Hulk Characters
Absorbatron (Leader weapon)
Abyss of Eternity (Sandt dimension, Hulk story)
Admiral Gannon (Defenders/Order foe) - by Chadman
Aeroika (Tunnelworld)
Agencé Byzantine (French terrorist organization, Daredevil/Punisher/Spider-Man foes) - by Chadman
Agent Lindsay (SHIELD agent) - by Chadman
Agent of Fortune (Vera Gemini's cult)
Agent W (HYDRA)
Ah-Muzencab (Mayapan)
Ah Puch (Mayapan)
A.I.Marines (Hulk foes) - by Chadman
Aireo the Floating Man (Inhuman, Skybreaker)
Akhenaten (Marvel Universe: The End) - by Will U
Al (Cognoscenti)
Alcatraz Base Command Module of Curtiss Jackson/Power Broker (Captain America/Hulk story)
Alexi ?? (Hulk character)
Allehk (Tirenian historian)
Allure of Earth-534834 (hypnotic seductress, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
Alpha (Warzone)
Alturi (Tirenian, Red Hulk ally)
Amebid (xt, Sakaar, Hulk characters)
Ampharon (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Amphibion (Hulk ally/foe)
Amphos (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Ancients (Hulk characters)
Andromeda (Atlantean, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Anderson, Dave (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Angel (Simon Halloway, Hulk/Cloak & Dagger character) - by Norvo
Animals of Halfworld (mutated terran animals, Rocket Raccoon/Hulk characters)
Animus (Corporation, Captain America/Hulk foe)
Animus (Avengers/Hulk foe)
Annihilus of Earth-7812
Antman of Earth-2301 (Hank Pym, Marvel Mangaverse) - by MarvellousLuke
Anvil (John Anvil, partner of Hammer, Hulk foe)
Anya ?? (raised "Aspect of Eternity")
Aquarian (Thing/Man-Thing/Captain America/Namorita character)
Aquarius (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Aquon (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar, Hulk character) - by MarvellousLuke
Arcanna of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member)
arena (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
Aries (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eterna
Arisen Tyrk of Other Realm
Armageddon (Troyjan, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Armbruster, Jack (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Arquindae (planet Sakaar animal species, Hulk character)
Arrkam of Earth-6676 (Hulk foe) - by Snood & Ron Fredricks
Arsenal Beta Unit (Avengers/Hulk foe) - by Stunner, Madison Carter & Prime Eternal
Artie Choke (Cousin Betsy's agent)
Ashcan (Spider-Man/Hulk character)
Ashius (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor foe) - by Proto-Man
"Aspects of Eternity" (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Aster, Lucian (Hulk/Defenders foe)
Asti the All-Seeing (Defenders foe)
Astran (xt, Metal Master)
Atlas Foundation (subversive empire dedicated to Genghis Khan) - by Proto-Man
Attuma (Namor foe) - by Chadman
Avarrish (Six-Fingered Hand)
Avengers of Earth-Faces of Justice
"Badmouth" (Sakaarian Imperials spy, Hulk/Warbound foe)
"Bambi" (deer, Defenders character)
Banner of Earth-5113
Banner, Brian (Hulk's dad) - by Stunner
Banner, Bruce (also see Hulk)
Banshee Mask (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Barachuudar of High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth (Hulk foe) - by Grendel Prime
Barbara ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Baron Zemo of Earth-Faces of Justice
Barracuda (Captain Barracuda)
Bateman (Nevermind servant)
Ba't'll (Klklk queen)
"bat out of Hell" (Lucian Aster's chauffeur)
Beame, Calvin (Xemnu the Titan victim)
Beechman, Emily (Mandrill's mother)
Beechman, Frederic (Mandrill's father)
Beekman, Barton (Defenders character)
Beezer, Gus (Spider-Man's cousin) - by Madison Carter
Behemoth (Strike Force One, Hulk clone)
Behemoth from Below (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Belathauzer (Devil-Slayer foe)
Benson (Corporation)
Benway, Dr. W. Lee (mad scientist, Spider-Woman/Hulk foe)
Bereet (Hulk character)
Berengetti, Michael (Hulk/Mr. Fixit employer) - by Stunner & Snood
Berengetti, Suzy (Michael's wife, Hulk/Mr. Fixit charater) - by Stunner
Beyonder (Secret Wars character) - by Madison Carter
Bi-Beast (Hulk foe(s)) - by Chadman
Bidoceros (Hulk story)
Billy ?? (Hulk character)
Billy the Monster (Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
Bishop (Hulk foe)
Black Archer of Earth-712 (Wyatt McDonald, Squadron Supreme character) - by Norvo
Blackbird (Superia's Femizons)
Black Jamie MacAwber (Hulk foe) - by Anti-Grimm
Black Panther's Engagement Party (Marvel Swimsuit Special event) - by Proto-Man
Blips (Electrical beings) - by Prime Eternal
Blizzard (Gregor Shapanka, Iron Man (Stark) foe) - by Norvo
Bloodraven Cult (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Bloom, Luann (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Blossom (Circus of Lost Souls)
Blue Star (coloring book, Captain America/Hulk/Iron Man/Thor character)
"Blunderbolt Woss" of Earth-81113 (Hulk-Hare foe)
Blunderbuss Ross of Earth-84112 (Two-Gun Hulk foe)
Boggs, Mordecai P. (Captain Marvel character) - by Norvo
Booly (K'ai, Hulk foe))
Bowman, Thomas (Gamma Base) - by Spidermay
Brain Beam (Sagittarian mind scanner)
Brain-Wave Booster (used by Leader) - by John Kaminski
Bravo (Warzone)
Brevlov, Yuri (Hulk character) - by Spidermay
Brickford, Allison (Clay's daughter)
Brickford, Belinda (Clay's wife)
Brickford, Clay (Hulk/Rom character) - by Norvo
Brickford, Clay Jr. (Clay's son)
Brickford, Jimmy-Jack (Clay's son)
Brother Voodoo of Earth-22799 (Millennial Visions 2001)
Bruce Banner's Robot (created for Thunderbolt Ross) - by Prime Eternal
Bruto the Strong Man (Bruce Olafsen, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Brutus (Deviant, Avengers foe) - by Prime Eternal
Bufo (Tribbitite/Toad Men)
Bulk (giant amorphous extraterrestrial, Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
"Bunny-Skull" (Attuma)
Burgh, Sam (Hulk foe) - by Norvo
"Burk" (Quintronic Man)
Burner (Crucible, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
Bushwacker (Carl Burbank, assassin-for-hire) - by Chadman
Buzzard King (Ytitnedion)
Cadaver (Secret Defenders foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cain, Ulysses (precognitive Inhuman cosmic being) - by Chadman
Calizuma (Defenders foe)
Camazotz (Mayapan)
Cameron, Jack (Lazarus victim)
cannibals of Earth-7711 (Hulk foes)
Cantor, Vera (Beast (Henry McCoy) girlfriend) - by Chadman
Caper, Bruno (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Captain Axis (Nazi, Hulk foe)
Captain Barracuda (Hulk/Namor foe)
Captain Helm (Corps Commandos officer)
Captain Hulk of "Earth-980681" (Marvel Super-Heroes) - by Madison Carter
Captain Omen (Hulk foe)
Captivator of Earth-6676 (25th century robot)
