greater - from 2000 years ago; representing Asgardian trolls;
Tom DeFalco creations; and Sal Buscema creations
- Taric
Redhand - from around 50 BC to 50 AD; representing Chris Claremont
creations; Marada the She-Wolf characters; and Epic Illustrated
- Norseman
- from the 3rd century AD; representing Bran Mak Morn characters; Marvel
Worldwide (Scandinavia); licensed (R.E. Howard) characters; and Savage
Sword of Conan characters
- Sir
Reginald - from the 6th century AD; representing Arthurian/Camelot
character; New Excalibur characters; and Black Knight characters
- Paolo
Montesi - from the 12th century AD; representing Doctor Strange,
Sorcerer Supreme characters; vampire hunters; Jean-Marc Lofficier
creations; and Roy Thomas creations
- Crusader
- from 1150-1350 AD; representing Ultraverse characters; and Rune
- Al
Kadhdhaab - from the 12th century AD; representing Clan Destine
characters; and Alan Davis creations
- Doctor
John Dee - sorcerer and spy; representing Night Raven characters,
Marvel UK and British characters, but most of all representing Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth I
- "Solari"
- from 1582 AD; representing SHIELD characters; heralds of Galactus; and
Jonathan Hickman creations
- Kage -
from "several centuries ago"; representing Marvel UK characters; Marvel
Worldwide (Japan); and Black Axe characters
- Firefall
(Karas) - from 200 years ago; representing Spaceknights; Rom
characters; extraterrestrials (Galadorians); Bill Mantlo creations; and
Sal Buscema creations
- Lenore
DeCade --from the late 19th century; representing vampires; Tomb
of Dracula characters; Archie Goodwin creations; and Gene Colan
- "Jill
the Ripper" - from 1888; representing Wisdom characters; Marvel
Worldwide (Britain); and Paul Cornell creations
- Creeper
(Wonders, Street Arab) - from the early 1900s; representing Runaways
characters; and Joss Whedon creations
- Mbonga
- from the early 20th century; representing licensed (Tarzan)
characters; Jungle characters; Roy Thomas creations; and John Buscema
- Gialetta
Nefaria - from the 1930s; representing Alternate Realities
(Marvel/ Noir); and Iron Man characters
- Katherine
Ainsley-Jones - from the 1940s; representing Marvel Worldwide
(England); Marvel UK; vampires; and Immortalis characters

- Thorn
- circa the 1990s (that was the future at the time!);
representing Marvel Spotlight characters; Star-Lord characters; and Doug
Moench creations
- Wheelie
- 2008 AD (ditto); representing licensed (Transformers) characters; and
Marvel UK characters
- Keiko
Takimoto - 2015 (ditto); representing Iron Man characters; and
Marvel Worldwide (Japan)
- Keeper
(Dr. Raker) - 2018 (ditto); representing Killraven characters; and
Amazing Adventures characters
- Marcus
Wellington - 2020 (and again); representing Iron Man 2020
- Janice
Travers - relative future, a few years from now; representing
Deathlok characters; and Astonishing Tales characters
- Alkemist
- 2026; representing Death's Heads characters; Dan Abnett creations; and
Marvel UK characters
- Jean
Grey of Earth-9997 - relative future, a couple of decades from
now; representing Earth X characters
- Apeslayer
- relative future, a few decades from now; representing Marvel UK
- Mister
Nobody (MC2) - a couple of decades from now; representing MC 2
characters; and Spider-Girl characters
- Commander
X - decades from now; representing mutants; and Rob Liefeld
- Tochsyn
- around 50 years from now; representing Ultraverse; and Foxfire
- Red
Skull of Earth-807128 - late 21st century; representing Old Man
Logan; and Wolverine characters
- Vapor
- late 21st century; representing Future Imperfect's Dystopia; Peter
David creations; and Hulk characters
- Shackle -
80 years from now; representing the XSE; Bishop's future; and mutants
- Anti-Hulk
- 2099; representing Marvel 2099
- cockroach
men of Earth-80521 - 2360AD; representing Cable characters
- Dr.
Caldwell - 2769 AD; representing Marvel Boy characters
- "Alphan"
race - 31st century; representing the original Guardians of the
- Earth-39372
- incalculable centuries in the future; representing Marvel UK; and
Killpower characters
- Iron Lad
(Nate Richards, Earth-18651) - 40th century; representing Exiles
- Incinerator
Jones and the Jones Boys - 8162 AD; representing Dragon's Claws;
and Marvel UK characters
- Z
(Dreadstar) - one million years in the future; representing
Dreadstar characters; Epic/creator-owned characters; and Jim Starlin
- Fallen
One - millions of years in the future; representing Thanos
characters; Cosmic Ghost Rider characters; and Donny Cates creations

- Ben
Benson - Explorer's Club member; representing Men's Adventures;
and Gorilla Man characters
- Bog-Beast
- extraterrestrial animal; representing Tales to Astonish characters;
and Stan Lee creations
- Gator -
human transformed into animal; representing the TSR Marvel Super Heroes
Roleplaying Game
- Gerald
Thorne - Communist agent operating in the Congo; representing Jann
of the Jungle characters
- Great
Beast - giant jungle monster; representing Daring Mystery Comics
characters; and Trojak the Tigerman characters
- Harrowbeast
- extraterrestrial animal; representing Planet Hulk characters; and Greg
Pak creations
- Jakuna
Singh - SHIELD agent operating in the Congo; representing Shanna
the She-Devil characters
- Jobu -
Bantu tribesman; representing Jungle Tales characters; and Waku
- "Jolly
Swagman" - human transformed into animal; representing Marvel UK;
Marvel Worldwide (Australia); humor characters; and Bog Paper characters
- Leopard
Girl - jungle adventurer; representing Leopard Girl characters;
and Jungle Action characters
- Man-Eater
- human transformed into animal; representing Silver Sable and the Wild
Pack characters
- Mele
- Savage Land native; representing Ka-Zar characters
- Mr. Steed
- animal transformed into humanoid; representing Hidden Races (New Men);
and Quicksilver characters
- Novak
the bear - (semi-)wild animal; representing Dr. Doom characters
- Pallas the
owl - pet; representing Incredible Hercules characters
- Pine
Cone - pet; representing Squirrel-Gwen characters
- Pip the dog
- pet; representing Domino characters
- Pride -
animalistic possessing spirits; representing Marvel Fanfare characters;
and Shanna the She-Devil characters
- Rocky
Martin - collector of animal trophies; representing Adventures
Into Terror characters
- Rufus
the cat - pet; representing Runaways characters
- Seven
Scars - proto-humanoid; representing Devil Dinosaur characters;
and Jack Kirby creations
- Shanna
- jungle adventurer; representing clones; Shanna the She-Devil
characters; and Frank Cho creations
- Tigerman
- jungle adventurer; representing Daring Mystery Comics characters; and
Golden Age characters
- Valulu
- African god; representing Astonishing characters; and gods
- Zawadi
- Wakandan adventurer; representing Wakandan characters; Marvel Universe
characters; Roger Stern creations; and Bret Blevins creations

- Arabellum
- a planet; representing Force Works locations; and Dan Abnett and Andy
Lanning creations
- Av-Rom
- Kree; representing Young Avengers characters
- Big
Angry - Sinnarian; representing Black Order characters
- Cardinal
Raker - Universal Church of Truth; representing Guardians of the
Galaxy characters; and Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning creations
- Chewie -
Flerken; representing Ms. Marvel characters
- Criti
Noll - Skrull; representing Secret Invasion characters; and
Avengers characters
- Daak -
extraterrestrial; representing Thanos characters
- Extirpia
- Negative Zone insectoid; representing Annihilation characters
- Games
- extraterrestrial blood sport; representing Marvel UK creations; and
Battletide creations
- Gamora
(Reality-25271) - extraterrestrial; representing alternate reality
characters; and Captain Marvel characters
- Glitter
- Shi'ar; representing X-Men characters
- Jakal -
Snark; representing Power Pack characters; and Louise Simonson creations
- Jazinda
-Skrull; representing She-Hulk characters; and Peter David creations
- Kam'N'Ehar
- Brood; representing X-Men characters; Chris Claremont creations; and
Dave Cockrum creations
- Korilla
- Atlas era alien; representing Journey into Mystery characters; and
Jack Kirby creations
- Krugreppeans
- extraterrestrial race; representing Defenders characters; and Peter
Gillis creations
- Llrrllllnnllyyrrll
- Battleworld resident; representing Thing characters; and John Byrne
- Miek's
father - Sakaarian; representing Hulk characters; and Greg Pak
- Oola
Udonta -- Centaurian Inhuman; representing Fantastic Four
characters; and Jonathan Hickman creations
- Quantum
- Dakkamite; representing West Coast Avengers characters; and Steve
Englehart creations
- Slavers
of Shakati - extraterrestrial organization; representing Star Lord
characters; Chris Claremont creations; and John Byrne creations
- Snake
Eyes - extraterrestrial animal; representing Marvel Team-Up
characters; and Louise Simonson creations
- Valesh
Malafect - extraterrestrial pirate; representing Cyclops
- Wide
Load Annie - human emigrant to space; representing US1 characters;
Al Milgrom creations; and Jim Shooter creations
- Yla
- extraterrestrial; representing Silver Surfer characters; and George
Perez creations