Carpenter, Rex (Man-Beast)
Casiolena (Defenders character) - by Chadman
cathedral (Proselytes/red sect)
Cathedral-Ship (Proselytes, red sect)
Cathexis-Ray (Doc Samson's device) - by Prime Eternal
cavalry (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Celestial Mind Control Movement (Defenders foes)
Celestial Order (Thanos foes, Marvel Universe: The End)
centaurs (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Cerebro-Destruct-Mechanism Helmet (Horusians weapon)
Challenger (Elder of the Universe) - by Proto-Man
Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus, Elders of the Universe)
Champions of Los Angeles (West Coast super-hero team) - by Norvo
Chan, Prof. Bridget of Earth-14042 (Gaia Line theorist, Avengers character) - by Proto-Man
Chandu (Defenders foe) - by Per Degaton
Chaos King (Mikaboshi, Hercules/Thor foe)
Charlie (Warzone)
Chen K'an of Universe-7711 (Hulk character)
Cheryl ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Children (von Frankenstein creations)
Ch'kra of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Chondu the Mystic (Headmen) - by Chadman
Christiansen, Max (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Chronarch (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau (Spider-Man character)
Circus of Crime (general troublemakers) - by Chadman
Circus of Lost Souls (Hulk characters) - by Spidermay
Clea (Dr. Strange's wife, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Clown (Eliot Franklin, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Cnerla of the Knives of Earth-4080
Cobrah (Man-Beast's New Men, Adam Warlock & Hulk foe)
cockroaches of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Collective Man (Chinese hero) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel Bernardo (Department H official, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Colonel Lear (Hulk character)
Col. Sellers (young US military colonel, Thing/Hulk foe) - by Proto-Man
Colossus (Horusian creation, Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
commandant (Communist leader, Hulk foe)
Conally (Infra-Worlder)
"Concussion Tank" (used by Bruno Caper)
Connelly, Linda (Sh'mballah pawn)
Corbeau, Dr. Peter (STARCORE administrator) - by SQUEAK
Corporation - by Beetle
Corporation-West's Alcatraz Base (Power Broker, Captain America story)
Corps Commandos (elite team of Canadian soldiers working for Department H)
Corruptor (Nova/Avengers foe) - by Norvo
Cosmic Hulk (Hulk robot, Eternals/Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Costumed Adventurers Memorial Park of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Cousin Betsy (Hostess Ad, Hulk foe) - by Kyle Smith
Coyote Cash (Hulk foe) - by Chuck D
"Crab Ship" of Number One (Earth-8107, Hulk story)
Crackajack Jackson (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Crawling Unknown (Hulk foe)
Creatures From Krogarr (aliens) - by Prime Eternal
Creel, "Crusher" of Earth-534834 (Allure agent) - by Proto-Man
Cresswell, Geoff (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Crimebots of Earth-Faces of Justice (Avengers foes)
Crimson Dynamo (Dmitri Bukharin, Airstrike)
Cronus (Zeus' father) - by Will U & Prime Eternal
Crossroads - by Anti-Grimm
Cross-Wordo (Fun and Games villain) - by AvatarWarlord72
Crypto-Man (Thor/Hulk foe)
Cuckoo's Nest (Halfworld location)
Cult of the Harvester of Eyes (Devil-Slayer/Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Custer, Jamie (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, green sect, Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Cygnetians (xt Cygnet VII, red sect, former Proselytes, Hulk characters)
Dahn, Sawalha (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Damask (Wasteland dimension, Rose of Purity, Defenders character)
Danny Boy (Sentry foe) - by LV!
Dark Angel (Marvel UK)
dark/haunted woods (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Darkshorn (Myth-Realm, Hulk foe)
Daydra (Sagittarian, Hulk character)
Deadhead (Headshop)
DeAngelo, Devlin (Hulk foe) - by Minor Irritant
Deathfire Bomb (Sakaar, Hulk story)
"Deckelbaum" (Quintronic Man)
Decyst, Daniel (Hulk character) - by Caesar Godzillatron
Deep Six (Attuma allies) - by Chadman
Defenders of Earth-8610 (premier super hero team, Gates of What If?)
Defenders for a Day (short-lived Defenders line-up) - by Chadman
Defenders imposters (villains posing as Defenders) - by Chadman
Defendroids (Hulk characters, used by Bereet)
De'Lila (Skrull, Fantastic Four foe)
Delta (Warzone)
demons of Universe-7711 (Hulk foes)
demons (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Demon Shrikes (xt, Sakaar animal race)
Denham, Paul (Legion of Living Lightning)
Denzile of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Devastator (Kirkov Petrova, Russian super-spy, Hulk foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Devastator (Quarry's weapon)
Devil-Slayer (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Dino (Devlin DeAngelo agent)
dinosaur-like creatures (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Distorter (Hulk foe)
Doctor Druid (Anthony Ludgate Druid, former Avenger...first super hero of the Marvel Age) - by Proto-Man
dogs (mutated by Eugene Wideman, Hulk/Prime foes)
Donal, Stephanie (Defenders foe, Yandroth pawn) - by Chadman
Donny ?? (Billy the Monster brother)
Dracula ( you need an explanation?)- A literal MONSTER of a profile -by the Masters of the Obscure
Draggoth (xt race, Cygnet VII, Hulk characters)
Dreamskipper (Sakaar Imperial pleasure cruiser)
Drenkov, Igor (from Hulk I#1)
Dr. Edwin Maxwell (Gamma Base personnel) - by Spidermay
Doctor Midas (Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) foe) - by Markus Raymond
Doctor Scarabeus (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Dr. Spectrum of Earth-616 (Krimonn)
Dr. Spectrum of Earth-616 (Billy Roberts)
Dog Hulk of Earth-53147 (Dog Bruce Banner, Cat Thor ally)
Dollar Bill (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Drachiss of Earth-9218 (Hulk foe)
dragons (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Dragonus (Kronak ally)
Dreadnoughts (Hydra robots) - by Chadman
Droog (Hulk foe)
drug smugglers (Hulk foes)
D'Spayre (Fear Lord, Spider-Man/Man-Thing/Cloak & Dagger/Doctor Strange, etc. foe) - by Norvo
Duamutef (Horusians)
Eaglus (New Men of High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth, Hulk character)
Earth-2081 ("The Last Titan" Hulk: The End)
Earth-4080 (What if? world) - by Patrick D Ryall
Earth-5113 (Dormammu's Earth, Defenders story) - by Chadman
Earth-7711 (Rampaging Hulk/Bereet's movie)
Earth-7812 (Earth-7812) - by Proto-Man
Earth-8610 (Gates of What If? Marvel RPG campaign, heroic Doctor Doom) - by David Lawrence
Earth-9112 (Earth-Phoenix Had Not Died) - by Proto-Man
Earth-9390 (What if? world) - by Proto-Man
Earth-23884 (Hulk Married She-Hulk: I Love She-Hulk, What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-28384 (Bruce Banner's Pants Didn't Stretch When He Became the Hulk, What if? humor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-82528 (Hulk Married She-Hulk: She-Hulkie) - by Proto-Man
Earth-82818 (Hulk Were Yellow) - by Proto-Man
Earth-89110 (Incredible Hulk, Instead of Becoming a Legbreaker in Las Vegas, Had Become a High School Hall Monitor) - by Proto-Man
Earth-91129 (Earth-Every Hero in Every Universe Had Their Costumes Made from Reed Richards' "Unstable Molecule" Fabric) - by Proto-Man
Earth-93600 (What if? world, Hulk killed Wolverine) - by Proto-Man
Earth-200527 (Hulk Had Been Bitten By a Radioactive Spider, Wha...Huh?) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Crossover (Earth-7642, Marvel meets, well, everyone) - by Madison Carter
Earth-Faces of Justice (Avengers coloring book) - by Proto-Man
Earth-Hulk Vs Quasimodo - by Madison Carter
Ech (New Mexico Outcasts)
Educator (Proselytes/green sect, media device)
Eeek (New Mexico Outcasts)
Eelar (Defenders foe) - by Chad Anderson
Eggbreaker (Wildebots of Sakaar, Hulk foe)
Egghead (Ant-Man/Avengers/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Eleha'al (xt, Sakaar plant race, Hulk characters)
Elmo ?? (Hulk foe)
El Supremo (Hulk foe) - by Loki & Snood
Emergency Escape Capsule of Curtiss Jackson/Power Broker (Captain America/Hulk story)
Emperor Goozot of reality-691 (31st century xt ruler, Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo
Enclave (Fantastic Four foes)
Endless Knights (dead Pantheon members)
Enemy (Unnameable)
Energy-Eaters (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Entos (Inhuman, Hulk foe)
Erop (Quarrnian)
Escape Craft of Curtiss Jackson/Power Broker (Captain America/Hulk story)
Essence Urn (used by Psyklop) - by John Kaminski
Euler, Katrina (Hulk character)
Executioner (Skurge, Thor/Avengers foe)
Exterminatrix (Marvel Boy (Noh-Varr) ally) - by Markus Raymond
extradimensional horde of Universe-7711 (Hulk foes)
Faceless Ones (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Falco (New Mexico Outcasts)
Falcona (evil Inhuman falconer) - by Chadman
Fang, General (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Fangor (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Fashima (Six-Fingered Hand)
F.A.U.S.T. (Human Torch/Iron Man/Thor foe)
Feldstadt, Dr. Hans (Hulk foe)
Felix (Hulk foe)
Fem-Force (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Ferronaut of Reality-7711 (alien construct, Hulk foe)
Fialan (Hulk foe)
Fiddler, Barney (Commission on Superhuman Activities) - by Prime Eternal
Filius (Infra-Worlder)
Fireball (coloring book, Ashius weapon)
Firebird (Bonita Juarez, Rangers/Avengers member) - by Norvo
Fire-Eater (Tomas Ramirez, Circus of Crime) - by Chadman
First Ones (Hulk foes)
Fischer, Ramona (Hulk, Defenders characters)
500' Tall Humanoid (Humanoids)
Fixit, Joe of Earth-15439 (Bruce Banner, Contest of Champions gladiator) - by HBK123
Fleet, Jonas (Michael's brother)
Fleet, Michael (Wendigo)
Fleet, Tamara (Michael's sister-in-law)
"Flitter" (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
floating castle (Myth-Realm, Saraband's base)
Floyd, Sally (Front Line publisher) - by Chadman
Fragment (Hulk foe)
Frank ?? (Stingray ally)
Frankenstein, Dr. Victoria (Baroness von Frankenstein, Iron Man/Doctor Strange/Hulk/Wolverine character) - by Snood & Markus Raymond
Fritz (Children, Dr. Victoria Frankenstein ally)
Froja (Tribbitite queen, Hulk foe)
Frost (Hulk foe) - by Mick Martin, the Anti-Grimm
"Frozen Man" (Nebulon creation)
Fury, Nick LMDs (all of the pesky imitators!) - by Prime Eternal
Galacian Wall (surrounds Halfworld)
Galactus' "Cat" (Galactus' robot) - by Stunner
Galaxy Master (Hulk foe)
Gammadroid (Matrix Eight)
Gamma Generator (ESU power plant, toilet paper story)
Gammatron Bombarder (US Air Force device designed to counter gamma beings) - by Prime Eternal
Gardener (Elder of the Universe)
Gargoyle (Yuri Topolov, Hulk foe) - by Skippy Farlstendoiro
Gargoyle (Isacc Christians, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Garm (Asgardian monster) - by Prime Eternal
Garto (Quarrnian)
gas mask (used by Cobrah against Hulk)
Geller (Nevermind victim)
Gemini, Vera (demon, Defenders foe)
Gem of Tartarus (used by Pluto, Defenders story) - by Chadman
General Fang (Hulk foe)
General Rigby (Universal Studios comic, Hulk foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
General "Thunderbolt" Ross of Earth-7812
Genetic Bomb (High Evolutionary's weapon) - by Prime Eternal
Gestalt (Hulk foe)
Ghost Rider (Noble Kale, 17th century) - by Proto-Man
Ghoul (Hulk foe) - by Markus Raymond
Gideon's Bible (Halfworld Bible)
Gigantus (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Gil (New Mexico Outcasts)
Gladwell, Bart (NATO general, Hulk character) - by Chadman
Glazier (Hulk foe) - by WillU
Glob (Timms) - by Madison Carter
Glob (Beckwith) - by Madison Carter
Globe of Ultimate Knowledge (Hulk/Uatu/Spider-Man stories)
Glorian (Thomas Gideon, former apprentice of Shaper of Worlds)
Glow (Triad)
Glunno the Winged One of Earth-4080
Glx (xt, Hulk, Firebird and other stories)
gnomes (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Goblin (Triad)
Gochhgchaka (Hulk foe) - by Chadman
God Quarry (Thanos, Infinity Wars, Avengers stories)
Goddess (Adam Warlock aspect)
God-King of Other Realm (Arisen Tyrk)
Gog (Tsiln, Spider-Man/Ka-Zar character)
Gog and Magog (Hulk foes) - by Madison Carter
Gograth (Hulk foe)
Goldbug (Power Man/Iron Fist foe) - by the Beetle
Goliath (Gigantus)
Gorilla Man (G-Men/Howling Commandos) - by Prime Eternal
Gorilla-Man (Arthur Nagan, Headmen) - by Chadman
Gorki (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Gorsham (K'ai, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Gort (Deviant, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Gotham Game Club (NOT related to some bat-guy!) - by Prime Eternal
Grand Inquisitor (K'ai, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Granville, Danny (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Graviton (Avengers/Thunderbolts foe) - by Norvo
Great Devil Corkers (Sakaar race, Hulk characters)
Great Gambonnos (Ernesto & Luigi Gambonno, Circus of Crime members) - by Chadman
Green Sorceror (Paradise and the City of Death)
Green, Allene (ambitious Squirel Girl clone) - by Chadman
Gridney (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Griffin (Clown/Eliot Franklin)
griffins (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Grodnik (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe)