- Bobby
Lathrop - ranch kid; representing Black Rider characters;
All-Western Winners characters; and Syd Shores creations
- Charlie
Feather - Native American; representing Kid Colt, Outlaw
characters; and Gene Colan creations
- Crazy
Wolf - Native American; representing Outlaw Kid characters
- Dakota
Kid - outlaw; representing Gunsmoke Western characters; and Joe
Sinnott creations
- Dean
"Deadman" Donnelly - sheriff; representing Gunhawks characters
- Doe
Eyes - Native American (Pawnee); representing Arrowhead
characters; and Joe Sinnott creations
- George
Peshaur - gunslinger; representing Wyatt Earp characters
- Goliath
(Two-Gun Kid) - cowboy; representing Two-Gun Kid characters; and
Stan Lee creations
- Grey Wolf
- Native American (Comanche); representing Apache Kid characters
- Happy
Hicks - Texas Ranger; representing Arizona Kid characters
- Hugo
- gunfighter and performer; representing Rawhide Kid characters; and
Larry Lieber creations
- Idaho
Smith - sheriff; representing Annie Oakley characters; and Ross
Andru creations
- Jim Clay
- Pony express courier; represting Apache Kid characters; and Joe Kubert
- John
Darby - traveling snakeoil salesman; representing Red Wolf
characters; and Gardner Fox creations
- Major
Cullen - Texas Ranger; representing Arizona Kid characters
- Nan
Macklin - Fort Houston resident; representing Arizona Kid
- Ojo,
el - bandit; representing Phantom Rider chsracters; and Dan Slott
- Outcast
- Native America; representing Western Gunfighters characters; and Roy
Thomas creations
- Puma
(Heart-Like-Fire) - Native American (Kisani) superhuman;
representing Western Legends characters; and Fred Van Lente creations
- Red
Warrior - Native American (Comanche); representing Red Warrior
- Remarkable
Occurrences of 1881 - event; representing Marvel Western: Outlaw
Files creations
- Santiago
de Valdez - vampire in the Old West; representing Chamber of
Chills characters; licensed (R.E.Howard) characters; and the
- Spider
Webb - outlaw; representing Ringo Kid characters; and John Severin
- Steam
Rider - cyborg sheriff; representing Amazing Fantasy characters;
and steampunk characters

- Anya
Makarova - human friend to mutants; representing Classic X-Men
characters; Marvel Worldwide (Russia); and Chris Claremont creations
- Black
Patch - human foe of mutants; representing Deadpool characters;
and Tim Seeley creations
- Carver
- Morlock; representing Wolverine characters; and Rob Liefeld creations
- Charmaine
Grand - mutant; Rogue & Gambit characters
- Christian
Frost - mutant; representing Emma Frost characters; and Grant
Morrison creations
- Curse -
mutant; representing Mauraders characters
- Dr.
Whoosh - probable mutant; representing X-Statix characters; and
Peter Milligan creations
- Frederick
Mallin - 1950s mutant; representing Strange Tales of the Unusual
- Frenzy
- X-Man; representing X-Factor characters; and Bob Layton creations
- Gail
Collins - human parent of mutant; representing New Mutants
- Grand
Inquisitor - human foe of mutants; representing Hydra characters;
and Wolverine characters
- Harrison
Taylor - anti-mutant human; representing Mystique characters
- Lefty
- mutant; representing Madrox characters; and Peter David creations
- Mystiq -
extradimensional mutant; representing Exiles characters; and Chris
Claremont creations
- Pogg
Ur-Pogg - extradimensional foe of mutants; representing X of
Swords characters
- Scab
- mutant; representing X-Termintors characters
- Scorpion
Boy - X-Man; representing Nightcrawler characters; and Chris
Claremont creations
- Soil
- mutant; representing lost projects; and Rob Liefeld creations
- Tigerstryke
- ally and foe of mutants; representing X-Force characters; Rob Liefeld
creations; Fabian Nicieza creations; and Marvel Worldwide (Canada)
- Wendigo
- foe of mutants; representing Wolverine characters; and Marvel
Worldwide (Canada)
- Whisper
(Karl Reifschneider) - mutant; representing Marvel Comics Presents
- X-Cutioner
- anti-mutant human; representing Uncanny X-Men characters; and Scott
Lobdell creations
- Zealot -
mutant; representing Magneto characters; and Marvel Worldwide (Genosha)
- Zeeshan
- mutant; representing Generation Hope characters

- Ahriman
- Yazatas; representing Thor and Hercules: Encyclopedia
Mythologica characters
- Aqhat
- Annunaki/Mesopotamian; representing Citizen V and the V-Battalion
- Arawn
- Tuatha de Danaan/Celtic gods; representing Conan the Barbarian
- Astrologer
Royal of Asgard - Asgardian; representing Thor characters; Stan
Lee creations; and Jack Kirby creations
- Bathala
- Diwatas/Filipino; representing Thor characters
- Blessed
of Litters - Alien (Druff) god; representing Incredible Hercules
- Chaac
- Ahau/Mayan; representing Thor and Hercules:
Encyclopedia Mythologica characters
- Dark
God - Pictish gods; representing Brak Mak Morn characters
- Davi Naka
- Madripoor (maybe Daevas/Hindu); representing Sword Master characters;
and Greg Pak creations
- Elephant
God - African; representing Strange Tales characters
- Giacomo
Montesi - Judeo-Christian-Islamic monotheism; representing Doctor
Strange, Sorcerer Supreme characters
- Huitzilopochtli
- Teteoh/Aztec; representing Incredible Hercules characters
- Inti -
Apu/Inca; representing Incredible Hercules characters
- Isuus/Issus
- Elder God / Hyborian era god; representing Savage Sword of Conan
- Joya -
Olympian/Greek; representing Venus characters
- Kagutsuchi
- Amatsu-Kami/Japanese; representing Thor and Hercules:
Encyclopedia Mythologica characters
- Kuara -
Tenger/Mongolian; representing Thor and Hercules:
Encyclopedia Mythologica characters
- Marinette-Bwa-Chech
- Vodu/African; representing Doctor Voodoo characters
- Marmoo
- Australian Aborigine; representing Thor and Hercules:
Encyclopedia Mythologica characters
- Nelvanna
- Inua/Northern; representing Alpha Flight characters
- Sobek
- Heliopolis/Egyptian; representing Black Panther characters
- Tomazooma
- Manidoog/Native American; representing Fantastic Four characters; Stan
Lee creations; and Jack Kirby creations
- Ukko
- Finnish god; representing Thor characters
- Veffir
Voon Iyax - Extradimensional alien god; representing Ultraverse
characters; and Sludge characters
- Whiro
- Akua/Oceanic; representing Citizen V and the V-Battalion characters
- Zhu
Rong (Taoist god) - Xian/Chinese; representing Iron Fist

- AIMarines
- gamma-powered soldiers; representing Hulk characters
- Black
Claw - WWII Nazi sailor; representing Golden Age characters; USA
Comics characters
- Blue
Bullet (Johann Goldstein) - WWII scientist; representing Invaders
characters; Marvel Worldwide (Poland); and Roy Thomas creations
- Brad
Testa - U.S.Army soldier - representing AAFES characters
- Bud Adams
- WWII soldier turned vampire; representing Hidden Races (vampires);
Ravencroft characters; and Frank Tieri creations
- Captain
Colton - SAS; representing Captain Britain and MI13 characters;
Marvel Worldwide (Britain); and Paul Cornell creations
- Captain
Koenig - US Army soldier; representing Infinity characters
- Crewcut
Cambridge - US Navy; representing Navy Combat characters; and the
Atlas era
- Freddy
Lancer - soldier turned mercenary; representing Skull the Slayer
characters; and Marv Wolfman creations
- Fury Force
- counter terrorist unit; representing Larry Hama creations; and lost
- General
Combest - US Army general; representing New Mutants characters
- General
Kato - Japanese Army general; representing Hit-Monkey characters;
and Marvel Worldwide (Japan)
- Kid
Commandos - WWII heroes; representing Invaders characters; and Roy
Thomas creations
- Kim Kee
- South Korean guerilla fighter; representing Battle Action characters;
Marvel Worldwide (South Korea); and the Atlas era
- Leonard
Hazzard - retired U.S.Army; representing Alternate Realities (New
Universe); and Marc Hazzard, Merc characters
- Muktong
Mollie - North Korean guerilla fighter; representing Combat Kelly
characters; the Atlas era; and Marvel Worldwide (North Korea)
- Nick
Fury of Earth-21196 - cover operations soldier; representing
Alternate Realities; and Timeslip characters
- Phil
Parker - U.S. Army Intelligence; representing Sgt Fury and the
Howling Commandos characters; and Stan Lee creations
- Red
Poppy - Korean War gangster; representing Combat Casey characters;
and Atlas era characters
- Remmick
- operative of US military program; representing Red She-Hulk characters
- Seth
Horne - SHIELD agent; representing Original Sin characters
- Tag Team
- mercenary squad; representing One Month to Live characters
- Tel-Kar
- Kree soldier; representing Venom characters; and extraterrestrials
- Union Jack
- WWI government agent; representing Invaders characters; Marvel
Worldwide (Britain); and Roy Thomas creations
- Zalme -
U.S. Army soldier; representing Dazzler characters; Assistant Editors
Month characters; and mutants

- Amazon
- from DC/Amalgam; representing company crossovers;
- Badj
- from Epic's Alien Legion; representing creator-owned (Carl Potts)
characters; extraterrestrials; science-fiction; and war characters
- Billy the
Marlin - from the Miami Marlins; representing promotional comics
- Blind
Faith - from the Ultraverse; representing companies bought by
- Blackmark
- from the Blackmark novels; representing comics based on prose stories;
fantasy characters; and Gil Kane creations
- Bran
Mak Morn - from Robert E. Howard's pulp stories; representing
comics based on prose stories; and Roy Thomas characters
- Cephala
- from Epic Illustrated; representing the Epic Comics imprint
- Charlie
Dunne - from Indiana Jones; representing comics based on movies;
and John Byrne creations
- Cilicia
- from Micronauts; representing comics based on toy lines; and Bill
Mantlo creations
- Conquistador
- from Rom; representing comics based on toy lines; and Bill Mantlo
- Darth
Vader (Reality-616) - based on Star Wars; representing comics
based on movies; and Chris Claremont characters
- Exterminator
- from promotional advertising comics; representing high-tech characters
- Hand
of Darkness - from Dreadstar; representing the Epic Comics
imprint; and Jim Starlin creations
- Kool-Aid
Man - from promotional advertising comics; representing
thirst-quenching characters
- Marak -
from 2001: A Space Odyssey; representing comics based on movies
- Melanie
Ridgway - from NFL Superpro; representing promotional comics
- Mish-Mash
- from Razorline; representing the Razorline imprint; and creator-owned
(Clive Barker) comics
- Nightwind/Gigantauron
- from Shogun Warriors; representing comics based on toy lines
- Order
of the Black Sun - from Doctor Who; representing comics based on
TV series; Marvel UK; Alan Moore creations; and David Lloyd creations
- Shadow -
from Harley Davidson; representing promotional comics
- Techno-X
- from Transformers; representing comics based on toy lines; and Simon
Furman creations
- Thing
Mega Morph - from Mega Morph minicomics; representing comics based
on toy lines
- Time-Glider
- from Hardee's giveaway comic; representing promotional comics; and
X-Men items
- Weirdbeard
- from Madballs; representing comics based on toy lines
- Yuriko
Takiguchi - from Godzilla; representing comics based on movies;
and Marvel Worldwide (Japan)

- Amintas
- Serpent Men; representing Conan characters
- Aracht'yr
-The People/Saurians; representing Ms. Marvel characters; Dave Cockrum
creations; and Chris Claremont creations
- Beast-Men
- hidden race; representing Western Winners characters
- Big
Grokko - Atlantean; representing Defenders characters
- Brother
Gustav - Shadows; representing Shadowline characters
- Crabmen
- hidden race; representing Journey Into Unknown Worlds characters
- Dovinia
- Changeling; representing Marvel Comics Presents characters
- Druids
- hidden community; representing Sub-Mariner Comics characters
- Ferret
- Warpies; representing Excalibur characters; and Alan Davis creations
- Jailer
- Inhuman; representing Black Bolt characters
- Joseph
Jennings - Hydro-Men; representing Sub-Mariner characters
- Kuroba
- hidden peoples (Bogondi); representing Savage Sword of Conan
- Lobster
People - hidden race; representing Sentry/Hulk characterts
- Macrothrax
- insectoid; representing Ant-Man characters
- Parvez
- Descendants; representing Secret Avengers characters
- Picts
race - lost tribes; representing Bran Mak Morn characters
- Professor
Leon - Cat People; representing Marvel Chillers characters
- Ravian
- avian race; representing Kull the Conqueror characters
- Sarak
- Fall People; representing Ka-Zar characters
- Sigmar -
Eternals; representing Jack Kirby creations
- Spider-People
- hidden race; representing Marvel Team-Up characters
- Vala-Kuri
- Savage Land hidden race; representing Astonishing Tales characters
- Witness/Ness
- Hellbent; representing X-Men characters
- Worms
of the Earth - hidden race; representing Savage Sword of Conan
characters; and licensed (Bran Mak Morn) characters
- Zakka -
Deviant; representing Jack Kirby creations

- Agatha
Timly - occultist; representing Marvel Spotlight characters; and
Werewolf by Night characters
- Amelia
Sefton - ally of Son of Satan; representing Son of Satan
- Archfiends
- technodemons; representing Ghost Rider 2099 characters
- Bobby
Gross - possessed by a ghost; representing Bizarre Adventures
- Byron
Hyatt - priest; representing Marvel Spotlight characters
- Creighton
C. Craven - owner of living house; representing Chamber of
Darkness characters
- Dead
George Pelham - zombie; representing Runaways characters
- Fear
Avatar - living embodiment of fear; representing Angela characters
- Fly-Man
- monstrous reanimated corpse; representing Mystic Comics characters
- Frank
von Frankenstein - member of the Frankenstein dynasty;
representing Doctor Strange characters
- Grumpy
- monstrous mutate; representing Ghost Rider characters
- Jasper
Petrie - Man-Thing victim; representing Astonishing Tales
- Justin
Cabel - werewolf; representing Solomon Kane characters
- Kirsten
Crowley - criminal and Ghost Rider victim; representing
promotional comics characters
- Leena
Wolfe - victim of demons; representing Midnight Sons characters
- Man in
Black - demonic tormentor; representing Adventures into Terror
- Mark
Cephalos - monstrous mutate; representing Werewolf by Night
- Neeoqtoq
- eldritch horror Great Beast; representing Incredible Hercules
- Rekrab
- occult expert; representing Terror Inc. characters
- Sweeny
Conway - vampire; representing Vampire Tales characters
- Tara
Cross (Vanessa Brooks) - vampire and Blade's mother; representing
Blade characters
- Terrible
Eye - magic user; representing Gwenpool characters
- Venom
clone - monstrous alien; representing Venom characters
- Vittorio
Montesi - priest opposing the forces of Chthon; representing
Darkhold characters

- Acidroid
- robot; representing Cable characters
(Squadron Supreme) - alternate reality artificial intelligence;
representing Squadron Supreme characters; and Mark Gruenwald creations
- All-Out
- robot; representing Civil War characters
- Battlewagon
- alternate reality cyborg; representing Ultraverse characters; and
Prototype characters
- Chorus
Sentries - alien robots; representing War of Kings characters
- Circuit
Breaker (Earth-616) - hunter of robots; representing Transformers
- Dino-Byte
- robot; representing Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur characters
- Doctor
Singh - robot; representing Fantastic Four characters; and John
Byrne creations
- Eradikator-6
- robot; representing Punisher characters
- Gascheck
- artificial intelligence; representing Avengers AI characters
- Inhuman
Torch - synthezoid; representing android Human Torch characters
- Khyber
- cyborg; representing Wolverine characters
- Lazurex
Prime - cyborg; representing Razorline characters
- Lord
Ogre - cyborg; representing Venom characters
- Mainspring
- cyborg; representing Warlock characters
- Mechamorph
- robot; representing Nightwatch characters
- Mys-Tech
D.O.G.s - robots; representing Dark Angel characters
- Pyranos
- mecha; representing Livewires characters
- Red
Ronin (Namie) - cyborg; representing Loners characters
- Sav'rkk -
extraterrestrial cyborg; representing Yondu characters
- Seraph
- cyborg; representing Deathlok characters
- Torso -
cyborg mutate; representing Ultraverse characters; and Strangers
characters; and Night Man characters; and Steve Englehart creations
- Vee -
robot; representing Death's Head characters
- Vin Vision
- synthezoid; representing Vision characters
- X.E.R.O.
- robot; representing X-51 (Machine Man) characters