Gron (Dakkamite, Hulk/Nova foe) - by Markus Raymond
Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy member) - by MarvellousLuke
Gruska (Brian Newman's manager)
Guardian (Triad)
Guards of the Royal Palace of Terragonia (Hulk foes)
Gyrahn of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe)
Hack (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Half-Life (Anthony Masterson, Gamma mutate, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Halfworld (Rocket Raccoon's homeworld) - by Elf with a Gun
Hammer (Leroy Jackson, partner of Anvil, Hulk foe)
Hammer, Max (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
handheld sedation beam (blaster used by the Harvester from Beyond)
hand-weapons (Proselytes/red sect)
Harokin (Asgardian, Thor character) - by Markus Raymond
harpies (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Harry ?? (Hulk foe)
Harry ?? (Corporation)
Harvard-Man (Crazy Magazine, Hulk foe) - by Loki
Harvester from Beyond (Sm'ggani scientist, Hulk foe)
Harvester from Beyond's ship (interstellar spacecraft)
Hatcher, Thaddeus (Hulk character) - by Norvo
Head (Quintronic Man)
Headgear (Headshop)
Headman Charr (Hulk character)
Headmen (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Headmistress (Headshop)
Headshop (Hulk foes) - by Stunner
Heart of the Infinite (Celestial Order)
Hedzek (xt, natives of the planet Randaa) - by Proto-Man
Hellcat (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Hellstorm (Son of Satan)
Henderson (Corporation)
Hero of the Day (Hulk character) - by Sammy 7D
high tower (Myth-Realm, Saraband's former base)
Hoarfen (Hulk foe)
Hodges (Tapping Tommy ally)
Holderidge (RCAF officer assigned to Department H)
Holy Hierarchy (Proselytes/red sect, Hulk foes)
Holy Hierarchy (Proselytes/green sect, Hulk characters)
Holy Huntsmen (Proselytes/red sect, Prophet-Priests, Hulk foes)
Hope (Pandora's Box, gone mad over time)
horse of Two-Gun Hulk (Earth-84112)
Horusians (xt race, Hulk characters) - by Spidermay
Hotshot (Louis Lembert, former Riot Squad member, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Howard the Duck (the duck, the myth, the legend)
Hrond of Earth-4080
HS-1000 (used by General Ross)
Hulk-Killer robot (Hulk foe)
Hulk (Bruce Banner)
Hulk of Earth-313710 (TV super hero) - by Proto-Man
Hulk of Earth-7812
Hulk of Earth-97416 (Rick Jones and Bruce Banner, Timeslip) - by Proto-Man
Hulk of Earth-22799 (Millennial Visions 2001) - by Proto-Man
Hulk of Earth-523000 (General Thaddeus Ross)
Hulkbuster Base of the pre-current Multiverse (government-financed military base dedicated to capturing Hulk)
Hulkbuster Droids of Earth-81091 (Star Hulk foes)
Hulkbusters (Bruce Banner's group, formed to hunt down Banner-less Hulk) - by Stunner
Hulk-Bustin' posse of Earth-84112 (Two-Gun Hulk foes)
Hulk-Hare of Earth-81113 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Hulkie of Earth-10381 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Hulkis the Horrendous of Earth-42118 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Hulkwood of Earth-82528
Human Cannonball (Jack Pulver, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Humanoids (Hulk foes) - by Stunner
Hummert, George (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Hunahpu (Mayapan, Red Hulk ally)
Hunter, Hank (Lazarus' son) - by Madison Carter
Hunter, Rosalind (Lazarus' wife) - by Madison Carter
Hunter-Robot (Hulk robot, Coldblood foe)
hybrid corn (Hulk story)
HYDRA of Earth-7812
Hydropolis (Hulk story)
"hypersonic" scalpel (device used by the Harvester from Beyond)
Iceberg Rocket (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
Iggo (New Mexico Outcasts)
Imperial Guard (Shi'ar Empire, X-Men/Avengers/Inhumans characters) - by Chadman
Imset (Horusians)
Infinity Gauntlet (Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet vs. the Marvel Universe)
Inheritor from the Beyond (Hulk foe)
Insula-Sphere (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Invader's ship (Quarrnian spacecraft)
Iron Man of Earth-96020 (Teen Tony, time traveler, Earth-616 Avengers member) - by Norvo
Ixchel (Mayapan)
Jacawitz (Mayapan)
Jackdaw (Blackbird)
Jackson, "Crackajack" - by Stunner
Jacobson, Susan (Hulk ally, former CIA agent) - by Stunner
Jailbait (Jess Harrison, Riot Squad, gamma mutate) - by Stunner
Janie ?? (hospital administrator, Hulk character) - by Chadman
Jarellica of Earth-10381 (Hulkie character)
Jeffers, Gil (Stalker)
Jeremy ?? (Hydropolis, Hulk character)
Jerry ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Jessup, Randall (Inhuman Hulk ally) - by Chadman
Joe ?? (police checkpoint officer, Fantastic Four character)
Joe ?? (747 jet pilot, Fantastic Four character) - by Proto-Man
John ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Johnny ?? (Hulk story)
Jolt (Thunderbolts/Young Allies member) - by Markus Raymond
Jones, Rick
Kaa (Alpha Flight/Champions foe) - Snood & Prime Eternal
Kala (Iron Man foe) - by Norvo & Snood
Kale, Noble (Ghost Rider/Dan Ketch's spirit of vengeance) - by Proto-Man
Kalkhimithians (Hulknation, Avengers characters) - by Stunner
Kamado of Earth-8394 (xt, Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Kareem, Hassan (Gog and Magog)
Kargus the Deadly (Hedzek monster sent to attack the Tirenians)
Karindu, Omar (Dr. Strange character)
Keating, Kris (Defenders/Spider-Man character) - by Chadman
Keibler Circus (circus, one-time home of the Hulk) - by Proto-Man
Kelloway, Nancy (Hulk character)
Kenny ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Keystone Quadrant Kops (Halfworld, Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Killmonger, Erik (Black Panther foe)
Killpower (Marvel UK)
Kinetron Mitts (Leader invention) - by John Kaminski
King (Hulk foe)
King Bellusk (Hedzek king, deposed by Red Hulk)
King Modrian (Kronak foe)
King Warka (Tirenian king, killed by Red Hulk)
Kir (New Mexico Outcasts)
Kismet (Fantastic Four/Quasar character) - by Proto-Man
Kkk-Kkk (New Mexico Outcasts)
Klaw (Master of Sound, Black Panther/Avengers/Fantastic Four etc. foe) - by Chadman
Kligger (Corporation)
Klklk (xt race, Hulk foes) - by Spidermay & Snood
Knight (Hulk foe)
Knight, Franklin (Gotham Game Club)
Knights of Pendragon - by Changeling & Snood
Kohbra (Man-Beast's New Men, Adam Warlock & Hulk foe)
Koma Koi (tropical island, Wolverine/Thing stories) - by Markus Raymond
Kortz, Daniel (Hulk character)
Kragg, General (Machine Man friend/foe) - by Prime Eternal
Krang (Quarrnian)
K'rel (Cygnet VII, Green sect/Proselytes, Hulk character)
Kronak the Barbarian (Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
Kronus, Kerwin (Hulk character) - by Spidermay