- Adonis
- god; representing Olympians; Marvel Worldwide (Greece); and Venus
- Borgeddon
- fantasy monster; representing Warlock and the Infinity Watch
characters; Asgardian characters; and Jim Starlin creations
- Caden Tar
- resident of fantasy realm (Weirdworld); representing Weirdworld
- Dai Thomas
- possessed by Sir Gawain; representing Blade characters; Captain
Britain characters; Knights of Pendragon characters; and Chris Claremont
- Dragon
of Moondark Mount - fantasy creature (dragon); representing Savage
Tales characters
- Forest
Trolls - fantasy race; representing Otherworld characters; Marvel
UK; and Black Knight characters
- Genghis
Grimtoad - fantasy world adventurer; representing Strip
characters; Marvel UK; John Wagner creations; Alan Grant creations; and
Ian Gibson creations
- Marta
Cabel - sorcerer; representing Solomon Kane characters
- Kryllk
the Cruel - fantasy monster (Asgardian Rock Troll); representing
Marvel Team-Up characters
- Kulan
Gath (the elder) - sorcerer; representing Conan characters; and
Savage Avengers characters
- Lavadon
- fantasy monster; representing Asgardian characters; and Jean Grey
- Light
Elf Rifle Brigade - fantasy race (Elves); representing Asgardian
characters; and War of the Realms characters
- Mala
- resident of fantasy era (Hyborian); representing Savage Tales
characters; and Conan characters
- Morcar
- sorcerer; representing HeroQuest characters; Marvel UK; and licensed
- Murder
Trolls - fantasy monsters; representing Asgardian characters; and
Fearless Defenders characters
- Myth-Realm
- fantasy realm; representing Hulk magazine creations
- Nebulos -
extradimensional magician; representing Doctor Strange characters
- Negafok
- god; representing the Inua
- Ogun -
god; representing Doctor Voodoo characters
- Ragnahorn
- magical item; representing Asgardian items; and Marvel Knights items
- Ranilla
- resident of fantasy realm (Crystallium); representing Crystar
- Storm
(Earth-8280) - sorcerer; representing X-Men characters; and Chris
Claremont creations
- Swift-Sword
- resident of fantasy realm (Weirdworld/Crystallium); representing
Squadron Supreme characters
- Thaumas
- god; representing Olympians
- Vandal
the Barbarian - fantasy adventurer; representing Wally Wood
creations; and Tower of Shadows characters

- ####
King - representing Foolkiller characters
- Barber
of Wolverine - representing Crazy characters
- Bebop
- representing Marvel Adventures Super-Heroes characters
- Cast-Iron
Duck - representing funny animal characters
- Choirmaster
- representing Secret Empire characters; and Hydra's musical ambitions
- Dr.
Demon - representing funny animal characters; and Ziggy
Pig-Silly Seal characters
- "Doughy
Boy" - representing Assistant Editors' Month; and Marvel Team-Up
- Heather
- representing Slapstick characters
- Howard
the Human - representing Howard the Duck characters
- H.U.M.P.H.R.I.E.S.
- representing Franklin Richards characters
- Inspector
Spectre - representing It's Wicked characters; and Marvel UK
- Inventor
- representing Ms. Marvel characters; and parrot-headed clone mad
- Laz
- representing Groot characters; and inept Skrull invaders
- Liverer
- representing SHIELD characters; and Galactus parodies
- Ma
Yonaise - representing parody superheroes; and Marvel Worldwide
- Marie
Leahy - representing Damage Control characters
- Nick
Fury (Odhams) - representing Pow! characters; and Marvel
Worldwide (Britain)
- Polar
Penguin - representing What The--?! characters
- Professor
Prowlpate Prank - representing Powerhouse Pepper characters
- Ricardo
Del Wolverine - representing Alan Moore creations; and Marvel UK
- Robert
the Robber - representing Homer the Happy Ghost characters
- Sister
Voodoo - representing Fred Hembeck creations; and Marvel Age
- Tippi
Canoe - representing Crazy Magazine characters; and Howard the
Duck characters
- Vermin
the Vile - representing Planet Terry characters; and Star Comics
imprint characters
- Vestry
- representing NextWave characters

- Alison
Green - Ultimates; representing Civil War characters
- Avengers
Support Crew - Avengers; representing supporting cast members
- Bread-Boy
- West Coast Avengers; representing Avengers team applicants
- Called
- Avengers: The Initative; representing the Fifty-State Initiative
- Earth-Force
- Thor; representing Tom DeFalco creations; and Avengers Assemble
- Eden Vale
- Hawkeye; representing Generations characters
- Enmity
- She-Hulk; representing cosmic characters; and Peter David creations
- Golden
Skull - U.S.Avengers; representing alternate reality characters
- Gretl
Anders - Iron Man; representing supporting cast members
- Gunthar
- Avengers; representing extraterrestrials (Rigellians); Roger Stern
creations; and John Buscema creations
- Hotshot
- Hulk; representing Peter David creations; and Todd McFarlane creations
- JAB-14 -
Avengers Spotlight; representing Thunderbolts characters
- Jeryn
Hogarth - Avengers' lawyer; representing Iron Fist characters;
Chris Claremont creations; and John Byrne creations
- Leviathan
(organization) - Secret Warriors; representing Jonathan Hickman
- Lisa
Halloran - Avengers; representing supporting cast members; and
Ultimates characters
- Mister
Gryphon (Kang temporal divergent counterpart) - All-New,
All-Different Avengers; representing Mark Waid creations
- M.O.G.O.D.
- A+X; representing tiny psychic MODOKs
- Norris
- Avengers; representing supporting cast members
- Octo-Lizard
- Dark Avengers; representing alternate reality characters
- Officer
Jay Sero - Avengers: Marvel Snapshots; representing supporting
cats members
- Pansy -
Great Lakes Avengers; representing supporting cast members
- Powderkeg
- Captain Marvel; representing Dwayne McDuffie creations
- Striker
- Avengers Academy; representing Christos Gage creations
- Treach
- US Agent; representing supporting cast members
- Young
Avengers (Valentino/Liefeld) - Young Avengers; representing lost
projects; Jim Valentino creations; and Rob Liefeld creations

(Earth-199999) - Agents of SHIELD TV show; representing TV
- Alligator
Loki - Loki TV show; representing TV adaptations
- Black
Widow (1970s TV show proposal) - Black Widow TV show; representing
lost projects
- Buff
- Generation X TV movie; representing TV adaptations
- Captain
America (Fox Kids) - Captain America cartoon; representing
lost projects
- Carnage
(Earth-33734) - home console video game; representing Marvel games
- Courageous
Crew - Young Astronauts comic; representing lost projects; and
comics based on TV shows
- Daredevil
(Jay&SB) - Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back movie; representing
movie cameos
- Dark
Kleenex (ALF) - Alf comic; representing comics based on TV shows
- Drax-Man
(GotG cartoon alternate reality) - Guardians of the Galaxy
cartoon; representing TV adaptations
- Grant Ward
- Agents of SHIELD comic; representing characters brought into the
comics from other media
- Hiawatha
Smith (Earth-8107) - Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends cartoon;
representing TV adaptations
- Hulk Hound
- Hulk Hound cartoon; representing lost projects
- Icara -
Visionaries comic; representing comics based on TV shows
- Lightning
the Wonder Dog - Daredevil cartoon; representing lost projects
- Metlar
- Inhumanoids comic; representing comics based on TV shows
- Professor
Lyman - Captain America cinema serial; representing movie
- R.J.
Waldo - Howard the Duck cartoon; representing lost projects
- She-Hulk
(Neilsen proposed TV version) - She-Hulk TV show; representing
lost projects
- Snowman
- Blade II movie; representing movie adaptations
- Stone
- Elektra movie; representing movie adaptations
- Sub-Mariner
(1950s TV series) - Sub-Mariner TV show; representing lost
- Thor
(Ruby-Spears cartoon) - Thor cartoon; representing lost projects
- Tigra
(Av United They Stand Earth-730834) - Avengers: United They Stand
comic; representing comics based on TV shows based on comics
- Tomorrow
Stone - early motion comic; representing Marvel online
- Wallow
- Ghost Rider movie; representing movie adaptations

- Acid
Queen - expanded from the Para Troops profile; representing the
New Universe; and Mark Gruenwald creations
- Albert
DeVoor - expanded from the Nth Command profile; representing
Fantastic Four characters
- Arbogast
von Frankenstein - expanded from von Frankensteins family profile;
representing Marvel Worldwide; and the Horror genre
- Benjamin
Jones - expanded from the Nth Man (Lightner) profile; representing
Squadron Supreme characters
- Big
One - expanded from the Pacific Overlords profile; representing
Avengers West Coast characters; and Marvel Worldwide
- Boswell
- expanded from the Para-Man; representing Ant-Man characters
- Chrlee
- expanded from the SHIELD (alien) profile; representing Avengers
Spotlight characters
- Circuit
- Creature
from Kosmos - expanded from the Creatures from Kosmos species
profile; representing Tales to Astonish characters
- Fastforward
- Ice
Princess - expanded from the Superia's Femizons profile;
representing Captain America characters
- Indiana
Drake - expanded from the Legion of Howards profile; representing
Howard the Duck
- Jacob
Hathaway expanded from the Monster Hunters profile; representing
Marvel Monsters characters
- Jacob
Scott - expanded from the Effigy profile; representing Marvel: The
Lost Generation characters
- Landslide
- expanded from the Outcasts profile; representing Bill Mantlo creations
- Lyra
- expanded from the Stan Lee's femizons profile; representing Savage
Tales characters
- Marcello
Montesi - expanded from the Montesi family profile; representing
Doctor Strange characters
- Mendes
- expanded from the profile; representing Wild Angels characters; and
Marvel Italia
- Ocelot
- expanded from the Warpies profile; representing Excalibur characters;
and Marvel Worldwide (Scotland)
- Raymond
Lightner/Blacksun - expanded from the Nth Man profile;
representing Marvel Two-in-One characters
- Rock -
expanded from the Hulkbusters profile; representing Hulk characters
- Sod
- expanded from the Asylum profile; representing Guardians of the Galaxy
- Sphinxor -
- Stanley
Hathaway - expanded from the Monster Hunters profile; representing
Men's Adventures characters
- Totem-Stick
of the Lion God - expanded from the Lion God profile; representing
Avengers items
- Zaffer
- expanded from the Rose of Purity profile; representing Defenders

- Agent K
- Ditko creation; representing Machine Man characters
- Caesar
Cicero - Lee creation; representing Spider-Man characters
- David
Marcus - Kirby creation; representing the War genre
- Dorrie
Evans - Lee creation; representing Strange Tales characters; and
Fantastic Four characters
- Doughboy
- Kirby creation; representing Captain America characters
- Grosso
- Kirby creation; representing Golden Age characters
- Insect
Man - Lee & Kirby creation; representing the Monster genre
- Judy
Parker - Lee & Kirby creation; representing the Romance genre
- Karkas
- Kirby creation; representing Eternals characters
- Karl Kragg
- Lee & Ditko creation; representing the Suspense tale genre
- Luna
Lizards - Lee & Kirby creation; representing the Monster genre
- Martin,
the Most Dangerous Man in the World - Ditko creation; representing
the Suspense tale genre
- "Monster"
Ambassador - Lee & Ditko creation; representing the Monster
- Moose
Morgan - Lee & Kirby creation; representing the Western genre
- Muggsy
Bogar - Lee & Ditko creation; representing the Suspense tale
- Nat
Kruger - Lee & Ditko creation; representing the Western genre
- Professor
Stromm - Lee & Ditko creation; representing Hulk characters
- Space
Phantom - Lee & Kirby creation; representing Avengers
- Stranger's
World - Lee creation; representing X-Men locations
- Svenzaldo
Zambooba - Lee & Kirby creation; representing X-Men characters
- Transistor-powered
ejector - Lee & Kirby creation; representing Iron Man items
- Vanisher
- Lee & Kirby creation; representing X-Men characters
- Vega
- Lee creation; representing Savage Tales characters
- Vernon
Van Dyne - Lee & Kirby creation; representing Tales to
Astonish characters
- Vibra-Gun
- Lee & Kirby creation; representing Avengers items
- Wax Man
- Kirby creation; representing Golden Age characters; and Captain
America characters

- Adam
Remsen - Archie Goodwin & Bret Blevins; representing
Nightmask characters
- Blackworld
- Gerry Conway, John Buscema & Vince Colletta; representing Thor
- Cal
Trimble - Steve Englehart, Sal Buscema & Jim Mooney;
representing Captain America characters
- Cretacious
Sam - Dave Cockrum; representing Nightcrawler characters
- Devastator
- Len Wein & Herb Trimpe; representing Incredible Hulk characters
- Dr.
Mike Arlen - Steve Gerber, George Tuska, John Romita & Vince
Colletta; representing Sub-Mariner characters
- Elizabeth
Cornwall - Roy & Dann Thomas; representing Spider-Woman
- Fallen
Angels - Jo Duffy & Kerry Gamill; representing Fallen Angels
- Ferronaut
- Doug Moench & Walt Simonson; representing Hulk magazine
- Huntara
- Tom DeFalco & Paul Ryan; representing Fantastic Four characters
- Hyppokri
- J.M. DeMatteis, Don Perlin & Joe Sinnott; representing Defenders
- Jinx
- Ann Nocenti & Art Adams; representing Longshot characters
- Kehl
- Roger Stern, John Buscema & Tom Palmer; representing Avengers
- Kodabak
race - Jim Starlin & Josef Rubinstein; representing Avengers
- Laser-cannon
- David Anthony Kraft; representing She-Hulk items
- Linda
Lee Black - Bill Mantlo & George Perez; representing Deadly
Hands of Kung-Fu characters
- Lu Sun -
Steve Englehart, Paul Gulacy & Al Milgrom; representing Master of
Kung-Fu characters
- Marie
Lathrop - Syd Shores; representing Black Rider characters
- Midnight
Man - Doug Moench & Bill Sienkiewicz; representing Moon
Knight characters
- Mr.
Casey - Chris Claremont & Al Milgrom; representing Kitty
Pryde & Wolverine characters
- Moira
MacTaggert of Earth-161 - Chris Claremont, Paul Smith &
Terry Austin; representing X-Men Forever characters
- Myron
Feldman - Jim Shooter & John Romita Jr; representing Star
Brand characters
- Nan
Foster - Gene Colan & Frank Giacoia; representing Our Love
Story characters
- Nereel
- Chris Claremont, John Byrne & Terry Austin; representing X-Men
- Philip
Lerou - Val Mayerik & Bob Wiacek; representing Rampaging
Hulk characters
- Regulator
(Earth-148611) - Mark Gruenwald & Paul Ryan; representing
D.P.7 characters
- Ronnie
Schatz - Howard Chaykin; representing Marvel Snapshots
- Spyder
- Louise Simonson, Bret Blevins & Terry Austin; representing New
Mutants characters
- Vashnu
- Dick Ayers; representing World of Fantasy characters
- Vick
Grant - Jim Steranko; representing Our Love Story characters

- Anabelle
Baldwin - Steve Skroce; representing the Razorline imprint; and
Ectokid characters
- Armechadon
- Glenn Herdling, Angel Medina; representing Marvel UK; and Blackwulf
- Auditor
Nolor - Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning; representing Annihilators
- Avalon
5 - John Francis Moore, Kyle Baker; representing Doom 2099
characters; and the 2099 line
- Bad
Timing - Steven Grant, Andrew Wildman; representing Nightstalkers
characters; and the Midnight Sons line
- Bobby
Steele - Ron Frenz; representing Thor characters
- Butcher
Britain - Alan Davis, Mark Farmer; representing Excalibur
- Chester
Scully - Mike Baron, Erik Larsen; representing Punisher characters
- Deadair
- Fabian Nicieza, Jae Lee; representing Shatterstar characters
- Dex -
Kieth Giffen; representing Drax characters
- Dog -
Warren Ellis, Ian Edginton, Darick Robertson, Jerome K. Moore;
representing Ultraverse characters; and Ultraforce characters
- Dr.
Melloncamp - Scott Lobdell, Dan Slott; representing Marvel Tales
- Durgg
(Badoon) - Jim Valentino; representing Guardians of the Galaxy
- Elia
Arriguez - Fabian Nicieza, James Fry, Mark McKenna; representing
Nomad characters
- Gaia -
Larry Hama; representing New Mutants characters
- Geronimo
Crowe - Rob Liefeld; representing Wolverine characters
- Goldfire
- Fabian Nicieza, Mark Bagley, Scott Hanna; representing Thunderbolts
- Graydon
Creed - Scott Lobdell, Brandon Peterson, Dan Panosian;
- Gretchen
Carrenna - Carl Potts, Jim Lee; representing Punisher War Journal
- Half-Life
- Peter David, Todd McFarlane; representing Hulk characters
- Harvest
- Terry Kavanagh; representing Ultraverse characters; and All-New Exiles
- the Jinx
- Chris Priest, Pat Zircher; representing Black Panther characters
- Kate
Neville - Bob Harras, Paul Neary; representing Nick Fury, Agent of
SHIELD characters
- Keeyah
- Warren Ellis, Carlos Pacheco, Cam Smith; representing Starjammers
- Longshot
(M Branch's X-Force) - Terry Austin, Mike Vosberg; representing
Cloak & Dagger characters
- Luciano
Montesi - Jean-Marc Lofficier; representing Dr. Strange characters
- Luddites
- David Michelinie, Bob McLeod; representing Iron Man characters
- Mainframe
(Ian Wajler) - Dwayne McDuffie, Gregory Wright, Jackson Guice, Scott
Williams; representing Deathlok characters
- Mindstorm
- Len Kaminski; representing Iron Man characters
- Onslaught
- Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid, Adam Kubert; representing X-Men characters
- Psyk-Out
- Gerard Jones; representing Wonder Man characters
- Siena
Blaze - Scott Lobdell, Tom Grummett; representing X-Men characters
- Skire
- Dan Abnett, John Tomlinson, John Royle; representing Knights of
Pendragon characters; and Marvel UK characters
- Spider-Man
Multiverse) - Nel Yomtov, Alex Saviuk; representing Spider-Man
Adventures characters
- Stabbity
Jones - Warren Ellis, Mike Deodato Jr; representing Thunderbolts
- Tantrum
- Fabien Nicieza, Dave Hoover; representing Night Thrasher characters
- Tobi Frye
- Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, Steve Yeowell, Chris Ivy; representing
Skrull Kill Krew characters
- Why'rion
- Kurt Busiek; George Ordway; representing Maximum Security characters
- X-Beast
- Glen Dakin; representing Die-Cut characters; and Marvel UK characters