Kropotkin the Great (Hulk character) - by Norvo
Krylor (former homeworld of the Krylorians)
Krylorians (xt, pink-skinned Hulk characters) - by Loki
Kukulcan (Mayapan)
Kwiat, Lamar (Lifeform foe)
Lakeisha ?? (Leshon's sister)
Landslide (Subterranean Outcasts)
Lang, Paul (Speedfreek employer)
Lang, Tyler (Speedfreek character)
Largo, James (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Larry ?? (Front Line character)
Laurox the Lecherous (demon, Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Lazarus (Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Leader of Earth-9390
Leader's Humanoid Body (strength-enhancing armor designed by the Leader)
Ledge (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Left Arm (Quintronic Man)
Left Leg (Quintronic Man)
Legion of Living Lightning (Hulk foes)
Leo (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Leonus (leonine Inhuman, Maximus ally) - by Chadman
Leshon ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Lt. Diane Perrywinkle (Gamma Base personnel) - by Spidermay
Li (Dr. Benway's assistant/nurse)
Lifeform (Daredevil/Hulk/Punisher/Silver Surfer foe)
Life Support Spider (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Lifter (Meteorite, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
Live Wire (Rance Preston, Circus of Crime member/Psycho-Man agent) - by Chadman
Living Laser (Arthur Parks, Iron Man/Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Living Lightning (machine, Legion of Living Lightning)
Living Shadow (Warlord Kaa)
"lizard creature" (Hulk foe)
Lobster People (Sentry/Hulk characters) - by Chadman
Lochness Monster (summoned by King Solomon's Frogs)
Locust (Hulk foe)
Logan, James (Gotham Game Club)
Loonies of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Lord of the Living Lightning (Legion of the Living Lightning)
Lorelei (Savage Land Mutates) - by Chadman
Lorelei (Asgardian goddess) - by Chadman & Will U
Lumpkin, Willie (Fantastic Four character) - by Norvo
Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk)
Lunatiks (Arisen Tyrk)
Lundstrom, Fia (Defenders character)
Lyissa of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe)
MacAwber, Black Jamie (Hulk foe) - by Anti-Grimm
Macho-Man (British/Klaktonian hero) - by Loki
Mad Magician (Hostess character, Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Madman (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Madripoor Tourism Boost (Marvel Swimsuit Special event) - by Proto-Man
Magog (and Gog)
Major Minor (Circus of Lost Souls)
Maktu (Paradise and the City of Death)
Mammoth (HYDRA weapon)
Man-Beast (Thor/Adam Warlock/Heroes for Hire foe)
Man-Bull (Daredevil foe)
Mandarin's android (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Mandrill (Shanna/Daredevil/Defenders/Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Mandroids (armor/weapon, Tony Stark creation) - by Spidermay
Manos, Carlos (Hulk foe)
Marag-Tu (Kattan-Tu's parent, Hulk story)
Margus (Kronan, Thor/Hulk foe)
Maria ?? (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Marie ?? (Billy the Monster sister)
Mari Gold (Cousin Betsy's agents) - by Kyle Smith
Mark Twelve Sonic Depressor (sonic weapon used against Hulk by Leader's androids) - by Prime Eternal
Marlin, Jonas (Hulk character) - by Markus Raymond
Martel, Armand (Bruce Banner's Hulkbusters)
Martian Who Walks Among Us (Strange Tales) - by Future
Martin, Bradley (former sheriff, Hulk/Spider-Woman foe)
Master of Matrix Eight (Matrix Eight)
Master of the World (Alpha Flight/Heroes for Hire/Avengers foe) - by Norvo
Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde, X-Men foe) - by Norvo
Masters, August (Captain America/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Masters of the Mental Arts (Defenders characters) - by Chadman
Mathews (RCAF officer assigned to Department H)
Matrix Eight (Captain America foes)
Maxam (Infinity Watch, Adam Warlock character)
Mayapan (Red Hulk/She-Hulk foes) - by Kevin Garcia
McCord (Quintronic Man)
McCracken, Spad (Hulk character) - by Norvo
Mechanoid (Leader weapon, toilet paper story) - by Proto-Man
Mechanoid (Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Meers, Max (Gretta Rabin pawn)
Megalith (Hulk foe)
Megaton of Earth-7812
Mentacle (Rigellian, Lethal Legion member) - by Proto-Man
Mentallo (Marvin Flumm, psychic criminal) - by Chadman
Mephisto (Hell-Lord, the Devil)
Mercy (Hulk character)
Meriam (Hulk character) - by Spidermay
Metal Master (Hulk/Rom foe)
Mid-State Building (Corporation base)
Mindroot (mind-altering Tirenian plant)
minotaurs (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Missing Link (Hulk foe)
Mr. Fantastic of Earth-7812
Mr. Hyde (Calvin Zabo, Thor/Daredevil/Avengers/Spider-Man foe) - by Chadman
Mister Rock of Earth-534834 (criminal, Allure foe) - by Proto-Man
Mogol (Hulk character)
Mongu (Boris Monguski)
Mongu (Sandt dimension)
Monkey Joe (Squirrel Girl's former partner) - by Chadman
Monster Island Party (Infinity War epilogue) - by Proto-Man
Monster that Walked Like a Man (Gigantus)
Monster Maker (Unnameable)
Mon-Tee (Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo
Moon Tractor (Tony Stark invention) - by John Kaminski
Morales, Ramon (dated Betty Ross Banner) - by Stunner
Moran, Ray (Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Morgaina (Myth-Realm, Hulk character)
Morlak, Maris (Enclave)
Moses, Amos (possessed by Xemnu the Titan)
Motormouth (Marvel UK)
Mount (Pantheon base)
Mountain God (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Mox of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Mullox (Inhuman, Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Murder Machine (Defenders training machine) - by Chadman
Murder Module (Leader weapon)
Mushroom (Moon Knight foe) - by Chadman
Mutant Force (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants/Resistants members) - by Chadman
Mys-Tech (Marvel UK) - by Snood & Changeling
Mysterion (Superior Six, Spider-Man (Octavius) foe) - by Minor Irritant
Myth-Realm (alien world visited by Hulk)
Nagala (Deep Six/Fathom Five leader) - by Chadman
Nalee (Paradise and the City of Death)
Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia, Namora's cousin, Agents of Atlas member) - by MarvellousLuke
Nan ?? (Hulk character)
Nebulo (Inhuman, Hulk/Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
Nebulon (Defenders/Avengers foe) - by Chadman
Necrodamus (Legion of the Unliving, Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Neferthamen (Horusians)
Nephut-Sha (Gog and Magog)
Neuro-Lances (Sakaar technology, Hulk stories)
Neuron-Magnet (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
Nevermind (Hulk foe)
Newman, Brian (Hulk character) - by Markus Raymond