- Ant-Venom
- representing Venomverse characters
- Anvil
- representing Marvel Team-Up characters
- Awilda
Ayala - representing Spectacular Spider-Man characters
- Choke
- representing Scarlet Spider characters
- Dr.
Hillman Barto - representing Annex characters
- Dr.
Yesenia Rosario - representing Marvel Team-Up characters
- Erin
Hasko - representing Web-Warriors characters
- Foreigner
- representing Spectacular Spider-Man characters
- Francis
Delgado - representing Cloak & Dagger characters
- Goblin
King (Phil Urich) - representing Web of Spider-Man & Green
Goblin characters
- Ira -
representing Spectacular Spider-Man characters
- Jackal
- representing Amazing Spider-Man characters
- Juggernaut
(Earth-8107) - representing Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
- Light-Master
- representing UK Spider-Man Annual characters
- Marquis
Radu - representing Minimum Carnage characters
- Mindy
McPherson - representing Amazing Spider-Man characters
- Phil
Rodriguez - representing Spider-Woman characters
- Quark
- representing Scarlet Spider characters
- Rage -
representing Silk characters
- Rich
Starkey - representing Spider-Man: Christmas in Dallas characters
- Ricky
Dichinson - representing Web of Spider-Man characters
- Rudolpho
- representing Spider-Man & Power Pack characters
- Ruth
Goldman - representing Superior Spider-Man characters
- Sonny
Ocampo - representing Black Cat characters
- "Spider-Fist"
(Earth-19156) - representing Spider-Verse & Web-Warriors
- "Spider-Man"
(Earth-19338) - representing Spider-Verse characters
- Tempest
Monroe - representing Spider-Man 2099 characters
- el Tenor
- representing Spider-Man/Deadpool characters
- Toymaker
- representing Spidey Super Stories characters
- Victor
"Dutch" Hollander - representing Spider-Man: Marvels Snapshots
- Wally
Layton - representing Scarlet Spider characters

- Adrienne
Brashear - Kevin Grievoux, Mat Broome; representing Blue Marvel
characters; and Ultimates characters
- Alan
Summerset - Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti; representing Heroes for
Hire characters
- Alice
Michaels - Kelly Thompson, Paulo Siquera; representing A-Force
- Amanda
Brayden - Marc Guggenheim, Javier Pulido; representing 70th
Anniversary Specials characters
- Amos
Trent - Geoffrey Thorne, Khary Randolph; representing Mosaic
- Apelanteans
- Jason Aaron, Michael Del Mundo; representing Weirdworld characters
- Armbruster
- Joe Casey; Leonardo DeManco; representing Deathlok characters
- "Badmouth"
- Greg Pak; Aaron Lopresti; representing Incredible Hulk characters
- Big
Zero - Paul Cornell, Mark Brooks; representing Dark Reign
characters; and Young Avengers characters
- Bikwen
- Michael Moreci, Alberto Alburquerque; representing Beta Ray Bill
- Breanne
Robbins - Rick Remender, Max Fiumara; representing The Hood
characters; and Dark Reign characters
- Carlos
Rodriguez - Marc Guggenheim, Yanick Paquette; representing Young
X-Men characters
- Cat's Eye
- Mariko Tamaki, Francisco Herrera; representing Infinity Wars
- Celestial
Destructor - Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez; representing
Civil War II characters
- Chip
Edendale - Matt Owens, Juan Cabal; representing Elektra characters
- Cole
North - Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto; representing Daredevil
- Coyle -
Frank Tieri, George Jeanty; representing Weapon X characters
- Creep
- Greg Pak, Victor Ibanez; representing Storm characters
- Dale
Spangler - Robert Kirkman, Derec Donovan; representing Jubilee
- Daisy
- Leah Williams, Nina Vakueva; representing Fearless characters
- Davie
Wilson - Paul Jenkins, Paulo Rivera; rppresenting Mythos
characters; and Ghost Rider characters
- Dro'ge
Fenu Edu - Brian Michael Bendis, Jim Cheung; representing New
Avengers characters; and Secret Invasion characters
- Eclipse
- Eve Ewing, Geoffo; representing Ironheart characters
- Fireclaw
- Cullen Bunn, Adam Kubert; representing Monsters Unleashed characters
- Flint
- Charles Soule, Joe Madureira; representing Inhumans characters
- Infernal
Man - Matt Fraction, Barry Kitson; representing The Order
- Joe
Fixit-15439 - Al Ewing, Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco; representing
Contest of Champions characters
- Jones
(Alejandra's dad) - Rob Williams, Lee Garbett; representing Ghost
Rider characters
- Mrs. Chun
- Zhou Liefen, Grek Pak; representing Aero characters
- Silver
Bandit - Chip Zdarsky, Kris Anka; representing Star-Lord
- Simon
Dexter - J. Michael Straczynski, Chris Weston; representing The
Twelve characters
- Topaz
- Gail Simone, Dale Baldeon; representing Domini characters

- Agent
K (WW2) - Germany; representing Combat Kelly characters
- Black
Gold - Aqiria; representing X-Men Legacy characters
- Bombardier
- Cuba; representing Malibu characters; and Man of War characters
- Cullen
Bloodstone - UK (English); representing Avengers Arena
- David
Nanjiwarra - Australia; representing Scorpio connection
- Dr.
Dexter (and Dr. Wright) - UK; representing Genetix characters
- Earth-94503
- America ruled by Secret Empire - Marvel UK; representing
Motormouth Remix worlds
- Eliza
Martinez - Japan; representing Elektra characters
- Gemini
- Italy; representing Europa characters; Marvel UK characters; and
Marvel Italia characters
- Great
Mongoose - Philippines; representing Invincible Iron Man
- Hskelon
race - Marvel UK; representing Die-Cut vs. G-Force characters
- Iron
Scorpion - China (Shanghai); representing Black Widow characters
- Jon Ajax
- Greece; representing Scarlet Witch characters
- Joro
Spider - South Korea; representing Future Fight Firsts
- Koala
Kommander - Australia; representing Spider-Gwen characters
- Kouros
- Marvel UK; representing Gun Runner worlds
- Kuhrra
Diazonest - Brazil; representing Wolverine characters; Marvel
Italia characters; and Saudade characters
- Mistress
Zola - Wakanda; representing Black Panther: World of Wakanda
- Montano, el
- Africa; representing Shana the She-Devil characters
- Mutator
- UK; representing Marvel UK characters; and Lost Projects characters
- Narato
Ponce - Chile; representing Western Outlaws and Sheriffs
- The
Netherlands - nation; representing Marvel Atlas entries
- N'Lix
- Wakanda; representing Shuri characters
- N'Taka
- Wakanda; representing Avengers 1959 characters
- Omoro -
Wakanda; representing Black Panther characters
- Petrus
- Madripoor; representing Daken characters
- Pinpoint
- India; representing Champions characters
- Protector
(Isaac Ikeda) - Japan; representing Agents of Atlas characters
- Purple
Woman - Canada; representing Alpha Flight characters
- Ruritania
- nation; representing Uncanny X-Men countries; Marvel Atlas entries;
and The Prisoner of Zenda!
- Saint
of Therapists (Sigmund Freud) - Austria; representing Howard the
Duck characters
- Sandra
Chen - China (Hong Kong); representing Master of Kung-Fu
- The
Shame - UK (English); representing Motormouth characters; and
Revolutionary War characters
- Shifter
- UK; representing The Union characters
- Sibercat
- Russia; representing X-Factor characters; and Soviet Super Soldier
- Silk
Fever - Cambodia; representing New Warriors characters
- Spoor -
UK (Scottish); representing Uncanny X-Men characters
- Sunfire
(Earth-2109) - Japan; representing Exiles characters
- Vincent
Cetewayo - Imaya (Africa); representing War Machine characters

- Arlo
North - representing The Thing characters
- Archimago
- representing UK Fantastic Four Annual characters
- Blackie
Skarr - representing Fantastic Four characters
- Bones
'n Bailey Circus - representing Fantastic Four characters
- Celia
Jackson - representing Marvel Two-in-One characters; and Black
Goliath characters
- Dr.
Molinari - representing Fantastic Four characters
- Elemental
Obliterator - representing Franklin Richards items; and Power Pack
- Hellscout
- representing Fantastic Four characters
- Leigh
the Kree - representing B-Sides characters
- Mick
Clancy - representing Fantastic Four characters
- Numenor
- representing1602 characters; and Fantastick Four characters
- Onomi
Whitemane - representing Fantastic Four characters
- Panther
Posse - representing Fantastic Four Unlimited characters
- Phyllis
the Kronan - representing Future Foundation characters
- Plasma
- representing Fantastic Four characters
- Prime
Movers of Tarkus - representing Marvel Two-in-One characters
- Profiteer
- representing Empyre: Fantastic Four characters
- Rachna
Koul - representing Marvel 2-in-1 characters
- Ransak the
Reject - representing Fantastic Four characters; and Eternals
- Rudyarda
(African nation) - representing Fantastic Four nations; and Marvel
Atlas entries
- Shade
- representing K Fantastic Four Annual characters
- Snake
Sputnik - representing Guardians of Infinity characters; and Thing
- Squeeze
- representing Fantastic Four 2099 characters
- Tarianna
- representing The Thing characters characters
- Technarx
- representing Heroes Reborn: Doom characters
- Thingpin
- representing Marvel Super-Heroes RPG characters
- Ulysses
Cain - representing Inhuman characters; and Civil War II
- Valeria
of the Fifth Dimension (Earth-6212) - representing Human
Torch/Strange Tales characters
- Wayne
Morris - representing Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots characters
- Witch
- representing Fantastic Four Coloring Book characters
- "Would-be-Empress"
Skrull - representing Fantastic Four characters