N'Garai (demons) - by Nick the Squid & Snood
Nidhogg (Asgardian monster) - by Prime Eternal
Night-Flyer (Corporation)
Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Niven, Peter (Gotham Game Club)
Norriss, Barbara (Valkyrie host) - by Chadman
Norriss, Jack (Defenders member) - by Chadman
Nova (Frankie Raye, Fantastic Four character) - by Chadman
Nuke of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Number One of Earth-8107 (Hulk foe) - by Norvo
Obedience Disks (Sakaar technology, Hulk stories)
O'Connor (Corporation)
Octo-Sapien (Hulk foe) - by John Kaminski
Odin of Earth-Faces of Justice
ogres (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Oguot (Tunnelworld)
Ollerus the Unmerciful (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Olympian Giants (Hulk foes) - by Will U
Omega the Unknown (Model X3Z, alien Protar artificial being/Earth hero) - by Julien Vive & Snood
One (Hulk character)
"One Robot Humanoid Horde" (Humanoids)
Onslaught (psionic entity, manifestation of dark egos of Charles Xavier & Magneto, X-Men/Avengers/Fantastic Four foe) - by Norvo
Orb (Zadkiel/Danny Ketch associate) - by G Morrow
Orb of Ommennon (Tunnelworld item)
Orion Missile (invented by Bruce Banner) - by John Kaminski
Ort-Beast (Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Outcasts (Hulk characters, mutated desert creatures)
Overmind (Fantastic Four foe, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Pacifiers (Kree weapons)
Paladin (mercenary, former Silver Sable & Heroes for Hire operative) - by Chadman
Pandora's Box (source of evils, owned by Sorcerer & Tyrannus)
Pantheon (Hulk allies) - by Stunner
Papa Hagg (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Paradise and the City of Death
Pariah (Hulk foe)
Park, Peggy (AIM, brought Joel to AIM Christmas party) - by Prime Eternal
Parmenter, Carolyn (Bruce Banner's Hulkbusters)
Parrington, Malicia Biederman (Samantha's mother)
Parrington, Reginald (Samantha's father)
Parrington, Samantha (Valkyrie host)
Passing Cloud (Hulk character) - by Loki
Pattinson, Dylan (SHIELD, Hulk character)
Pawn (Hulk foe)
Peeper (Occult, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
People of Terragonia (Hulk allies)
Perkins (Hulk character)
Perun (Russian god) - by Will U
Pfotts, Carl (Hulk character) - by Norvo
Phrogg (New Men, Hulk foe)
Piecemeal (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Phoomie Goonies (Hostess characters) - by John Kaminski
Pit (Proselytes/red sect, detainment facility)
Pizfiz of Earth-9200 (anti-Maestro rebel, Hulk-616 ally) - by Norvo
Plant Creatures of Cousin Betsy (Hostess characters)
Plant Lady (Cousin Betsy)
Plasti-thene (Leader invention) - by John Kaminski
pleasure ray (Dr. Benway's weapon)
Pluto (Olympian God) - by Chadman & Will U
Polly ?? (Rick Jones' aunt, Hulk character) - by Proto-Man
Poppo the Cunning (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Porcunius (New Men, Counter-Earth)
Power Broker (Curtiss Jackson, Machine Man/Hulk/Captain America foe)
Power Prism of Earth-616 (Dr. Spectrum)
Presence (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
"Presidential Kidnapper" (Hulk foe, Kenner See-a-Show cartoon slide) - by Proto-Man
priests (Proselytes/green sect)
Prime of Ultraverse (Kevin Green, Ultraverse hero)
Prime Mover (Dr. Doom character) - by Omar Karindu
Princess Python (Zelda DuBois, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
Professor Phobos (Hulk/Soviet Super Soldiers foe)
Professor Stromm (Geophysicist, Commandant slave, Hulk character) - by Prime Eternal
Project 34 (Wrecker creation)
Prophet-Priests (Proselytes/red sect, Holy Huntsmen, Hulk foes)
Proton Beam (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
protonic blade (weapon used by the Harvester from Beyond)
Prufrock, George (Lifeform)
Prufrock, Jethro (George's father)
Prufrock, Martha (George's sister)
Pryce, Joshua (Cognoscenti)
Psychics (Defenders allies) - by Chadman
Psyklop (Avengers/Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Puffball Collective (Hulk character(s)) - by Mick Martin, the Anti-Grimm
Puishannt (Six-Fingered Hand)
Puzzlemaster (Stan Lee)
Qebehsenuf (Horusians)
Quarrn (extradimensional world, home of the Quarrnians)
Quarrnians (extradimensional extraterrestrial race, Hulk foes) - by Loki
Quarry (Hulk foe)
Quasimodo of Earth-Hulk Vs Quasimodo (alternate reality Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Queen (Hulk foe)
Quintronic Man (Hulk and Nova foe) - by Spidermay & Snood
Rabin, Gretta (psychic powers, Pantheon foe)
Rachele (actress)
Rajah (Kahir Mahadevu, Circus of Crime elephant trainer) - by Chadman
Randaa (home planet of the Hedzek)
Rattilore (New Mexico Outcasts)
Ravagers of Creation (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Recordasphere (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Recorder of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
red dragon of Earth-82105 (Hulk the Barbarian foe)
Red Guardian (Defenders member, Starlight) - by Chadman
Red King (Angmo-Asan, Hulk foe)
"Red" Norvell (temporary Thor, Thor character) - by Loki
Red Raven (Dania, Defenders character) - by Chadman
Redeemer (Craig Saunders Jr., Hulk foe) - by Stunner
"Refugee Collective" (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Reigel, Charles (Gotham Game Club, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Rejects (Hulk character)
Remmick (Project Echelon, Red She-Hulk foe) - by Chadman
Repulse Spheres (Sagittarian attack spheres)
Resuscitator (Sagittarian reviving machine)
Rex the Dog-Faced Boy (Circus of Lost Souls)
Rhoda Dendron (Cousin Betsy's agent)
"Ricky" of Earth-81113 (Hulk-Hare character)
Right Arm (Quintronic Man)
Right Leg (Quintronic Man)
Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt, Circus of Crime leader) - by Chadman
Rita ?? (Lifeform girlfriend)
Robomower of Halfworld (Hulk foe)
"robot monsters" (Dr. Benway creations, Spider-Woman/Hulk foes)
Robots of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon characters)
Rock (Samuel LaRoquette, Riot Squad member, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Rocko ?? (Hulk foe)
Rocky ?? (Hulk foe)
Rodian ?? (raised "Aspect of Eternity")
Roger ?? (Front Line character) - by Chadman
Roller Disco Devils (Hostess characters) - by John Kaminski
Rommbu (pre-FF monster) - by Madison Carter
Ronga (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Rook (Hulk foe)
Rory, Richard (Man-Thing/She-Hulk ally) - by Chadman
Rose, Dr. Janice of Earth-70105 (Bruce Banner character)
Rosenblum, Milton (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Ross, Betty
Ross, Thaddeus "Thunderbolt"
Ross, Mr. of Earth-10381 (Hulkie character)
Ross, Mr. of Earth-42118 (Hulkis the Horrendous character)
Ross, Mrs. of Earth-42118 (Hulkis the Horrendous character)
Roxxon (A big evil corporation!) - by SQUEAK
Ruby of Shadows (Terragonia power item)
Ruby Thursday (Headmen)
Rupert ?? (Parrington chauffer)
Rutland, Vermont (US city, famous for its Halloween parade) - by SQUEAK
Ry (Tirenian warrior)
Rypel (Hydropolis, Hulk foe)
Sabra (Israeli heroine) - by Norvo
Sagittarians (Hulk characters)
Sagittarius (LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Sakaar Democratic Insurgency (Sakaarian Imperials, Hulk characters)
Salvatore of Earth-Hulk Vs Quasimodo
St. Johns, Hubert (Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Sam ?? (truck driver, reluctant Hulk ally) - by Proto-Man
Santos, Carlos (Legion of the Living Lightning, Living Lightning's father)
Saraband (Myth-Realm, Hulk character)
Sarkan, Andrew (Hulk character)
Sarkan, Janice (Hulk character)
"Sarkan, Mark" (Dire Wraith, Hulk foe) - by Donald Campbell
Satannish (Hell-lord, Dr. Strange/Avengers West Coast/Defenders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Savannah, Lou Ann (Benjamin's niece) of Earth-7812
Savannah, Benjamin of Earth-7812
Scarecrow (Ebenezer Laughton, Iron Man/Spider-Man/Captain America/Ghost Rider foe)
Scarlet Spiders (MVP clones, Counter-Force/New Warriors members) - by Proto-Man
scientist (rebuilt Crypto-Man)
Scorpio (Jake Fury, Zodiac Cartel and LMD Zodiac) - by Prime Eternal
Scourge of the Underworld (vigilante organisation) - by Madison Carter
Sealer Beam (Leader invention, Plasti-thene)
Sea Urchin (New Warriors foe) - by Norvo
Seismo-Recorder (seismic activity monitoring computer device) - by Prime Eternal
Selene (Black Queen, X-Men foe) - by Chadman
Seminekk of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Serpentino (Magic Snake ad) - by Ben Peberdy
Serpent Society of Earth-20051 (Marvel Adventures, Avengers foes) - by SQUEAK
Serpent Sovereign of Earth-20051 (Serpent Society)
Serpent Supreme of Earth-20051 (Serpent Society)
Shamrock (Irish super-hero) - by Prime Eternal
Shamu-Shan (Hulk ally)
Shandu (killer whale)
Shanzar (Defenders foe) - by Kyle Smith
Shappe, Kate (Speedfreek daughter)
Sharakan (Marvel UK, Hulk foe) - by Grendel Prime
She-Hulkie of Earth-The Hulk Married She-Hulk: She-Hulkie
Shinski, Wladyslav (Enclave)
ship (Proselytes/green sect, interstellar)
Ship (Halfworld, humanoid spaceship)
Sh'mballah (Hulk foe)
Shocker (Paralyzer, Mutant Force/Resistants member) - by Chadman
Shooting Star (Rangers member) - by Norvo
Shrunken Bones (Headmen)
"Silent Rock" (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Silver Samurai (Kenuichio Harada, Japanese mutant) - by Chadman
Sir Lepard (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Sir Ossilot (New Men, Knights of Wundagore)
Sir Ram (Knights of Wundagore, New Men)
Sister Celestia (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
"Skreeal" (Monster Island creature) - by Madison Carter
Skulk (Amalgam character)
Skull Warriors (Hulk foes)
Skymax the Skrullian Skymaster of Earth-712 (Squadron Supreme member) - by Norvo
Slater, Jink (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Slayer (Hulk foe) - by Markus Raymond
Slime of Earth-11911 (Marvel Super Hero Squad foe) - by Proto-Man
Slither (Mutant Force/Fangs/Serpent Society member) - by Chadman
Sloan, Fred (Hulk character) - by Stunner
Slorioth (Secret Defenders/Defenders foe) - by Markus Raymond
Snakar (Man-Beast's New Men, Adam Warlock/Hulk foe)
"Snow Giant" constructs (created by "Aspect of Eternity")
Snowstar (Glazier's pet)
Solarr (Avengers/Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Solzyn, Dmitri (Spider-Man/Hulk character) - by Grendel Prime
Solzyn, Ilse (Dmitri's daughter)
Sons of Satannish (Avengers/Dr. Strange foes)
sorcerers (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Space Parasite (Hulk foe)
Space Phantom (servant of Immortus, Avengers foe) - by Chadman & Markus Raymond
Spacewheel (Halfworld, space station)
Sparling, Jessica (Hulk character)
Spatial Distorter (used by Bereet)
Spawn of the Dark Gods of Earth-4080
Speedfreek (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Spider-Man (Bruce Banner)
Spinach (Hulk/She-Hulk foe) - by Markus Raymond
"Spindrome" (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Sphinx (Horusian creation, Hulk foe) - by Spidermay
Spirit in the Stone (Pariah)
Squadron Sinister (Defenders/Avengers foes) - by Chadman
staffs (Proselytes/red sect, weapons)
Stalker (Hulk foe)
Stallior (centaur-like Inhuman, Maximus ally) - by Chadman
Starbolt (Shi'ar Imperial Guard) - by Chadman
STARCORE (UN project)
Starcore One (UN orbiting laboratory)
Star Eyes (Hulk story, used by Bereet)
Star Hulk of Earth-81091 (Bruce Skyhulker, alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Starkey (Captain Barracuda agent)
Starr, Trish (Egghead's niece) - by Chadman
Starwheel (Kree weapon) - by Chadman
Stern, Dr. Rudolf (Sh'mballah pawn)
Stetson (Quintronic Man)
Stilt the Rubber Man (Circus of Lost Souls)
Sting (New Mexico Outcasts)
Stingray (Walter Newell, Namor/Avengers character) - by MarvellousLuke
Stinker of Halfworld (Hulk/Rocket Raccoon character)
Stivak, Senator Eugene (Kligger)
Stone, Earnest (Gotham Game Club)
Stranger (enigmatic alien, Avengers/X-Men, etc. foe)
Stryker, Max (Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Sturky (Bereet's pet)
Sultan (elephant, used by the Circus of Crime) - by Chadman
Sunday Punch Missile (used against Hulk) - by John Kaminski
Super-Humanoid(s) (Humanoids)
Super-Mandroid (SHIELD weapon) - by Spidermay
Super Olympics (charity event) - by Proto-Man
Supreme Hydra (HYDRA, Hulk foe) - by Prime Eternal
Susquatch (Hulk foe) - by Loki
Swanson, Gary (Green Cross head, Hulk/She-Hulk character) - by Will U
Switzler, Beverly (Howard the Duck character)
Sym (Crossroads)
symbol (Proselytes/red sect)
Synapse (Emily Guerrero, Avengers Unity Squad) - by Chadman
Taboo (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Tagak the Leopard Lord (Daredevil character)
Takata, Hideko (Bruce Banner's Hulkbusters)
Talbot, Glenn
Talos the Tamed (Hulk foe) - by Anti-Grimm
Tango (AAFES Anniversary comic, Avengers foe) - by AvatarWarlord72
Tapping Tommy (Defenders foe) -music included-
Tar-Vash (Kree/Ruul, Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Teekle, George (Defenders character)
Teekle, June (George's wife)
Teena the Fat Lady (Mary Stenson, Circus of Crime member) - by Chadman
teleport beam (transport beam equipped onto the Harvester from Beyond's ship)
"telescopic robot" (Hulk foe)
Temax (Chandu agent)
Temple of Judgment (Proselytes/red sect)
Terragonia (Kronak the Barbarian)
Texas Twister (Rangers member) - by DragynWulf