- Abrogate
- representing Guardians of the Galaxy characters, plus alternate
realites (691), the future, cosmic, and Michael Gallagher and Kevin West
characters, and 1990s comics.
- Attukar
- representing King in Black: Namor characters, plus Hidden races
(Atlanteans), the past (1930s), and Kurt Busiek characters, and
2020s comics.
- BadGal
- representing Big Hero 6 characters, plus sci-fi and Chris Claremont
chararacters, and 2000s comics.
- Bad Ned
Jackson - representing Power Man and Iron Fist characters, plus
Christopher Priest/Jim Owsley and Greg LaRoque characters, and
1980s comics.
- Blue
Max - representing Punisher 2099 characters, plus alternate
reality (928), future (2099 AD), high-tech/sci-fi, and Pat Mills
characters, and 1990s comics.
- Brother
Royale - representing Gamora characters, plus the past (250 years
ago), outer space (Badoon), and Nicole Perlman characters, plus
2010s comics.
- Captain
America (Earth-21923) - representing Avengers of the Wastelands
characters, plus alternate reality (21923), the future (50s years
in the future), Avengers, and Ed Brisson characters, and
2020s comics.
- Christian
- representing Wolfpack characters, plus John Figureoa and Ron Wilson
characters, and 1980s comics
- Cliff
Macklin - representing Arizona Kid characters, plus the past
(Western/19th century), and Russ Heath characters, and 1950s comics.
- Collapsar
- representing Dark Guard characters, plus Outer Space, Dan Abnett and
Carlos Pacheco characters, and 1990s comics.
- Dervish
- representing X-Treme X-Men characters, plus Mutants, Chris Claremont
characters, and 2000s comics.
- Dick
Profit - representing Mockingbird characters, plus Chelsea Cain
characters, and 2010s comics.
- Eli
Hatcher - representing Magneto characters, plus Sci-Fi/High-tech
and Cullen Bunn characters, and 2010 comics.
- Eugene
Wildman - representing Prime vs Incredible Hulk characters, plus
Gamma mutates, Sci-Fi/High-Tech, Ultraverse, Len Strazewski, Gerard
Jones, and Peter David characters, and 1990s comics.
- Flavia
- representing Typhoid characters, plus Ann Nocenti and John Van Vleet
characters, and 1990s comics.
- Foxfire
(Reynolds) - representing Hardcase characters, alternate reality
(93060/Ultraverse), James Hudnall and Roger Robinson characters, and
1990s comics.
- Freezer
Burn - representing Daughters of the Dragon characters, plus Jimmy
Palmiotti and Justin Gray characters, and 2000s comics.
- Ginetta
Barsalini - representing Maverick characters, plus Spy, Marvel
Worldwide, and Jorge Gonozalez and Jim Cheung characters, and 1990s
- Graxxis
- representing Nova characters, plus alternate reality (13421), Outer
Space, and Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness characters, and 2010s comics.
- Grimlock
- representing Iceman characters, plus Mutants, and Sina Grace and Nina
Stockman characters, and 2010s comics.
- Gringrave
- representing Shatterstar characters, plus alien dimension (Mojoverse),
Tim Seely and Carlos villa characters, and 2010s comics.
- Harmonica
- representing Solution characters, alternate reality
(93060/Ultraverse), Outer Space (Godwheel/Wold), James Hudnall and
Darick Robertson characters, and 1990s comics.
- Hester
- representing Longshot characters, plus Ann Nocenti, Arthur Adams, and
Whilce Portacio characters, and 1980s comics.
- Honey-Pot
Hoopledinkle - representing Stag characters; plus Adventures of
Pussycat characters, possibly Stan Lee and Larry Lieber characters, and
1960s comics.
- Hoyt
Pittman - representing Justice characters; plus alternate reality
(148611/New Universe), Archie Goodwin and Geof Isherwood characters, and
1980s comics.
- Hunsen
- representing Namora characters, plus the past (1940s), Marvel
Worldwide (Norway, Newfoundland or Greenland), and Bill Everett
characters, and 1940s comics
- Jack
Tryon - representing Night Nurse characters, plus Jean Thomas and
Winslow Mortimer, and 1970s comics.
- Jailbait
- representing Incredible Hulk characters, plus Gamma Mutates, Peter
David and Todd McFarlane characters, and 1980s comics.
- James
Whitmore - representing Gravity characters, plus Sean McKeever and
Mike Norton characters, and 2000s comics.
- Jandek -
representing Generations characters, plus alien dimensions (Negative
Zone), Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell) and Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers),
Margaret Stohl and Brett Schoonover characters, and 2020 comics.
- Janie -
representing Totally Awesome Hulk characters, plus Greg Pak and Alan
Davis characters, and 2010s characters
- Janus
Jardeesh - representing Civil War II: Kingpin characters, plus
Hidden Races (Inhumans), Matthew Rosenberg and Ricoardo Ortiz
characters, and 2010s comics.
- Jennifer
Johnson - representing Secret War characters, plus Hidden Races
(Inhumans), Brian Michael Bendis, Gabrielle Dell'otto, Mark Waid, and
Greg Smallwood characters, and 2000s and 2010s comics.
- Jinn -
representing Solitaire characters, plus alternate reality
(93060/Ultraverse), Marvel Worldwide, Gerard Jones and Jeff Johnson
characters, and 1990s comics.
- John
Barnes - representing Nomad: Girl without a World characters, plus
Sean McKeever and David Baldeon characters, and 2000s comics.
- Jonathan
Bryant - representing Secret Invasion: Front Line characters, plus
Brian Reed and Marco Castiello characters, and 2000s comics.
- Julia
Chord - representing A Year of Marvels characters, plus Iron Man
and Nova, Paul Allor and Diego Olortegui characters, and 2010s comics.
- Kalie
Gocking - representing Spider-Woman characters, plus Dennis Hallum
and Javier Rodriguez characters, and 2010 comics.
- Kelly
Wallace - representing Sentinel characters, plus Sean McKeever and
Joe Vriens characters, and 2000s comics.
- Ken
Gullapalli - representing Amazing Mary Jane characters, plus Leah
Williams and Carlos Gomez characters, and 2020s comics.
- Lamprey
(Earth-712) - representing Squadron Supreme characters, plus
alternate reality (712), Mark Gruenwald and Bob Hall characters, and
1980s comics.
- Leo
Skivorski - representing Hulk and Doc Samson characters, plus Jeph
Loeb and Whilce Portacio characters, and 2010s comics.
- Lucas -
representing All-New Captain America (Sam Wilson) characters, plus
Hidden Races (Inhumans), Rick Remender and Stuart Immogen, and 2010s
- Marcul
- representing Blink characters, plus alien dimension (Negative Zone),
Scott Lobell and Judd Winick characters, and 2000s comics.
- Margo
the Model - representing Marvel Mini-Books characters, plus Millie
the Model characters, and 1960s comics.
- Mary Zero
- representing Agent X characters, plus Mutants, Gail Simone and Udon
characters, and 2000s comics.
- Master
of the Hunt - representing Freex characters, plus alternate
reality (93060/Ultraverse), Gerard Jones and Ben Herrera characters, and
1990s comics
- Matthew
Zampelli - representing Angel: Revelations characters, plus Robert
Aguirre-Sacasa and Adam Polina characters, and 2000s comics.
- Maureen
Green - representing Unbeatable Squirrel Girl characters, plus
Ryan North and Erick Henderson characters, and 2010s comics.
- Max
Menkin - representing Sleepwalker characters, plus Tom Brevoort
and Mike Kanterovich characters, and 1990s comics.
- Merilee
Phillips - representing Marvel Super-Heroes RPG characters, Kate
Novak and Jeff Grubb characters, and 1980s comics.
- Metroliths
- representing SWORD characters, plus Outer Space, Kierron Gillen and
Steven Sanders characters, and 2010s comics.
- Micro-Manager
- representing novel characters, plus alternate reality (17226),
SciFi/High-Tech, Shannon and Dean Hale characters, and 2010s comics.
- Miriam
Sharpe - representing Civil War characters, plus Mark Millar and
Steve McNiven characters, and 2000s comics.
- Netredi
race - representing Asgardians of the Galaxy characters, plus
alien races, Cullen Bunn characters, and 2010s comics.
- Norman
Webster - representing Vision and the Scarlet Witch characters,
Fantastic Four characters, Steve Englehart characters, and 1980s comics.
- Orblog
- representing Deadpool Corps characters, extraterrestrial characters,
and 2010s comics.
- Patch -
representing District X characters, and 2000s comics.
- Paul
Townsend - representing Amazing Fantasy characters, Mark Brooks
characters, and 2000s comics.
- Pegasusians
- representing Strange Tales characters, Marvel Two-in-One characters,
Avengers characters, Quasar characters, Spider-Woman characters, alien
races, and 1970s comics.
- Pei -
representing Iron Fist: The Living Weapon characters, Hidden Races
(K'un-Lun), Immortal Iron Fists characters, Contagion characters, Black
Cat characters, Kaare Andrews characters, and 2010s comics.
- Pizfiz
- representing Hulk: Future Imperfect characters, alternate reality
(Earth-9200) characters, Peter David characters, George Perez
characters, and 1990s comics.
- Powerhouse
- representing Strangers characters, alternate reality (Ultraverse)
characters, Night Man characters, Steve Englehart characters, Rick
Hoberg characters, and 1990s comics.
- Private
Tim O'Toole- representing Battle characters, War characters, Joe
Maneely characters, and 1950s comics.
- Punisher
(1989 movie) - representing movie adaptations, alternate reality
(Earth-58627) characters, Punisher characters, and 1980s movies.
- Radicals
- representing Wrath characters, alternate reality (Ultraverse)
characters, and 1990s comics.
- Robbie
Fleckman - representing 2020 Rescue characters, Hydra characters,
and 2020s comics.
- Roger
Reynolds - representing Mystery Tales characters, horror
characters, and 1950s comics.
- Roman -
representing Defenders characters, Brian Michael Bendis characters, and
2010s comics.
- Sam
Kurokawa - representing Sable & Fortune characters, and 2000s
- Sam
Palmer - representing NYX characters, Joe Quesada characters,
Joshua Middleton characters, and 2000s comics.
- Scab
Tongue - representing Silver Surfer characters, Jason Latour
characters, and 2010s comics.
- Scorch
- representing Solo characters, Eric Fein characters, and 1990s comics.
- Shay
Smith - representing Unstoppable Wasp characters, LGBTQ
characters, Jeremy Whitley characters, and 2010s comics.
- Shocky
Dan - representing Winter Soldier characters, Hydra characters,
Rick Remender characters, Roland Boschi characters, and 2010s comics.
- Skull
Satellite - representing Bubble Funnies Mini-Comics items, Captain
America items, and 1980s comics.
- Soul-Dark
- representing Ravage 2099 characters, alternate reality (2099)
characters, Luke Ross characters, and 1990s comics.
- "Spider-Pool"
(Earth-96250) - representing Amazing Spider-Man characters, alternate
reality (Earth-96250) characters, Spider-Verse characters, Dan Slott
characters, Olivier Coipel characters, and 2010s comics.
- Spurrgog
the Hell-Breather - representing Doctor Strange characters,
monster characters, Jason Aaron characters, Chris Bachalo characters,
and 2010s comics.
- Steel-Jaw
- representing Punisher characters, and 2010s comics.
- Stones
of Halkor - representing Avengers items, extraterrestrial items,
Avengers West Coast items, John Byrne characters, and 1980s comics.
- Storyteller
- representing Ms. Marvel characters, Brian Reed characters, and 2000s
- Strode
- representing Epic Illustrated characters, Archie Goodwin characters,
and 1980s comics.
- Styglut
- representing Uncanny X-Men characters, alternate reality (Earth-1191)
characters, mutant characters, Jim Lee characters, Scott Lobdell
characters, John Romita, Jr. characters, Bill Sienkiewicz characters,
and 1990s comics.
- Super
Soldier - representing Amalgam characters, Marvel Versus
DC characters, Ron Marz characters, Dan Jurgens characters, and 1990s
- Susan
"Soupcan" Rice - representing Alpha: Big Time characters, and
2010s comics.
- Tag
- representing New Mutants characters; Rob Liefeld characters; and Lost
Projects characters.
- "Taxi"
Taylor - representing Mystic Comics characters, All-Winners Squad:
Band of Heroes characters, and 1940s comics.
- Telekinian
- representing Patsy Walker, aka Hellcat characters, LGBTQ characters,
Hidden Races (Inhumans) and 2010s comics.
- Tommy-
representing Amazing Adventures characters, Larry Lieber characters, and
1960s comics.
- Tony
Tapioca - representing Wolverine and the X-Men characters, Jason
Aaron characters, Chris Bachalo characters, and 2010s comics.
- Tota -
representing Weapon H characters, extraterrestrial (Inaku) characters,
Greg Pak characters, and 2010s comics.
- Trent -
representing All-New Wolverine characters, and 2010s comics.
- Vavella
- representing Captain Marvel characters, extraterrestrial characters,
Fabian Nicieza characters, and 1990s comics.
- Veffir
Voon Eeyax - representing Sludge characters; Ultraverse
characters; Steve Gerber creations; and Lost Projects characters
- Visage
- representing Astonishing Tales: Iron Man characters, and 2000s comics.
- Visioneer
- representing Irredeemable Ant-Man characters, Robert Kirkman
characters, and 2000s comics.
- Vulcann
the Bloodsmith - representing X-Men 2099 characters, alternate
reality (2099) characters, mutant characters, John Francis Moore
characters, Jan Duursema characters, and 1990s comics.
- Warhammer
- representing Meteor Man characters, licensed characters, and 1990s
- Washout
- representing Weapon X characters, mutant characters, X-Force/X-Statix
characters, Peter Milligan characters, Duncan Fegredo characters, and
2000s comics.
- William
Darvin - representing Team America characters, Hydra characters,
Jim Shooter characters, Mike Vosburg characters, and 1980s comics.
- Woodro
and Dap - representing Rocket Raccoon characters,
extraterrestrial characters, Skottie Young characters, and 2010s comics.
- X'Andria
- representing America characters, Joe Quinones characters, and 2010s
- Omega
the Unknown - representing Omega the Unknown characters; Defenders
characters, extraterrestrial (Protar) characters, Steve Gerber
characters, and 1970s comics; and THE END OF THE EVENT!!

First Posted: 09/01/2021
Last updated: 10/01/2021
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
Copyright info
All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099
Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you
should check out the real thing!
Please visit The Marvel Official Site at: http://www.marvel.com
Special Thanks to www.g-mart.com
for hosting the Appendix, Master List, etc.!
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