T-Gun (Bruce Banner invention) - by Ron Fredricks
Thanatos of Earth-9309 (Rick Jones) - by Nick Hill
Thanos doppelganger (Infinity War, Thanos foe)
Thor Girl imposter (Skrull, Initiative member) - by Will U, Chadman & Markus Raymond
Thunderhead (Headshop)
Tiger Shark (Namor foe, Masters of Evil) - by Chadman
Timberius (tree-like Inhuman, Maximus ally) - by Chadman
Tippy-Toe (squirrel, Monkey Joe's successor) - by Chadman
Tirenians (xt, natives of the planet Tiran, Red Hulk characters) - by Proto-Man
Tiran (xt planet, home of the Tirenians)
Tirenus (location on the planet Tiran)
Tisha (Dr. Scarabeus daughter)
Titan Time-Probe (Sagittarian probe)
Toad Men (Tribbitites)
Toad-Whales (Hulk characters)
Tohil (Mayapan)
Tony ?? (controlled Mechanoid)
Torgo (Fantastic Four/Hulk/Wolverine character)
Torkon II (Tribbitite/Toad Man, Hulk foe) - by Grendel Prime
Tornaga (Atlantean)
Torrak (Tribbitite/Toad Men)
torture chamber (Proselytes/red sect, the Pit)
Trauma (Troyjan, Hulk foe) - by Stunner
Triad (Hulk allies) - by Anti-Grimm
Tribbitites (Toad Men, Hulk foes) - by MarvellousLuke & Grendel Prime
Tribunal (Defenders foes) - by Chadman
Trident (submarine, Hulk foes)
trolls (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
trusted steed of Earth-82105's Hulk the Barbarian
Tulak (El Dorado)
Turk, Harrison (Arisen Tyrk)
Turk, Harrisyn (Arisen Tyrk)
Turkel, Gideon (Gotham Game Club)
T'voor of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Two (Hulk character)
Two-Green Kid of Earth-81698 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Two-Gun Hulk of Earth-84112 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Tymok (Big Little Book)
Tynjo of Universe-7711 (Hulk foe)
Tyrak (Atlantean warrior) - by Prime Eternal
Tyrk, Arisen of Other Realm
Tyroc of Universe-7711 (Lyissa's base, Hulk story)
Uatu the Watcher (Earth-616's Watcher, Fantastic Four/Avengers/X-Men character) - by Norvo
Umbu the Unliving (Hulk foe)
Uncle Pyko (Halfworld, Rocket Raccoon ally) - by Norvo
unidentified blue-skinned female of Earth-81091 (Star Hulk character)
unidentified giant teenager (mutated by Eugene Wildeman, Hulk/Prime foe)
unidentified hypno-therapist (Hulk character)
unidentified pilot (Legion of the Living Lightning)
unidentified race (xt, One and Two, Hulk characters)
unidentified scientist (General Ross employee, Hulk-Killer creator)
unidentified scientist (Commandant slave, Hulk character)
unidentified trainer (Champion's trainers, xt, trained Hulk)
unidentified warriors of Earth-6676 (25th century, Hulk foes)
Unnameable (Defenders foe)
Unus the Untouchable (Brotherhood of Evil Mutants)
Valkyrie (Brunnhilde, Asgardian goddess/Defenders member) - by Chadman
Valkyrie (Samantha Parrington, Defenders member) - by Chadman
Vamp (Corporation, Captain America/Hulk foe)
Vandoom's Monster (Marvel monster) - by Prime Eternal
Van Dyke (Quintronic Man)
Van Nyborg (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Vand, Primus (Hulk foe)
Vaporizer (commandant weapon used against Hulk)
Vartu (Paradise and the City of Death)
Vassily ?? (Defenders character)
Vault, Dr. Aloysius (IT, the Living Colossus foe) - by Prime Eternal
vehicles (Proselytes/red sect)
Vendor (Sentry foe) - by LV!
Venusian (Strange Tales)
Vera Gemini (demon, Defenders foe)
Vidbot of Earth-2081 (Hulk: The End)
Vidias of Earth-4080
viewing device (used by Sakaar Democratic Insurgency)
Viking (motorcycle gang leader, Hulk/Havok/Polaris foe) - by Prime Eternal
"Volcano Creatures" (Hulk foes) - by Ron Fredricks
Volkswagen Van of Kropotkin the Great (Hulk story)
Voro (Quarrnian commander)
Voyager (Va Nee Gast, Elder of the Universe, Avengers foe/ally) - by Proto-Man
VTOL Craft (advanced RCAF vehicle utilized against the Hulk)
Vult (New Mexico Outcasts)
Wade, Joshua (Gotham Game Club foe)
Wagner, Adria (Stalker victim)
Wagner, Richmond (possessed by Xemnu the Titan)
Walker, Dorothy (Hellcat's mother) - by Chadman
Walters, Elaine Ann (She-Hulk's mother) - by Will U
Walters, Morris (She-Hulk's father) - by Will U
War (Hulk as Horseman of Apocalypse) - by Grendel Prime
Warbot (AIM, Defenders foe) - by Spidermay
Warden Tarkington (Ft. Cheer, Hulk character)
Warkalla (city on the planet Tiran)
Warlord Supreme (Sagittarian, Hulk foe)
"Warnlin" of Universe-7711 (planet, Hulk story)
Warzone (Hulk foes) - by Anti-Grimm
Wasp of Earth-2301 (Marvel Mangaverse) - by MarvellousLuke
watcher (unnamed, Incredible Hulk II#473)
Water Festival of the Inhumans (Marvel Swimsuit Special event) - by Proto-Man
Wayfinder (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
Weezhil (Man-Beast's New Men, Adam Warlock/Hulk foe)
Wenden-Tu (Kattan-Tu's parent, Hulk story)
Wendigo (Paul Cartier, Hulk/Wolverine foe) - by MarvellousLuke & Norvo
Wendigo (Hulk/X-Men/Alpha Flight foe) - by MarvellousLuke, Norvo & Madison Carter
Wendigo (Francois Lartigue, Hulk/Sasquatch foe) - by Norvo
Wendigo (Michael Fleet)
Werewolf (Jack Russell) - by Prime Eternal, Ronald Campbell, Madison Carter, Snood & Markus Raymond
"Whaling Captain" (Defenders character) - by Chadman
Whitehead, Nancy (Squirrel Girl's friend/roommate) - by Chadman
Whully (K'ai, Hulk foe)
Wild One (demon, Defenders foe)
Wildebots (xt, mechanoid natives of Sakaar)
Wildeman, Eugene (Gamma mutate, Hulk/Prime foe)
Williams, Mindy (Defenders ally) - by Chadman
winged horses (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Wizard King (Arisen Tyrk)
Wolfe, Jefferson (Speedfreek target)
Wolverine (Skrull imposter, X-Men character) - by Markus Raymond
World War Hulk (Hulk smashes the Illuminati and everyone else)
"World War Two Hulk" of Earth-81799 (alternate Hulk) - by Loki
Wrecker (Fantastic Four foe)
Wundagore II (xt planet colonized by New Men)
Xbalanque (Mayapan, Red Hulk ally)
Xemnu the Titan (Kirby monster, Hulk/She-Hulk foe) - by Madison Carter
Xeotpik of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Xeronian (xt, Space Parasite's race) - by Donald Campbell
X-Man (Alternate Hulk/Xavier/Reed) - by Sammy 7D
Xhoohx (Tunnelworld)
Yandroth (Defenders foe) - by Chadman
yeti-like creatures (Myth-Realm, Hulk stories)
Y'Thaer the Swift of Earth-4080
Ytitnedion (Tunelworld)
Yum Kaax (Mayapan)
Zaffer (Wasteland warrior, Defenders character)
Zantor (Hulk/Namor foe) - by Chadman
Zaxon, Dr. Konrad (Hulk foe)
Zgorian (Hulk ally) - by Mick Martin
Zimm of Earth-8394 (Kamado)
Zinnia of Reality-691 (31st century AD, Hulk/Yondu foe) - by Norvo
Zodiac (LMD team) - by Prime Eternal
Zota, Carlo (Enclave)
Zzutak (pre-Marvel monster, Fantastic four foe) - by Prime Eternal
Zzzax (Hulk foe) - by MarvellousLuke
Last updated: 04/24/05
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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